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Published bySheldon Catterall Modified over 10 years ago
Clayton Ellis Mrachek Middle School – Aurora, Colorado 2010 National High School Physical Education Teacher of the Year Central District – Leadership Council Colorado Governor’s Council for Active and Healthy Lifestyles - President email – Handouts -
◦ Warm-up Activity – Circuit Stations Taking Attendance ◦ Attention Command – “Hooty-Hoo!”, “Cowabunga!”, “Chah-reot!”, Yaba-Daba -DO ◦ Attendance / Note-cards Divide class into groups - Colored Cards Instructional Lines Exercise Lines Grouping students ◦ Finger Groups ◦ Clumping with music Formative Assessment
Elementary? Middle? Secondary? SHAPE Colorado AND SHAPE America Members? SHAPE Colorado Member Only? SHAPE America Member Only? Not a member?
Instructional Lines Exercise Lines
Switch, Change, Rotate Thumb and Index Finger Change Nose and Ear Change Music Conductor Crazy Eights
Aerobic Capacity / Cardiovascular game – Up & Down ◦ Get a Partner ◦ 1 bowling pin
Where did the name of this session come from? ◦ Coaching/Scouting ◦ Friday Night Lights ◦ Curriculum Council ◦ Standards Committee ◦ Coaching Pay vs. Teaching Pay ◦ Advocacy Efforts
Spin, Round, Round ◦ Team Building
Question: What makes you happy?
With your group – Fold your chart paper in half 3X Unfold your chart paper In each box BRAINSTORM as many answers as you can for the following questions
What is YOUR favorite SPORT to watch or participate regularly?
What is YOUR favorite PHYSICAL ACTIVITY in which you participate regularly?
What units do you teach to your physical education classes?
How do you grade your physical education classes?
BRAINSTORM What is wrong with “gym” class?
Instructional Lines! SHARE
Answer in next box– I AM How does that make you feel? "There is a point in every contest when sitting on the sidelines is not an option." ~ Dean Smith
BRAINSTORM What is right with “physical education” class?
Instructional Lines! SHARE
Answer in next box – I AM There is no “status quo!” You are either in a state of progress or a state of decay!
The goal of physical education is to develop physically literate individuals who have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity.
“Shape America also considers the traditional (and gendered) team sport curriculum to be a concern for the profession.” “Grade level outcomes are structured so that activity categories that appeal to less-skilled and many girls are integrated throughout the middle and high school level.” “The absence of competitive team sports found in invasion games and field striking games is intentional.”
“Gotcha!” Hook-Ups Rock, Paper, Scissors Knife-hand Strike
What do you teach to your physical education classes?
Double Circle - Literacy Activity When the music stops, match-up with the closest person in the opposite line and discuss: ◦ Five Health Related Fitness Components ◦ Six Skill Related Fitness Components ◦ F.I.T.T. Guidelines ◦ Five Fitness Principles ◦ Six National Standards for Physical Education ◦ The Benefits of Physical Activity
Find Someone Who Knows….. What does the acronym F.I.T.T. stand for? F= I= T= Guidelines for training! List the 5 Health-Related Fitness Components in alphabetical order: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What are the 2 main areas of physical fitness? 1. 2. List the 6 skill-related fitness components in alphabetical order: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. List 5 fitness principles 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. On the back of this paper, 1. list the 6 National Physical Education Standards. 2. List as many benefits of physical activity as you can. List the 3 parts of a workout: 1. 2. 3.
