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Report of four day field visit to Loch Tummel Pearl-bordered Fritillary Network using GPS, measure out the main clearings at various site compartments.

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Presentation on theme: "Report of four day field visit to Loch Tummel Pearl-bordered Fritillary Network using GPS, measure out the main clearings at various site compartments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report of four day field visit to Loch Tummel Pearl-bordered Fritillary Network using GPS, measure out the main clearings at various site compartments using GPS, measure out the main clearings at various site compartments take photographs of site compartments take photographs of site compartments assess need for management – scrub/tree clearance and bracken spraying assess need for management – scrub/tree clearance and bracken spraying make further habitat assessments such as abundance of dog violet if possible make further habitat assessments such as abundance of dog violet if possible By Dr Andrew Masterman 1 May 2008 Aims

2 Summary Western half visited on 26 & 27 March 2008 Western half visited on 26 & 27 March 2008 Eastern half visited on 2 & 3 April 2008 Eastern half visited on 2 & 3 April 2008 although time of year not ideal, south-facing bracken hillsides were clearly identifiable but dog violet was not easy to find in general but was fairly common at a few compartments although time of year not ideal, south-facing bracken hillsides were clearly identifiable but dog violet was not easy to find in general but was fairly common at a few compartments some large compartments (>10 ha) were found some large compartments (>10 ha) were found key feature of network is the west-east wayleave which comprised mostly steep, dry south facing bracken hillside key feature of network is the west-east wayleave which comprised mostly steep, dry south facing bracken hillside survey and photographs show the large extent of thick bracken litter and the need for bracken control along most of wayleave and around Tummel Bridge survey and photographs show the large extent of thick bracken litter and the need for bracken control along most of wayleave and around Tummel Bridge good habitat also present along stretches of north side of road and several north-south wayleaves link road to main wayleave good habitat also present along stretches of north side of road and several north-south wayleaves link road to main wayleave Largest compartments found in eastern half of site, particularly Bonskeid hillside but large areas of open habitat found south of river Tummel at Wester Clunie & Creag Torr Fionn. Largest compartments found in eastern half of site, particularly Bonskeid hillside but large areas of open habitat found south of river Tummel at Wester Clunie & Creag Torr Fionn.

3 Overview of Network

4 Tummel Bridge Compartments

5 Easter Bohespic Started at Easter Bohespic in far west Started at Easter Bohespic in far west Last visited by David Spooner 29/5/97 when 5 PBF seen Last visited by David Spooner 29/5/97 when 5 PBF seen Size circa 9 Ha but site extends further west – will investigate in further visit Size circa 9 Ha but site extends further west – will investigate in further visit Good PBF habitat but thick bracken litter 20- 30% of site & birch woodland perhaps a threat too Good PBF habitat but thick bracken litter 20- 30% of site & birch woodland perhaps a threat too Recommend site assessment in May to assess need for management Recommend site assessment in May to assess need for management

6 Easter Bohespic –Photo 1

7 Easter Bohespic – Photo 2

8 Easter Bohespic – Photo 3

9 Easter Bohespic – Photo 4

10 Two new site compartments Main west-east wayleave passes to south of Easter Bohespic across wetter unsuitable habitat and then heads south Main west-east wayleave passes to south of Easter Bohespic across wetter unsuitable habitat and then heads south Tummel Bridge Wayleave 1 is where this splits with piece going east to form main west-east wayleave (photo 3) and another piece continuing south – most is flat and wet (Photo 2) but good habitat nr road ~ 4 ha (Photo 1) Tummel Bridge Wayleave 1 is where this splits with piece going east to form main west-east wayleave (photo 3) and another piece continuing south – most is flat and wet (Photo 2) but good habitat nr road ~ 4 ha (Photo 1) Tummel Bridge 2 is a small bit of marginal habitat associated with a short north-south wayleave Tummel Bridge 2 is a small bit of marginal habitat associated with a short north-south wayleave

