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Agricultural and Biological Engineering SWFREC, UF/IFAS Immokalee.

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Presentation on theme: "Agricultural and Biological Engineering SWFREC, UF/IFAS Immokalee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agricultural and Biological Engineering SWFREC, UF/IFAS Immokalee

2  Shallow  Area = 1,600 ac  Largest lake south of Okeechobee  Headwaters of Corkscrew Swamp, Imperial River

3  Remove muck (6 ft.)  Restore native fisheries and the lake ecosystem  Develop a Watershed Protection Plan to reduce nutrient inputs ◦ Re-establish SAV ◦ Long-term water quality ◦ BMPs

4 Land Category Area (ac)% Water 92 0.5 Commercial and Industrial 503 2.7 Medium density residential 556 3 High density residential 564 3.1 Low density residential 625 3.4 Undeveloped rangeland/upland forests 1,539 8.4 Unimproved pasture/woodland pasture 1,800 9.8 Wetlands 6,189 33.6 Cropland/improved pasture/tree crops 6,526 35.5 Total 18,393 100 Uncertainties in boundary and land use area

5  Impaired mainly due to Nitrogen and Phosphorus  TMDL assessment using HSPF model  Current simulated loads ◦ Total N (TN) = 141,543 lbs./yr ◦ Total P (TP)= 14,559 lbs./yr  Load reduction targets ◦ 60% TN ◦ 77% for TP  Allowable loads ◦ Total N = 56,617 lbs./yr ◦ Total P= 3,348 lbs./yr FDEP (2008) Uncertainties (model, boundary)

6 Assumptions and uncertainties (model, area, land use)


8  Stakeholders, allocation/reductions mechanisms  Allocations among affected parties  Description of load reduction activities  Timetables for implementation/completion  Funding mechanisms  Applicable signed agreements  Local ordinances with actions to be taken or prohibited.  Local water quality standards, permits, or load limitation agreements.  Monitoring and follow-up measures.


10  2014-2015  Uncertainties  Boundary (agriculture and urban)  Inflow locations and sources  Flat, significant bi-directional flows  Spray field  Steps  LIDAR, GIS, Surface Slopes, Flow directions  Drainage networks, Stakeholder’s input, Ground truthing  Surface flow inputs and locations

11 OptionTotalFY 15FY 16Project DurationPersonnel 1a $136,000 $0Feb 2015-Jan 2017Grad Student (part time) 1b $136,000$68,000 Feb 2015-Jan 2017Grad Student (part time) 2a $148,000 $0Feb 2015-Jan 2016Post-doctoral Associate (full time) 2b$148,000$74,000 Feb 2015-June 2016Post-doctoral Associate (full time) *Current estimates, assumes fund availability by February 1, 2015

12  Design and implement hydrologic and water quality monitoring system  Identify input locations  Surface ( Channelized, Sheet flow)  Groundwater  Stakeholder’s meeting - verify inputs  Monitoring  Surface and Ground Water  Levels and flows  NH4-N, Nox-N, TKN, and Total P Conc  Quantify surface and groundwater inflows and outflows of water and nutrients

13  Budgets for the lake and the watershed using (2015-2016) data  Water: Rainfall, Irrigation, ET, inflows, outflows  Nutrient: Fertilizer, wastewater, other inflows and outflows  Stakeholder’s meeting, input estimates  Linkages of budget - land use - drainage network  Sources and sinks of nutrients, across boundary fluxes  Relate to TMDL assessment and modeling  Calibration/validation of hydrologic/water quality models

14  Adaptive  Best Management Practices  Agricultural and urban  Point and non-point  Beyond BMPs  Water storage and treatment on public and private lands  Treatment systems (STAs)  Model-based evaluation  Water quality and economics  Ranking of alternatives  Stakeholders  Urban (Residents, City)  Agriculture, Tourism  SFWMD, FDEP, County, FDACS, FWC etc

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