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Programming Merit Badge

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1 Programming Merit Badge
Troop 562 Quinton, VA

2 Requirements Safety. Do the following:
Show your counselor your current, up-to-date Cyber Chip. Discuss first aid and prevention for the types of injuries or illnesses that could occur during programming activities, including repetitive stress injuries and eyestrain. History. Do the following: Give a brief history of programming, including at least three milestones related to the advancement or development of programming. Describe the evolution of programming methods and how they have improved over time. General knowledge. Do the following: Create a list of 10 popular programming languages in use today and describe which industry or industries they are primarily used in and why. Describe three different programmed devices you rely on every day. Intellectual property. Do the following: Explain how software patents and copyrights protect a programmer. Describe the difference between licensing and owning software. Describe the differences between freeware, open source, and commercial software, and why it is important to respect the terms of use of each.

3 Requirements (cont.) Projects. Do the following: With your counselor’s approval, choose a sample program. Then, as a minimum, modify the code or add a function or subprogram to it. Debug and demonstrate the modified program to your counselor. With your counselor’s approval, choose a second programming language and development environment, different from those used for requirement 5a and in a different industry from 5a. Then write, debug, and demonstrate a functioning program to your counselor, using that language and environment. With your counselor’s approval, choose a third programming language and development environment, different from those used for requirements 5a and 5b and in a different industry from 5a or 5b. Then write, debug, and demonstrate a functioning program to your counselor, using that language and environment. Explain how the programs you wrote for requirements 5a, 5b, and 5c process inputs, how they make decisions based on those inputs, and how they provide outputs based on the decision making. Careers. Find out about three career opportunities in programming. Pick one and find out the education, training, and experience required. Discuss this with your counselor and explain why this career might be of interest to you.

4 1. Safety Safety. Do the following:
Show your counselor your current, up-to-date Cyber Chip. Discuss first aid and prevention for the types of injuries or illnesses that could occur during programming activities, including repetitive stress injuries and eyestrain. Eye strain Repetitive stress

5 2.History of Programming
History. Do the following: Give a brief history of programming, including at least three milestones related to the advancement or development of programming. Describe the evolution of programming methods and how they have improved over time. Infographic Detailed list

6 2.History of Programming (cont)

7 2.History (cont.) Machine Language Assembly Language (compiler)
High Level Language

8 2.History (cont.) Programming analog computers required power supply adjustment and monitoring along with resolver and servo zeroing. Early digital computers required setting registers and buffers (part of CPU) bit by bit and executing each command separately. First compiler invented in 1949 by Adm. Grace Hopper Assembly languages were developed to code groups of commands together. Use of punch cards and mylar tape were common BASIC released in 1975 What came next? Beginner’s All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

9 3a. Create a list of 10 popular programming languages in use today and describe which industry or industries they are primarily used in and why. C PHP Java Visual Basic Objective C Python C++ Javascript C# Visual Basic .Net Structured and OOP March 2014

10 3b. Describe three different programmed devices you rely on every day.
TV remote Cell phone Thermostat Microwave Calculator Alarm clock

11 4. Intellectual property. Do the following:
Explain how software patents and copyrights protect a programmer. Describe the difference between licensing and owning software. Describe the differences between freeware, open source, and commercial software, and why it is important to respect the terms of use of each.

12 5. Projects With your counselor’s approval, choose a sample program. Then, as a minimum, modify the code or add a function or subprogram to it. Debug and demonstrate the modified program to your counselor. With your counselor’s approval, choose a second programming language and development environment, different from those used for requirement 5a and in a different industry from 5a. Then write, debug, and demonstrate a functioning program to your counselor, using that language and environment. With your counselor’s approval, choose a third programming language and development environment, different from those used for requirements 5a and 5b and in a different industry from 5a or 5b. Then write, debug, and demonstrate a functioning program to your counselor, using that language and environment. Explain how the programs you wrote for requirements 5a, 5b, and 5c process inputs, how they make decisions based on those inputs, and how they provide outputs based on the decision making. QBASIC – Gorillas or C# Javascript or PHP (in HTML)

13 What is programming Commands to make a device\computer to accomplish some sort of work. Repeatedly and efficiently

14 Efficiency Grace Hopper Speech

15 How By using commands, loops, and functions

16 Exercise 1 Win + R Save As C:\temp\Welcome.bat “cmd” Enter
Goto C:\temp and double click on Welcome.bat “Edit” @ECHO OFF cls set /p name=What is your name? ECHO. ECHO Hello, %name% ECHO Welcome to programming pause Exit

17 Decisions and Loops If, while, and for

18 Exercise 2 Open QBASIC Type the following: CLS
INPUT "What is your name"; name$ PRINT PRINT "Hello, "; name$; ". Welcome to programming in QBASIC!" INPUT "Would you like to continue"; ans$ IF ans$ = "Y" THEN INPUT "Enter first number"; num1 INPUT "Enter second number"; num2 sum = num1 + num2 PRINT "The sum of "; num1; " and "; num2; " is "; sum END IF

19 Exercise 2 part 2 Add a loop to the previous program
Hints: create a variable to count the loop and set it to 0 (count=0) ask how many times the user wants to loop and set that value in a variable (times) test loop condition (DO WHILE count < times) {do stuff} increment count (count = count+1) command loop (LOOP)

20 HTML – HyperText Markup Language
PHP - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor JavaScript

21 Exercise 3 – HTML form with script
Using a text editor, create an HTML form with at least one textbox and one button. The textbox contents must be validated using a script.

22 Visual Basic, C#, C++, and Java

23 Create form At least one text box, one button, and one output (either text box or list box)

24 Code Form Or in Java: private void btnConvertActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { //get temp F float degreesF, degreesC; degreesF = Float.parseFloat(txtDegreesF.getText ()); //convert F to C degreesC = (degreesF - 32)*5/9; //display degrees C txtDegreesC.setText(String.valueOf(degreesC));

25 Exercise 4 – create an application
Choose a language (VB, C#, C++, or Java Create a form application in either Visual Studio or a Java IDE (NetBeans) Form must: have at least one textbox for input, one button, and one output (either textbox or listbox) Application must perform a task such as math conversion or text concatenation. *suggestion – temperature converter (Fahrenheit to Celsius)

26 6. Careers. Find out about three career opportunities in programming
6. Careers. Find out about three career opportunities in programming. Pick one and find out the education, training, and experience required. Discuss this with your counselor and explain why this career might be of interest to you.

27 Homework Download Visual Studio or Java IDE Download Notepad++
Write, debug, and demonstrate program in VB, C#, or Java Download Notepad++ Write, debug, and demonstrate program in Javascript or PHP (HTML)

28 Important links – example of HTML\PHP
- Note++ – VS - web programming help, tutorials, and validator - filezilla FTP client - TeamViewer download

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