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CIP4 Tutorial and Developer Sessions Sunday, November 6 2005 Sofitel Strasbourg Lieven Plettinck JDF 1.3 in Packaging and Labels.

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Presentation on theme: "CIP4 Tutorial and Developer Sessions Sunday, November 6 2005 Sofitel Strasbourg Lieven Plettinck JDF 1.3 in Packaging and Labels."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIP4 Tutorial and Developer Sessions Sunday, November 6 2005 Sofitel Strasbourg Lieven Plettinck JDF 1.3 in Packaging and Labels

2 Overview Layered Media –CorrugatedBoard –SelfAdhesive Device Interface to Die Cutter –Conventional Die Cutter –Digital Die Cutter

3 Device Interface to Folder/Gluer Step and Repeat (Stripping) –Die based –Grid based Barcodes Overview (2)

4 Barcodes

5 Printed pattern storing information that can be retrieved by optical reading equipment Used for – Product Identification (e.g. at the cashiers desk) – Goods and materials tracking – Instructions for filling machines – …

6 Barcodes - History Oct 20, 1949: Woodland and Silver filed a patent application titled "Classifying Apparatus and Method." The inventors described their invention as relating "to the art of article classification...through the medium of identifying patterns". Oct 7, 1952: The Woodland and Silver patent application was issued as US Patent 2,612,994. Silver died before seeing the first commercial application of his invention. Woodland received the US National Medal of Technology in 1992. Jun 26 1974: A UPC scanner, made by NCR Corp. (which was then called National Cash Register Co), was installed at Marsh's supermarket in Troy, Ohio and the first product with a bar code was scanned at a check-out counter. It was a 10-pack of Wrigley's Juicy Fruit chewing gum. The pack of gum wasn't specially designated to be the first scanned product. It just happened to be the first item lifted from the cart by a shopper whose name is long since lost to history. Today, the pack of gum is on display at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History.

7 Barcodes - References Background reading: Product Identification: EAN.UCC standard –Standard is developed and managed by 2 non profit organisations GS1 ( –Formerly EAN “European Article Numbering” GS1 US ( –Formerly UCC “Uniform Code Council”

8 Barcodes – Types Linear Barcodes (1D) –They consist of a series of bars and spaces. They are vertically redundant. – EAN, UPC, ITF, Code39,… Matrix Barcode Types (2D) – The information is encoded in the position of a spot inside a 2D grid. – DATAMATRIX,…

9 Barcodes -Types Hybrid –RSS (EAN/UCC Reduced Space Symbology)

10 Barcode-Standards A barcode standard defines: Message character set –UPC_A: digits “0” to “9” Message format –UPC_A: i mmmmm ppppp c product type id digit UCC manufacterer Product code Check digit

11 Barcode-Standards Symbology: the way the message is represented in a pattern of bars and spaces Dimensions, tolerances, contrast – UPC_A: Nominal X-dimension=13 mils. Nar. bars/space, wide bars/space and quiet zones have a specified multiple of x-dimension units. Proportional magnification of the widths of bars and spaces allowed between 0.8 and 2.0. Human readable code (font, size and placement) EAN_13

12 JDF Process describing generating/editing a LayoutElement (page, package, label) JDF 1.2: ‘black box’ process with some input and output LayoutElements without parameters describing what to do JDF 1.3: ‘skeleton’ process allowing to specify what barcode(s) to add to a LayoutElement without exact placement or color information. JDF 1.4: … LayoutElementProduction In support of MISPRE ICS

13 LayoutElementProduction (2) LayoutElementProduction LayoutElement LayoutElementProductionParams LayoutElementPart * BarcodeProductionParams IdentificationField BarcodeReproParams Barcode Specification

14 <IdentificationField Encoding="Barcode" EncodingDetails="EAN_13" Purpose="Label“ PurposeDetails="ProductIdentification" Value="0123456789128"/> … LayoutElementProduction (3)

15 IdentificationField @Encoding=“Barcode” –“ASCII”: for textual id fields –“RFID” : Radio frequent id field @EncodingDetails: type of barcode (see table 7- 200) @Value: the barcode message –complete message includes check digits etc.. –alternative: (ValueFormat,ValueTemplate) intended for automated barcode mark generation

16 IdentificationField (2) ExtraValues –UPC supplemental 2/5 digit symbology There can be an additional 2 or 5 digit barcode to the right of an UPC_A, UPC_E, EAN_8, EAN_13 barcode. The 2 supplemental digits should only be used for periodical publications and is used as an identification number of the issue. 5 digit supplemental code is used as an indication of suggested retail price. – RSS Composite Code – UPC/EAN Coupon: Is a UPC_A or EAN_13 barcode with a modified message format encoding manufacturer code, family code and value code with a EAN 128 barcode to the right with additional information for the coupon (offer code, expiration date etc..)

