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LIVERPOOL’S ECOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK Jane Hayward – Liverpool City Council.

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Presentation on theme: "LIVERPOOL’S ECOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK Jane Hayward – Liverpool City Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIVERPOOL’S ECOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK Jane Hayward – Liverpool City Council

2 Presentation Overview  Liverpool’s open space study and green infrastructure  Scope of the Space for Nature Study  Findings of the Phase 1 and 2 Habitat surveys  Objectives of the Ecological Framework and key findings  Achievements and long term benefits  Next Steps

3 Context – Liverpool Open Space Study  Completed 2005  Identified a number of different open space typologies  Classified land into natural and semi- natural open space  Informed Space for Nature Study

4 Context - Liverpool’s Green Infrastructure  Over 3000ha of open space  20% protected through designation as local wildlife sites  4 Local Nature Reserves  Mersey Estuary SPA/Ramsar site

5 Liverpool Space for Nature Study  Why? – Up to date evidence base for LDF as required by national and regional policy  Who? Consultants ( White Young Green )  Managed by EAS  Input from LCC Nature Conservation Officer and LWT

6 Liverpool Space for Nature Study  Study divided into 3 stages: 1.Preliminary survey of all Liverpool’s green space to Phase 1 level and identify sites for further survey 2.Detailed botanical surveys on sites selected in Phase 1 and recommend sites for designation as Local Wildlife Sites 3.Ecological Framework – recommendations for biodiversity enhancement within the City

7 Phase 1  31 habitat types – grassland dominant followed by woodland  Connectivity between habitat patches across City reducing effects of fragmentation and providing opportunities for species migration

8 Phase 2  Detailed botanical surveys on selected sites  Applied Merseyside guidelines for selection of Local Wildlife Sites  Recommend sites qualifying as a Local Wildlife Site

9 Ecological Framework  Local representation of the Biodiversity Resource and Opportunity Diagram in RSS  To identify:  Core Biodiversity Areas  Core Biodiversity Areas with potential to connect to one another  Deficiency areas

10 Liverpool’s Core Biodiversity Areas  Identify Core Biodiversity Areas

11 Areas outside Core Biodiversity Areas  Identify Areas outside CBAs that have the potential to improve the integrity of the CBAs and recommend actions for their enhancement Identification of ecological buffer zonesIdentification of ecological buffer zones Restricted to natural or semi-natural green space within 50m of CBAsRestricted to natural or semi-natural green space within 50m of CBAs Enhancements focussed on NMBAP prioritiesEnhancements focussed on NMBAP priorities

12 Example: Potentially suitable areas for buffers to aquatic CBAs

13 Core Biodiversity Areas with potential to connect to one another  Identify existing natural and semi-natural green space that connects Core Biodiversity Areas (CBAs) to one another Identification of direct links between CBAs separated by no more than 500m, ORIdentification of direct links between CBAs separated by no more than 500m, OR Identification of ‘stepping stones’ separated by no more than 100mIdentification of ‘stepping stones’ separated by no more than 100m Identification of existing corridors or linkages across a wider area, e.g. transport infrastructureIdentification of existing corridors or linkages across a wider area, e.g. transport infrastructure  Recommend how green space connection among CBAs could be managed to support Biodiversity Action Plan targets

14 Example: Potential linkages between CBAs - North East Liverpool

15 Potential Linkages between Grassland CBAs

16 Deficiency Areas  Identify areas of the City that are deficient in Core Biodiversity Areas (CBAs) by application of English Nature guidelines  Identify areas of green space within the deficiency areas that should be prioritised for habitat creation and enhancement  Identify areas deficient in both CBAs and natural and semi-natural green space, i.e. areas lacking the potential for enhancement  Make broad recommendations for habitat creation in these areas

17 Core Biodiversity and Semi-natural green space deficiency areas

18 Areas potentially suitable for enhancement within CBA deficiency areas  Most appropriate habitats will usually be determined by site-specific factors.  Broad habitats which could contribute towards NMBAP priority habitats and species include: Grassland Woodland and Trees Aquatic Habitats Heathland Scrub Roundabouts Green Roofs and Facades

19 Key Recommendations/ Findings  Up to 700ha of green space has the potential to be enhanced to form a buffer for CBAs  Potential to create buffers benefiting woodland, aquatic, grassland and parkland habitats  Significant amount of green space in the City (over 2000ha) meets criteria for creating linkages between CBAs  Woodland CBAs not easily linked but consideration should be given to role of urban trees, small woodlands, hedgerows and railway lines connecting these sites

20 Key recommendations/ findings ( continued)  Targeted management of railway lines could provide significant benefits  Lack of CBAs and natural and semi-natural green space in and around the City Centre  726ha of semi-natural green space exists within deficiency areas which is suitable for ecological enhancement  The most appropriate habitats to create in deficiency areas are those targeted by or which contribute to NMBAP including ponds, reedbeds, urban trees and woodland, urban grassland and heathland  Novel urban landscape features such as roundabouts or green roofs may provide additional opportunities for habitat creation

21 Benefits of the Study  The most thorough appraisal of Liverpool’s biodiversity to date  Up to date evidence base for the LDF  Fulfils RSS requirements  Recommendations will enable City Council to contribute to NMBAP targets  Recognises the ecological function of Liverpool’s green infrastructure and therefore contributes to wider green infrastructure objectives

22 Benefits of the Study  Created a set of guidelines to enable consideration of biodiversity issues when drafting development plan documents which will in turn allow for :  Biodiversity to be integrated with wider social and economic priorities for the City  The protection of the most important biodiversity areas in the City  Green spaces outside the CBAs to be recognised for their contribution/ potential contribution to connecting and buffering sites and thus assist in preventing fragmentation and isolation of wildlife habitats  Inform the decision making process for development proposals  Assist in determining priorities for developer contributions for open space

23 Next Steps  How will the framework be taken forward ? Area Action Plans Area Action Plans Developer Contributions SPD Developer Contributions SPD Technical Policies DPD Technical Policies DPD Land Allocations DPD Land Allocations DPD  Link findings with those within open space study

24 Key Questions  How to balance and integrate biodiversity with regeneration priorities?  The level of protection to be afforded to the Local Wildlife Sites  What level of protection should be afforded to buffers and green corridors?  What should the focus of biodiversity improvements be in the City?  Open space priorities for Liverpool

25 Conclusion  Biodiversity enhancements must contribute to the regeneration of the City as well as contributing to the creation of a multifunctional green network within Liverpool

26 Further Information  Jane Hayward –  0151 233 5654   Phase One Report available on our web site: (Evidence, Information and Monitoring  NVC surveys and Ecological Framework will be available once finalised.

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