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East Midlands Woodland Birds Project East Midlands Woodland Birds Project.

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Presentation on theme: "East Midlands Woodland Birds Project East Midlands Woodland Birds Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 East Midlands Woodland Birds Project East Midlands Woodland Birds Project

2 Wild Bird Indices

3 Woodland Bird Index

4 Project Rationale Benefits to birds = lots of benefits: carbon private sector investment increase in timber harvested increase in woodland creation environmental enhancement

5 EM Hot Spots!

6 Area









15 Access infrastructure

16 Ancient Woodland >10,000 hectares Progress since April 2009

17 Ancient Woodland Progress since April 2009

18 Ancient Woodland

19 Area (ha) of EWGS Bird WIG80 benefiting each target bird species approved between April 2009 – July 2010

20 First 12 Months... Carbon savings = £1.3 million (woodfuel substituting for fossil fuels) Grants of £1.9 million securing £4.7 million from the private sector Sustainable woodland management supporting rural economies 108,000 green tonnes of timber (£2.7m) over the next five years· 385,000 native trees to be planted: converting 464 hectares of either bare land or non-native plantations to new native woodland.

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