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By: Kai Anderson; Shianne Sparrow; & Deonise Mondestin.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Kai Anderson; Shianne Sparrow; & Deonise Mondestin."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Kai Anderson; Shianne Sparrow; & Deonise Mondestin

2 Iroquois Algonquins Huron

3 Elk Deer Plants Kastoweh Moccasins Feathers (in hair) Nose rings and other jewelry Cape Sash (around the waist) Breech cloth Leggings

4 Forrest hills Streams Rivers Moderate seasons

5 Winter (hunted birds and animals) Spring (fished and picked berries) Summer (grew crops such as: beans, corn, and squash) Fall (harvested crops)

6 Long Houses Wigwams

7 Eastern Algonquin: they believed that there was a spiritual world that interacted constantly with the physical world. There was a belief in a primary spirit or animating force that encompassed all existence. Algonquins called this animating spirit kitchie manitou’or or the great spirit.

8 Clams Nuts Tobacco Moose White tailed deer Caribou Raccoon Bear Beans Squash Beaver Squirrel Seal Whale Eel Mantic salmon Wild rice Oyster Lobster

9 Maliseet canoe Toboggan ‘bear paw’ snow shoes (heavier loads) Narrow snow shoes Slender birch bark canoe Sleds

10 lok.woodland.htm lok.woodland.htm h1.html h1.html hezipper/easternwoodland.htm hezipper/easternwoodland.htm ml ml 20Indians.html 20Indians.html

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