17 IdentificationField (3) BarcodeDetails –(@XCells, @YCells): dimensions of matrix barcodes –@BarcodeVersion: type of QR barcode –@ErrorCorrectionLevel: error correction level for PDF417 and QR

18 BarcodeReproParams Linear Barcodes –@Height: height of a linear barcode –@Magnification: proportional scaling in x dir (nominal x-dimension and boundaries on magnification specified in standard) –@Ratio: ratio between narrow and wide bars and spaces (allowed by some standards) Matrix Barcodes –(@ModuleHeight,@ModuleWidth): dimensions of a ‘pixel’ in the matrix

19 BarcodeReproParams (2) @Masking: knock-out underlying graphics to have the barcode on a clear white background. - EAN_13 with Masking=“WhiteBox” @BearerBars: – ITF_14 with BearerBars=“BoxHMarks”

20 BarcodeCompParams –@CompensationProcess: Printing or PlateMaking –@CompensationValue: reduction of width or bars to compensate for widening in the process defined in @CompensationProcess. BarcodeReproParams (3)

21 Stripping aka. Step and Repeat

22 Stripping RunList (Doc) Layout StrippingParams Assembly @Order=“None” ColorantControl TransferCurvePool RunList (Doc) RunList (Marks) Media (Paper) BinderySignature Position StripCellParams

23 Stripping describes how to place parts of a Layout on a sheet. –BinderySignature=part of the Layout –Position= how to place the BinderySignature on the plate –StripCellParams = characteristics of cells within the BinderySignature For general description of Stripping concepts: see tutorial of Francis Labaere. Stripping (2)

24 BinderySignature –@BinderySignatureType=“Fold”: commercial print work –@BinderySignatureType=“Grid”: a grid of cells with rows and columns Typical use case: narrow web labels –@BinderySignatureType=“Die”: step and repeat is described in a digital description of a physical die that will be used in a die cut finishing line Typical use case: nested layouts in sheet fed folding carton Stripping (3)

25 BinderySignature refers to a DieLayout resource (resource also used by ShapeCutting) DieLayout resource works as a step and repeat template –Described in an external CAD file (DDES3, CFF2,…) –Contains Stations Stations have a collection of CAD lines (Cut, Crease, Perf…) Instantiations of stations are described with their transformations Instantiations of stations are placeholders for real graphics BinderySignature - Die BinderySignatureDieLayout FileSpec DDES3

26 BinderySignature – Example 1

27 <BinderySignature Class="Parameter" ID="BIS000000025" Status="Available" BinderySignatureType="Die">

28 BinderySignature – Example 2

29 <BinderySignature Class="Parameter" ID="BIS000000025" Status="Available" BinderySignatureType="Die">

30 BinderySignature describes a grid of rows and columns @NumberUp: describes the number of columns and rows BinderySignature - Grid

31 StripCellParams describes the dimensions of a cell and the space between cells BinderySignature - Grid TrimSize (X) TrimSize (Y) TrimHead TrimFoot Spine TrimFace BinderySignature/@OutsideGutter defines if gutters have to be generated at the outside of the BinderySignature. SignatureCell/@Orientation =“Up” is assumed.

32 BinderySignature – Example 3

33 <StripCellParams TrimSize="219.096 357.696" TrimFace=”7” Spine=”7” TrimHead=”7” TrimFoot=”7”/> <BinderySignature Class="Parameter" ID="BIS000000025" Status="Available" BinderySignatureType="Grid" NumberUp="4 3" OutSideGutter="false” /> BinderySignature – Example 3

34 BinderySignature – Example 4

35 <StripCellParams TrimSize="219.096 357.696" TrimFace=”7” Spine=”7” TrimHead=”7” TrimFoot=”7”/> <StripCellParams TrimSize="219.096 209.16" TrimFace=”7” Spine=”7” TrimHead=”7” TrimFoot=”7”/> <BinderySignature Class="Parameter" ID="BIS000000025" Status="Available" BinderySignatureType="Grid" NumberUp="2 3" OutsideGutter="false"> <BinderySignature Class="Parameter" ID="BIS000000026" Status="Available" BinderySignatureType="Grid" NumberUp="2 5" OutsideGutter="false">

36 BinderySignature – Staggered Grid Staggering-columns <BinderySignature Class="Parameter" ID="BIS000000025" Status="Available" BinderySignatureType="Grid" NumberUp="6 3" OutSideGutter="false" StaggerColumns="0.0 0.333 0.666"/>

37 BinderySignature – Staggered Grid Staggering-columns (continuous) <BinderySignature Class="Parameter" ID="BIS000000025" Status="Available" BinderySignatureType="Grid" NumberUp="6 3" OutsideGutter="true" StaggerColumns="0.0 0.333 0.666" StaggerContinuous=”true”/>

38 Cell Masks See StripCellParams –@Mask –@MaskBleed –@MaskSeparation

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