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Salisbury – From green space to green infrastructure
greenspace initiative workshop, 23 February 2012 Salisbury – From green space to green infrastructure Ian Phillips MRTPI, CMLI
GI – history Originated in USA in 1990s to promote
value of natural environment in land use planning making best use of land as scarce resource Developed in UK from c. 2009 Embedded in UK government policy 2010 Emerging as EU wide strategy in 2012
GI – key concepts Essential services provided by natural systems – ecosystem services Valuing green / open space as an asset Multi-functional use of spaces Connecting spaces to create network Collaborative planning, design and management
GI – multiple benefits Business parks Country park Allotments
Community space Suburban housing Sustainable drainage Flood risk reduction Water management Biodiversity Renewable energy Recreation and leisure Healthy living Alternative transportation Micro-climate control Place-making and local character Food production Raw materials Economic development Community development and cohesion Green spine routes Upland areas Urban centres
GI assets – beyond PPG 17 Public parks and accessible open space
Sports pitches Allotments Cemeteries and churchyards Open countryside Nature reserves Forestry and woodland Farmland Streets and urban spaces Waterways, ponds, lakes and reservoirs Linear features (transportation corridors, hedgerows, paths, etc) Institutional land Domestic and other private gardens Car parks and under-used operational land Green roofs and walls
The multi-functional network
The whole is more than the sum of its parts Making best use of land Grey to green - soft engineering solutions Identifying opportunities for improvement Addressing deficiencies of provision Engaging new and more stakeholders The whole is more than the sum of its parts Making best use of land - Responding to competing pressures Grey to green - soft engineering solutions Identifying opportunities for improvement Addressing deficiencies of provision Engaging new and more stakeholders
Salisbury – elements of a green city
Green fingers / wedges into the city High quality riverine environments Downland escarpment surroundings Historic parks and open spaces mainly peripheral to compact, grid-based, mediaeval core
Salisbury – city of rivers
Blue space – the natural network Managing water supply and quality Alternative access routes Enhancing high biodiversity value Addressing flood risk
Salisbury – alternative accessibility network
Historic routes linking city to countryside and surroundings A basis for greenway network – with rivers?
Salisbury – heritage site
An international destination Support for the tourist economy Built heritage related to the landscape setting High quality spaces make good townscape
Salisbury – transport Transportation systems create spaces, landmarks and gateways Transportation routes offer corridors and links
Salisbury - suburbs Gardens contribute significant green space
Most streets deserve trees Is mown grass good enough?
Salisbury development – managing change and identifying opportunities
Stanhope selected for Salisbury city centre revamp “securing this city's future as a first class shopping and leisure destination” “an awareness of the city's history and the 'once in a generation opportunity' this site presents” “an outstanding opportunity to create a wonderful new riverside retail and leisure destination” Resources Direct provision on site Indirect provision off site as mitigation Community infrastructure levy Section 106 obligations Opportunities New open space – green and blue Increased capacity of existing space Retained and new tree cover Strategic natural and artificial corridor links Green roofs and walls SuDS Renewable energy Designed solutions c new houses proposed in the local plan
gi and planning NPPF supports green infrastructure
South Wiltshire Core Strategy, 2012 Salisbury City Conservation Area Appraisal / Management Plan Salisbury Vision – private / public partnership Key open space / landscape documents PPG 17 open space audit, 2006 Landscape character assessment, 2008 Settlement setting assessment, 2008 Wiltshire GI Strategy (consultation draft) Cross-boundary co-ordination / Duty to Co-operate? Locally valued landscapes? S.106 contributions / Community Infrastructure Levy? Stakeholder workshops – Spaceshaper? NPPF supports green infrastructure need to prepare strategy identify, record, designate
Local gi initiatives from afar
Freiburg – historic city centre, high density new residential suburbs within green matrix- children can play anywhere – numerous natural play areas - SUDS – architecture that merges with the landscape – green roofs and walls – renewable and low energy principles practiced. Cernay Riverine setting provides for flood control and rich biodiversity and enables access for passive recreation, nature study, education and play within a unique and high quality designed environment UK Temporary land use for quick wins Community leisure gardens more accessible, flexible and sociable than allotments
Local opportunities for Salisbury?
gi and retro fit Resources Other (‘non-green’) budgets e.g. transport, health, education, water, waste, businesses Development contributions (CIL, S. 106, New Homes Bonus) Opportunities Street trees Transport and waterway corridors Green walls and roofs Under-used open spaces Temporary use of open space Ground-source thermal energy Landscape for micro-climate management
gi challenges The new planning system
Confusion between gi and open space Marketing the gi concept and promoting the long term and wider value of gi Engaging disparate communities Visionary thinking and leadership Collaborative and cross-boundary working Resourcing and funding Gi designation and protection Current EU level funding instruments that are potentially relevant to financing GI projects include: Life+ funding (currently one of the main financing tools for GI in Europe), Cohesion Fund (trans-European issues such as ecosystem services, transport and urban development), Agricultural Fund for rural development (especially for semi-natural agricultural habitats), European Regional Development Fund (infrastructure, investments, regional and local development including nature protection), Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Program (eco-innovation), and 7th Research Framework Programs LIFE call for proposals The 2012 will be published here between the 15 February 2012 and the 15 March The private sector is also increasingly applying biodiversity offsetting measures on development schemes as part of their corporate social responsibility program. These measures have the potential to significantly enhance biodiversity conservation in impoverished areas. Effective delivery requires: Vision and leadership Sound policy base Multi-agency inputs and multi-disciplinary support Co-ordinated planning, design and management Funding and resources for acquisition, design, implementation AND LONG-TERM MANAGEMENT
Recent gi initiatives Lawton Review – Making Space for Nature (Sep 2010) UK National Ecosystem Assessment (June 2011) Defra White Paper on Natural Environment (June 2011) NPPF Impact Assessment (July 2011) EU GI working group – future strategy Defra’s GI Partnership (October 2011) Led by Professor Sir John Lawton, the review was set up to look at our wildlife sites and whether they are capable of responding and adapting to the growing challenges of climate change and other demands on our land. The UK National Ecosystem Assessment (UK NEA) is the first analysis of the UK’s natural environment in terms of the benefits it provides to society and continuing economic prosperity. Part of the Living With Environmental Change (LWEC) initiative, the UK NEA - which commenced in mid will be reporting in early It is an inclusive process involving many government, academic, NGO and private sector institutions.
Local action guidelines
Establish a vision Identify and map existing assets Identify and prioritise important local needs and areas of under-provision Target potential opportunity sites and under-used land, exploit potential strategic links Seek some easy, early wins Produce a GI delivery strategy Promote and support strong local plan policies Engage broad community interests, including non-green space partners, local businesses Allow for ongoing management resourcing Plan and design for value, functionality, climate change, local character and heritage, public art and crafts, sense of place and DELIGHT Local people know their area and their needs Sticks may be more effective than carrots
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