11 Tummel Bridge Wayleave 1 –Photo 1

12 Tummel Bridge Wayleave 1 – Photo 2

13 Tummel Bridge Wayleave 1 – Photo 3

14 Tummel Bridge Wayleave 2

15 Tummel Bridge Tummel Bridge was last visited by Tom Brereton 9/6/97 when he saw 1 PBF Tummel Bridge was last visited by Tom Brereton 9/6/97 when he saw 1 PBF The area he visited is now Holiday Homes. The area he visited is now Holiday Homes. To the north of the holiday homes on the north side of the road, some good habitat ~ 100m deep merges with the wayleave but birch woodland is well-established here To the north of the holiday homes on the north side of the road, some good habitat ~ 100m deep merges with the wayleave but birch woodland is well-established here To the north of the wayleave, two large compartments were found. To the north of the wayleave, two large compartments were found. the first size 13 ha – Tummel Bridge Hillside - was south-facing bracken hillside bordered by birch & coniferous woodland but bracken litter was thick and dog violet not found. the first size 13 ha – Tummel Bridge Hillside - was south-facing bracken hillside bordered by birch & coniferous woodland but bracken litter was thick and dog violet not found. The second size 37 ha – Tummel Bridge Birch Woodland - was south-facing semi-open birch woodland with bracken and abundant dog violet. Birch trees were thin and straggly and close together ~ 1m apart. The second size 37 ha – Tummel Bridge Birch Woodland - was south-facing semi-open birch woodland with bracken and abundant dog violet. Birch trees were thin and straggly and close together ~ 1m apart. These compartments need to be revisited in May to confirm PBF here and if so, bracken spraying required in some areas. Perhaps birch clearance by holiday homes and at Tummel Bridge Birch Woodland. These compartments need to be revisited in May to confirm PBF here and if so, bracken spraying required in some areas. Perhaps birch clearance by holiday homes and at Tummel Bridge Birch Woodland. Compartment Dalcroy which was visited by Ron Youngman is at eastern extent of this site. Compartment Dalcroy which was visited by Ron Youngman is at eastern extent of this site.

16 Tummel Bridge Holiday Homes

17 Tummel Bridge Hillside

18 Tummel Bridge Birch Hillside




22 Main Wayleave Tummel Bridge Looking West

23 Main Wayleave Tummel Bridge Looking East

24 Bohally This compartment was last visited by Ron Youngman on 23/5/98 when 9 PBF seen This compartment was last visited by Ron Youngman on 23/5/98 when 9 PBF seen Ron described site as “Basically a road verge with scrub below conifer plantation” Ron described site as “Basically a road verge with scrub below conifer plantation” This description was confirmed and a Bohally north-south wayleave linking with main west-east wayleave identified. This description was confirmed and a Bohally north-south wayleave linking with main west-east wayleave identified.

25 Bohally Wayleave

26 Looking west along main wayleave from Bohally Wayleave

27 Aldcharmaig Wayleaves Ron Youngman visited the main west-east wayleave at NN802599 on 2/6/4 and saw 2 PBF. Ron Youngman visited the main west-east wayleave at NN802599 on 2/6/4 and saw 2 PBF. Two north-south wayleaves joining the road to the west-east wayleave were identified Two north-south wayleaves joining the road to the west-east wayleave were identified Further habitat along north side of road below conifer plantation Further habitat along north side of road below conifer plantation

28 Ardchalmaig Wayleave 1- looking north

29 Ardchalmaig Wayleave 2 – looking south

30 Looking east along main wayleave from Ardchalmaig Wayleave 1

31 Looking west along main wayleave from Aldcharmaig Wayleave 2

32 Allean Forest Compartments There is a big gap in the conifer plantations above Strath Tummel associated with Tressait farm. Most of this area is intensively grazed by cattle and sheep and some is moorland. But there are some areas of good quality PBF habitat, mostly at Croft Douglas. Borenich site is probably too intensively grazed by cattle to offer good habitat but it is a south facing bracken hillside.

33 Looking west along main wayleave from Tressat farm track

34 Tressait Pasture This area visited by Tom Brereton 9/6/97. This small pasture with bracken may provide a marginal pocket of habitat for PBF

35 Croft Douglas Large high quality site - > 22 ha Large high quality site - > 22 ha Last visited by Richard Buckland 30/05/04 when 1 PBF seen. Last visited by Richard Buckland 30/05/04 when 1 PBF seen. Dog violet could be found here and site appears to be high quality PBF habitat. Dog violet could be found here and site appears to be high quality PBF habitat. Site divided in two halves by barbed wire fence and the main wayleave passes through site. Site divided in two halves by barbed wire fence and the main wayleave passes through site. Western half is cattle grazed and fairly open, eastern half has mature birch woodland to north and south of wayleave and would benefit from having some woodland glades created. Western half is cattle grazed and fairly open, eastern half has mature birch woodland to north and south of wayleave and would benefit from having some woodland glades created.