National Physical Education Standards Standard 1: - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns. Standard 2: - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance. Standard 3: - The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness. Standard 4: - The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others. Standard 5: - The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
Colorado Comprehensive Health & Physical Education Standards Standard 1: Movement Competence and Understanding (physical education specific). Standard 2: Physical and Personal Wellness Standard 3: Emotional and Social Wellness Standard 4: Prevention and Risk Management
With your group - Pick ONE Topic or Unit That You TEACH or a NEW unit that you would like to TEACH! ◦ Fold your chart paper in half 3X ◦ Unfold your chart paper ◦ In each box answer the following questions Marzano Scales
Topic or Unit That You Teach ◦ Box 1 - List Basic Vocabulary ◦ Box 2 - Basic Facts ◦ Box 3 - Basic Relationships (Standards) ◦ Box 4 - Basic Skills ◦ Box 5 - Essential Questions ◦ Box 6 - Illustrative Models ◦ Box 7 - Evidence Marzano Scales
Double, Double This, This Double, Double That, That Double This Double That Double, Double This, That
Body Composition ◦ Discuss Benefits of a healthy body composition. ◦ Seven bowling pins are set up at each end of the playing area in the neutral zone. ◦ Objective is to knock down the other teams pins by sliding the Frisbee along the ground without crossing the mid-court line. ◦ Each Bowling Pin represents 500 Calories (3500 Calories =1 pound)
Teams can consist of: Throwers, Defenders, Retrievers. (switch positions after points are scored or between each round) Skill Assessment – Frisbee Throw Cognitive Assessment – Name activities they enjoy doing that expend calories and promote healthy body composition. Modify – for other activities From: Physical Best Activity Guide: Middle and High School Levels, 2 nd Edition, by NASPE, 2005, Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics
Health Related Fitness Components ◦ Muscular Endurance & Muscular Strength ◦ Review FITT, (Intensity) ◦ Review the Principle of Progression Your Mission is to design five different push-ups ◦ Range in difficulty from 1. LEAST difficult to 5. MOST difficult ◦ May use a mat, chair, wall, fitness ball etc. ◦ Name each Push-up, and illustrate each push-up in order of difficulty. (Stick figure drawings are acceptable.) Assessment ◦ Individual Student Progress Sheet, Groups Share how the activity relates to the Health Related Fitness Components, Intensity, Progression, Standards. From: Physical Best Activity Guide: Middle and High School Levels, 2 nd Edition, by NASPE, 2005, Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics
Grouping students ◦ Finger Groups ◦ Clumping with music Team Juggling ◦ 1-3 balls/Group Lead-up to Squat Jump throws & Hooverball ◦ Light Ball ◦ Medicine Ball
Level – 6-12 Training Concept – Type/Specificity Health-Related Fitness Component – Muscular Endurance & Strength Purpose/Objective – T.L.W. demonstrate muscular end. & strength through participation in the game Hooverball. Standards – All six National Standards Equipment – Volleyball court, 4-6lb Medicine Ball Procedure: ◦ Introduction of Concepts – Teambuilding Activities, Skill practice with lighter balls. ◦ Activity Steps/Directions – Throwing Jump Squats, Underhand Throws ◦ Closure/Assessment – 3 pt. Rubric through game play Inclusion Tip – Pass to each player on your team before volleying.
What do you do to promote your program?
Utilize Brain Research District Curriculum Council District Dialog Classes SHAPE America “Speak-Out” day Other SHAPE America days on the hill State “Lobby Day” State Report Card (Shape of the Nation) District Leadership District School Board Newsletters, Newspapers, News TV stations Website, Flyers, Video’s, Family Fitness/Health Nights. “Let’s Move Active Schools!”
◦ Physical Activity Leader – Workshop ◦ Purpose Engage and enthuse the school community Champion an Active School Plan for 60 minutes a day
How many total years of physical education are students at this school required to take? Do all teachers of physical education use an age-appropriate, sequential physical education curriculum that is consistent with national or state standards for physical education Does the physical education program integrate the components of the Presidential Youth Fitness Program? Does the physical education program use three or more methods to promote student participation in a variety of community physical activity options? Does the physical education program consistently use all or most of the following practices as appropriate to include students with special health care needs?
Does your school promote or support walking and bicycling to school in the following ways? Does your school offer opportunities for students to participate in physical activity before and after the school day for example, through organized physical activities or access to facilities or equipment for physical activity? Are all students provided opportunities to participate in physical activity breaks in classrooms, outside of physical education, recess, and class transition periods? Does your school support staff to model physical activity behaviors?
Jump Rope for Heart Hoops for Heart
48 @ColoradoFitness
Wednesday February 11, 2015 Follow ME! @ceellisify SHAPE Colorado Speak Out Day April 9 th, 2015
What does Quality Physical Education Look Like? Or What is possible? Why or why not?
Clayton Ellis email: Handouts
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