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Forest School. What is it for? Forest school at Pinhoe was started because we felt the need to make better use of our grounds as an educational resource.

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1 Forest School

2 What is it for? Forest school at Pinhoe was started because we felt the need to make better use of our grounds as an educational resource. We feel that all subjects are best taught in a “hands on”, practical manner and that this is particularly the case when children are taught outdoors. It is the intention to teach all subjects in a cross curricular fashion, incorporating outdoor learning, rather than it be an add on. Forest school at Pinhoe was started because we felt the need to make better use of our grounds as an educational resource. We feel that all subjects are best taught in a “hands on”, practical manner and that this is particularly the case when children are taught outdoors. It is the intention to teach all subjects in a cross curricular fashion, incorporating outdoor learning, rather than it be an add on.

3 Year GroupActivitySkill DevelopmentMaterials Needed Year 3Badge making Find and sculpt Orienteering / Buried treasure Saw Safety / Knot tying Finding and using appropriate materials – learning qualities of natural materials Applying ID knowledge of plants / following instructions / team work Hazel wood, saws, string, drill, permanent markers, saw horse. Woodland, ID charts, string, saw, hammer, gloves. Gloves, ID charts, instruction cards, prizes. Year 4Plants and their uses – what’s safe to use / eat? Tie-Dye (with natural dyes) Using tools to make sculptures Identification of plants. Knowledge of medicinal uses etc. Identifying plants which produce dyes. Plant and berry safety. Tool safety and maintenance. Identifying and working with different natural materials. Woodland, ID charts, camera, instruction cards, utensils. Woodland, ID charts, pots, gloves, water, bags, boiling pot, wood for burning, buckets. Saws, drill, hammer, wood (other collected natural resources) Curriculum Overview



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