36 Croft Douglas West – Photo 1

37 Croft Douglas West – Photo 2

38 Croft Douglas East – Photo 1 Looking east along wayleave from barbed–wire fence.

39 Croft Douglas East- Photo 2 Looking east along path

40 Croft Douglas East – Photo 3 Looking west along wayleave with birch woodland either side

41 Borenich Ron Youngman has visited the wayleave thru the conifer plantation 23/5/98 and 02/06/04 and found 1 & 5 PBF respectively. Ron Youngman has visited the wayleave thru the conifer plantation 23/5/98 and 02/06/04 and found 1 & 5 PBF respectively. West of conifer plantation is a south-facing bracken hillside grazed by cattle which was mapped out ~ 13 ha West of conifer plantation is a south-facing bracken hillside grazed by cattle which was mapped out ~ 13 ha Some habitat along north side of road too. Some habitat along north side of road too.

42 Borenich Foreground not suitable habitat but large area of south facing bracken hillside higher up but heavily poached by cattle- no dog violet seen

43 Looking west along main wayleave at Borenich conifer plantation

44 Looking east along main wayleave at Borenich Conifer plantation

45 Roadside east of Borenich

46 Ardgualich North-south wayleave 100m joins west- east wayleave 80m north of road North-south wayleave 100m joins west- east wayleave 80m north of road Long stretch of road contains good PBF habitat on north side Long stretch of road contains good PBF habitat on north side

47 Looking east along main wayleave from Ardgualich Wayleave

48 Allean Forest Car park and picnic site is on south side of wayleave Car park and picnic site is on south side of wayleave There is a 1 & 1.5 hour forestry walks – with quite a lot of good PBF habitat along it There is a 1 & 1.5 hour forestry walks – with quite a lot of good PBF habitat along it North side of road has good habitat all way along to Queens View North side of road has good habitat all way along to Queens View

49 Looking east along main wayleave from Allean Forest Car Park

50 Allean Forest Walk


52 Main Wayleave Allean Fort Looking East

53 Main Wayleave Allean Fort Looking West

54 Queens View Visitor Centre Forestry track/north-south wayleave just NE of visitor centre with thick bracken litter which joins main east-west wayleave 150m north of road Forestry track/north-south wayleave just NE of visitor centre with thick bracken litter which joins main east-west wayleave 150m north of road An area of conifers just north of main wayleave has been felled which perhaps suggests Allean Forest is soon to be harvested An area of conifers just north of main wayleave has been felled which perhaps suggests Allean Forest is soon to be harvested More good habitat east of N-S wayleave and south of east-west wayleave/forestry track down to road More good habitat east of N-S wayleave and south of east-west wayleave/forestry track down to road Main east-west wayleave crosses road at NN81666042 and Ron Youngman walked west from here 02/06/04 and saw 4 PBF. Main east-west wayleave crosses road at NN81666042 and Ron Youngman walked west from here 02/06/04 and saw 4 PBF. Wayleave is 200m wide for ~400m here providing large area of good PBF habitat but bracken litter thick Wayleave is 200m wide for ~400m here providing large area of good PBF habitat but bracken litter thick

55 Looking east along main wayleave from Queens View wayleave

56 Looking west along main wayleave east of Queens View

57 Looking north from main wayleave east of Queens View to N-S wayleave

58 Loch Tummel Pearl-bordered Fritillary Network East While the east-west wayleave which runs along the north side of the river Tummel is a feature, there are large extensive areas of south facing bracken hillside to the north and south of the river which are not wayleave-based. While the east-west wayleave which runs along the north side of the river Tummel is a feature, there are large extensive areas of south facing bracken hillside to the north and south of the river which are not wayleave-based. Bonskeid hillside is 157 ha but does contain areas of conifer plantations and grazed pasture lower down. This historically has been called Tenandry and parts of it visited by several recorders. In the east, it merges into Tenandry/Pass of Killiekrankie which has some habitat albeit semi-open woodland Bonskeid hillside is 157 ha but does contain areas of conifer plantations and grazed pasture lower down. This historically has been called Tenandry and parts of it visited by several recorders. In the east, it merges into Tenandry/Pass of Killiekrankie which has some habitat albeit semi-open woodland Just north of the river is Bonskeid Power lines which is a continuation of the main east-west wayleave and merges with some open birch woodland to the north adjacent to the road. Just north of the river is Bonskeid Power lines which is a continuation of the main east-west wayleave and merges with some open birch woodland to the north adjacent to the road. South of the river is Wester Clunie (amalgamation of Clunie Wood and Wester Clunie) which is 75 ha of open hillside (middle bit unsuitable habitat) with steep south facing bracklen hillside with dog violet in the north and south. South of the river is Wester Clunie (amalgamation of Clunie Wood and Wester Clunie) which is 75 ha of open hillside (middle bit unsuitable habitat) with steep south facing bracklen hillside with dog violet in the north and south. Just to the north is another steep south-facing bracken hillside (Creag Torr Fionn) size 16 ha where there are no PBF records so this appears to be a new compartment. This site is more birch woodland than open hillside. Just to the north is another steep south-facing bracken hillside (Creag Torr Fionn) size 16 ha where there are no PBF records so this appears to be a new compartment. This site is more birch woodland than open hillside. Cammoch is largely a gentle north-facing slope south of the river Tummel but it has small areas of south-facing hillside and is mostly open hillside and has large pylons. As there are several PBF records here, it may be important habitat although not the typical south-facing bracken hillside. Cammoch is largely a gentle north-facing slope south of the river Tummel but it has small areas of south-facing hillside and is mostly open hillside and has large pylons. As there are several PBF records here, it may be important habitat although not the typical south-facing bracken hillside. All these compartments in the east appear to be well-linked. All these compartments in the east appear to be well-linked.

