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The Toxicology of E-Waste for San Jose Chapter American Society of Safety Engineers October 13, 2009 by Ed Sawicki EHS Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "The Toxicology of E-Waste for San Jose Chapter American Society of Safety Engineers October 13, 2009 by Ed Sawicki EHS Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Toxicology of E-Waste for San Jose Chapter American Society of Safety Engineers October 13, 2009 by Ed Sawicki EHS Manager

2 What is E-Waste Simply put E-Waste is Electronic Waste Examples: - Computers - Batteries - CRT - Fluorescent Tubes It is categorized as Universal Waste under Federal and California Laws It’s a Hazardous Waste that is more common and poses a Lower Risk to People and the Environment than other forms of Hazardous Waste

3 Test on Universal Waste Thermometer filled with Mercury (Hg) Thermometer filled with Alcohol Aerosol cans UPS Batteries Cell Phone Batteries Automotive Batteries Older Rubber Floor Mats Mercury Thermostat Pressure or Vacuum Gauges Lead (Pb)

4 Regulations on Universal Waste “Universal Waste Laws” California Code of Regulations Title 22 Division 4.5 Chapter 23

5 E-Waste Recycling



















24 Industrial Hygiene Testing





29 Toxicology of Silver How can silver affect my health? Exposure to high levels of silver for a long period of time may result in a condition called arygria, a blue-gray discoloration of the skin and other body tissues. Lower-level exposures to silver may also cause silver to be deposited in the skin and other parts of the body; however, this is not known to be harmful. Argyria is a permanent effect, but it appears to be a cosmetic problem that may not be otherwise harmful to health. Exposure to high levels of silver in the air has resulted in breathing problems, lung and throat irritation, and stomach pains. Skin contact with silver can cause mild allergic reactions such as rash, swelling, and inflammation in some people. Animal studies have shown that swallowing silver results in the deposit of silver in the skin. One study in mice found that the animals exposed to silver in drinking water were less active than unexposed animals. No studies are available on whether silver affects reproduction or causes developmental problems in people.

30 Toxicology of Silver Toxicology of silver is not fully investigated PEL 10ug/M³ IDLH 10 Mg/M³ LD₅₀ Oral Mouse 1.027 g/Kg LD₅₀ Oral Rat 2.82 g/Kg Blood Levels 0.1 to 20 ug/L

31 Toxicology of Lead Common symptoms of acute lead poisoning are loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, constipation, difficulty in sleeping, fatigue, moodiness, headache, joint or muscle aches, anemia, and decreased sexual drive. Severe health effects of acute lead exposure include damage to the nervous system, including wrist or foot drop, tremors, and convulsions or seizures. Acute lead poisoning from uncontrolled occupational exposures has resulted in fatalities

32 Toxicology of Lead Chronic lead poisoning may result after lead has accumulated in the body over time, mostly in the bone. Long after exposure has ceased, some physiological event such as illness or pregnancy may release this stored lead from the bone and produce adverse health effects such as impaired hemoglobin synthesis, alteration in the central and peripheral nervous systems, hypertension, effects on male and female reproductive systems, and damage to the developing fetus

33 Toxicology of Lead PEL 50 ug/M³ IDLH 100 mg/M³ LDLO Oral Human 155 mg/kg LDLO Inhalation Human 271 mg/M³ OSHA Blood Level 40 ug/dL ECS Highest Blood Level Recorded 19 ug/dL

34 ECS Prevention Program Engineering Control on Process (Exhaust Ventilation on Processes) New Hire Pre Placement Physicals - Medical History - Spirometry - Blood Lead - Audiometry HEPA Respirator Training and Fit Testing (English & Spanish) Daily Uniform Change Work Lockers and Shower Facilities PPE Instruction in Lead/Silver Signs and Symptoms (English & Spanish) HEPA Vacuuming of Clothing and Hand Washing before Breaks and Lunch Annual Physical Annual Blood Testing Annual Retraining

35 Emerging E-Waste Toxicology Issue Selenium Arsenic Cadmium Chrome Liquid Crystal Nickel Mercury

36 Conclusion E-Waste is here to stay The Toxicology of E-Waste will Change with the Electronics New Toxic Substances are Emerging Nanotechnology and Protection of Employees, the Public and the Environment will be very Challenging New Realistic Laws are Needed That We Can Live With

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