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Tile of ACTION PLAN: Staff Capacity 2011

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1 Tile of ACTION PLAN: Staff Capacity 2011
Importation idea, skill or attitude I want to use in my job: Participatory approach, presentation skill, energizer that is related to training topic, information market, Meta plan. Problem being solved: Field staff still lack of knowledge and skills related to how to delivers and form agriculture cooperative. Objective: 1. Update training kits that related to Agriculture Cooperative training course. 2. Conduct training on agriculture cooperative to filed staff. 3. Apply new methods from MI for our training course.

2 EXPECTTED RESULTS ACTIVITIES TIME TABLE MATERIALS NEEDS BUDGET RESPONSIBLE PERSONS Well prepare for training kits and training material, session plan and training checklist. - Meeting with training team to reviews on training facilitation. - Develop lesion plan. - Prepare kit and training materials including copy document. - Communication with project staff to organize venue and invite staffs. 9-10 May 2011 Meta card flipchart Marker paper tape scissor color paper none Chettra and LLO staff

3 - 30 field stats will improve knowledge and skills on Agriculture Cooperative
- All most field staffs can apply new methods for echo training to community - Provide training to 30 IRDEP-KC staff at Kampong Chhnang province 13-15 June 2011 Meta card flipchart Marker paper tape scissor color paper Hand book certificate worksheet camera, LCD, $800 Ms. Chettra and LLO staff

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