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Double and singular consonants

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Presentation on theme: "Double and singular consonants"— Presentation transcript:

1 Double and singular consonants

2 aggravate Annoy or exasperate.
Meaning: Annoy or exasperate. Sentence The worst kid in class aggravates the teacher.

3 Assassin Meaning: A person who murders an important person for political or religious reasons. Sentence: The assassin must be quick and stealthy while committing assassination.

4 Boycott Meaning: a group's refusal to have commercial dealings with some organization in protest against its policies. Sentence: We boycott Israeli products because the occupy our land

5 Broccoli Meaning: A cultivated variety of cabbage which bears heads of green or purplish flower buds that are eaten as a vegetable. Sentence: Most kids hate broccoli but it is healthy an good for you.

6 Channel Meaning: A length of water wider than a strait, joining two larger areas of water, especially two seas. Sentence: There is a channel called the english channel.

7 Committee Meaning: A group of people appointed for a specific function by a larger group and typically consisting of members of that group. Sentence: The school made a committee to manage the end of the year party.

8 Embarrass Cause someone to feel awkward, self-conscious, or ashamed.
Meaning: Cause someone to feel awkward, self-conscious, or ashamed. Sentence: My brothers embarrass us always in front of people.

9 Exaggerate Meaning: Represent something as being larger, better, or worse than it really is. Sentence: People exaggerate about how bad cartoon are.

10 Excess Meaning: An amount of something that is more than necessary, permitted, or desirable. Sentence: are you suffering from  excess of stress in your life?

11 Immense Extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree.
Meaning: Extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree. SENTENCE: the cost of restoration has been immense

12 Innocent Not guilty of a crime or offence.
Meaning: Not guilty of a crime or offence. Sentence: The criminal was innocent for once.

13 Mattress The mattress was old and filthy Meaning: Sentence:
A fabric case filled with soft, firm, or springy material, used for sleeping on. Sentence: The mattress was old and filthy

14 Mayonnaise Meaning: A thick creamy dressing consisting of egg yolks beaten with oil and vinegar and seasoned. Sentence: I like to put mayonnaise on my burger.

15 Occasion A particular event, or the time at which it takes place.
Meaning: A particular event, or the time at which it takes place. Sentence: There was an important occasion that all my family went to

16 Pennant Meaning: A tapering flag on a ship, especially one flown at the masthead of a vessel in commission. Sentence: The ship raised its pennant.

17 Possession The state of having, owning, or controlling something.
Meaning: The state of having, owning, or controlling something. Sentence: I have the possession over my items

18 Procession Meaning: A number of people or vehicles moving forward in an orderly fashion, especially as part of a ceremony. Sentence: The processionwent nearby my house.

19 Occurrence An incident or event.
Meaning: An incident or event. Sentence: Raining in my Ksa is a rare occurrence.

20 Recommend Meaning: Put forward someone or something with approval as being suitable for a particular purpose or role. Sentence: I recommend trying a game before judging it.

21 Scissors I like to use the scissor when cutting paper
Meaning: An instrument used for cutting cloth, paper, and other material, consisting of two blades laid one on top of the other and fastened in the middle so as to allow them to be opened and closed by a thumb and finger inserted through rings on the end of their handles. Sentence: I like to use the scissor when cutting paper

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