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Our Research of the Eastern Woodland Native Americans By: Mrs. Dawes’ Technology Class 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Research of the Eastern Woodland Native Americans By: Mrs. Dawes’ Technology Class 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Research of the Eastern Woodland Native Americans By: Mrs. Dawes’ Technology Class 2008

2 Clothes of the Eastern Woodland Native Americans By: Robin M., Sandy E., Jonathan S.

3 Clothing Men wear porcupine quilled bracelets Knife sheath,wampum headband,and earrings Knee garter, and moccasins,and animal skin bag at his waist Woman wear painted deer skin tunic, and a wrap around skirt and leggings Women also wear moccasins, and wears a woven bag

4 Native American Types of Food By: Mohammed B., Kurra S., Susan G., Anjali D., Miguel F.

5 Foods Picking cherries in special baskets because the cherries stain their fingers They eat acorns, beech nuts, chestnuts, hickory nuts and walnuts They shell the nuts by using a nutting stone. They kill trout and bass.

6 Hunting & Fishing with the Eastern Woodland Native Americans By: Shawn Z., Maddie C., Sam P., Ben L.

7 Hunting and Fishing decorated bows with elaborate feathers and designs Used flint,chert,and quartz to make arrowheads Burned the center out of a tree until the sides were thick enough to become a canoe The nets were made from Dogbane Plant and their fish hooks were made from Deer Bone

8 Home with the Eastern Woodland Native Americans By: Kevin W.,Vincent C.,Ariana J.,and Michael H.

9 Home Doors and smoke holes had adjustable mats fastened to them so they could be covered during rain or snow. Above the doorway there is a bit of special flat cedar which keeps the family safe. A home is called a wigwam. Spaces are left for a doorway (or 2) and a smoke hole at the top of each wigwam.

10 Fun With The Eastern Woodland Native Americans By: Luke P., Lucas L., Riley V., Andrea D.

11 Fun The boys of the Woodland Tribe like to play the hoop and dart game. One person rolls a hoop with a net in it and everyone is an equal distance in between them and the hoop. The boys try to hit the net inside the hoop.

12 Making Tools with the Eastern Woodland Native Americans By: Griffin C., Matt S., and Karen O.

13 Tools Indians put feathers on some arrows for fletching in order to fly well. People make canoes by burning out the center and chipping away the burned matserial,and then burning out the center again,until the right thickness. People put wet mud on the edges and sides so the fire won’t burn to far.

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