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C ULTURAL H ERITAGE 文化遺產 梁岑寧. I NTRODUCTION 介紹 Chinese heritage- honored traditions passed down for many generations Includes values of tradition, respect,

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2 I NTRODUCTION 介紹 Chinese heritage- honored traditions passed down for many generations Includes values of tradition, respect, and symbolism

3 C HINESE M ASK 臉譜 History: used over 400,000 years ago and made out of clay Represented frightening monsters and demons from other worlds; warded off evil and protected people

4 C HINESE M ASK ( CONT ) 臉譜 Black- Fierceness Yellow- Slyness Blue- Stubbornness and neutrality White- Evilness Green- Brutality

5 P APER U MBRELLAS 油傘 Existed before Christian era First one made for Emperor Wang Mang Made of silk or paper Main production- Fujian Hunan provinces Involved 5 parts- head, handle, ribs, paper shade, and artistic embellishment

6 C HINESE L ANTERN 燈籠 Made as early as 250 B.C. Made with bamboo, redwood, or wire Used as means of communication between neighbors Red- energy, new birth, and marriage Blue- energy, and used when someone is ill

7 L ANTERN ( CONT ) 燈籠 White- energy or mourning Size= social status; wealthy men usually display very large silk ones

8 Q I P AO 旗袍 Worn mostly in 1636 Original- high necked one piece dress mostly for women Came from Manchu Nationality

9 C HINESE O PERA 歌劇 The first known opera troupe was the “Pear Garden” in the Tang Dynasty In the Yuan Dynasty, there were specialized roles such as the “Dan” or “Sheng”, etc “Kunqu” was dominant in the Ming and Qing Dynasties :developed from Wu cultural area Cao Yu was the most notable play writer. Works included Thunderstorm, Sunrise, and many more

10 J IAN Z I 毽子 Traditional asian game where you try to keep a shuttlecock in the air using any part of the body but hands Rules are similar to badminton and volleyball First started in 5 th century B.C. Most popular in Sui and Tang Dynasties

11 Q UESTIONS 問題 中國臉譜代表的意義是什麼﹖ 它是用什麼做 的 ﹖ 油 傘 是 用什麼做 的 ﹖ 它 包含 了 哪 些 部 份 ﹖ 燈籠 是 用什麼做 的 ﹖ 紅色的燈籠代表什麼﹖ 大燈籠代表的意義是什麼﹖ 旗袍是從哪個國家來的﹖

12 T HE E ND 完成

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