59 River Tummel Compartments

60 Bonskeid Hillside Panorama Tenandry Craig na Airigh Craig Fonvuick Creag an Ejrionnach Bonskeid Home Farm Bonskeid Mains

61 Tenandry Good habitat found east and west of road Good habitat found east and west of road East of road are western slopes of Pass of Killikrankie with semi-open deciduous woodland with patches of good habitat East of road are western slopes of Pass of Killikrankie with semi-open deciduous woodland with patches of good habitat West of road is Tenandry site which has been visited by several volunteers and this links with open Bonskeid hillside further west. West of road is Tenandry site which has been visited by several volunteers and this links with open Bonskeid hillside further west.

62 Tenandry

63 Tenandry

64 Tenandry

65 Tenandry Pasture

66 Tenandry Wayleave North

67 Tenandry Wayleave South

68 Looking towards Tenandry from Pass of Killiekrankie

69 Fonvuick Farm

70 Craig Fonvuick Crags

71 Craig Fonvuick Crags – Looking South

72 Craig Fonvuick Crags East – From Tenandry Rd

73 Bonskeid Hillside

74 Bonskeid Hillside – Creag an Ejrionnach

75 Bonskeid Hillside below Craig an Ejrionnach

76 Bonskeid Hillside-Looking East

77 Possible Habitat west of Bonskeid Hillside

78 West of Bonskeid Hillside by road

79 Bonskeid Home Large Pylons Looking South East

80 Bonskeid Home Big Pylons lookin south towards Coronation Bridge

81 Bonskeid Home Big Pylons looking east along another wayleave

82 Bonskeid Home Small Pylons looking east

83 Bonskeid Home Pasture

84 Creag na Airigh from Bonskeid Home

85 Bonskeid Home Small Pylons looking north to Birch Woodland

86 Bonskeid Home Small Pylons Looking West

87 Bonskeid Home- Track to Pylons

88 Cammoch

89 Cammoch

90 Cammoch joining Bonskeid Home

91 Wester Clunie Has been visited by Dan Baker, Richard Buckland & Ron Youngman. Dan saw 48 PBF at north end on 30/05/04. Has been visited by Dan Baker, Richard Buckland & Ron Youngman. Dan saw 48 PBF at north end on 30/05/04. Superb open south-facing bracken hillside with a lot of dog violet at north end in particular and areas of good habitat at south end and either side of road but bracken litter thick here Superb open south-facing bracken hillside with a lot of dog violet at north end in particular and areas of good habitat at south end and either side of road but bracken litter thick here Flatter moorland type habitat in middle of site but open hillside. Flatter moorland type habitat in middle of site but open hillside.

92 Wester Clunie - North


94 Wester Clunie – North East

95 Wester Clunie – North looking south

96 Link between Wester Clunie North & South

97 Wester Clunie - South

98 Wester Clunie – South-eastern flank

99 Wester Clunie – Patch along road

100 Creag Torr Fionn An obvious area of south-facing bracken hillside west of north-south wayleave just north of Wester Clunie on west side of road. An obvious area of south-facing bracken hillside west of north-south wayleave just north of Wester Clunie on west side of road. birch woodland well-established but dog violet present. birch woodland well-established but dog violet present. Looks like good habitat but no historical records Looks like good habitat but no historical records Links with Bonskeid Power lines/Cammoch via wayleave & road and ridge at western end (where Bonskeid panorama photos taken) Links with Bonskeid Power lines/Cammoch via wayleave & road and ridge at western end (where Bonskeid panorama photos taken)

101 Creag Torr Fionn from Road

102 Creag Torr Fionn


104 Creag Torr Fionn – Looking South

105 Creag Torr Fionn – Looking east along it

106 Crag north of Creag Tor Fionn

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