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Published byKatharine Heald Modified over 10 years ago
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Alice Gray, MD Duke University Medical Center March 21, 2007
Objectives Define ARDS and describe the pathological process Know causes of ARDS, and differential diagnosis Understand specific challenges in mechanical ventilation of patients with ARDS Understand treatment strategies and evidence behind them
ARDS First described 1967 by Ashbaugh and colleagues Severe lung injury characterized by non- cardiogenic pulmonary edema, decreased lung compliance, refractory hypoxemia 1994 Consensus Definition Acute onset (<2 weeks) Bilateral infiltrates on chest xray PCWP ≤18mmHg or lack of evidence of left atrial hypertension Acute lung injury if PaO2/FiO2 ≤300 ARDS if PaO2/FiO2 ≤200
Epidemiology Incidence of acute lung injury (ALI): 17.9- 78.9 cases per 100,000 person-years Incidence of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS): 13.5-58.7 cases per 100,000 person-years Approx 9% of ICU beds in US N Engl J Med. 2005;353:1685-93. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1999;159:1849-61.
Most common causes ARDS Pneumonia (34%) Sepsis (27%) Aspiration (15%) Trauma (11%) Pulmonary contusion Multiple fractures ARDSnet NEJM 2000:342:1301-8.
Causes of ARDS NEJM 2000;342,18:1334-1349
Risk factors for ARDS Preexisting lung disease Chronic alcohol use Low serum pH Sepsis 40% of patients with sepsis develop ARDS
Differential diagnosis Pulmonary edema from left heart failure Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage Acute eosinophilic pneumonia Lupus pneumonitis Acute interstitial pneumonia Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis BOOP or COP Hypersensitivity pneumonitis Leukemic infiltrate Drug-induced pulmonary edema and pneumonitis Acute major pulmonary embolus Sarcoidosis Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis
Excluding other diagnoses Echo Central venous catheter Bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage (to eval for hemorrhage, AEP, etc) Chest CT
Acute (Exudative) Phase Rapid onset respiratory failure in patient at risk for ARDS Hypoxemia refractory to oxygen Chest xray resembles cardiogenic pulmonary edema Bilateral infiltrates worse in dependent lung zones, effusions Infiltrates may be asymmetric
Acute Phase - Radiographs NEJM 2000;342,18:1334-1349
Pathological findings Diffuse alveolar damage Neutrophils, macrophages, erythrocytes Hyaline membranes Protein-rich edema in alveolar spaces
Acute (Exudative) Phase Expansion of interstitium with macrophages and inflammation Hyaline Membranes Alveolar Filling
Fibroproliferative Phase Persistent hypoxemia Fibrosing alveolitis Increased alveolar dead space Decreased pulmonary compliance Pulmonary hypertension From obliteration of capillary bed May cause right heart failure
Fibroproliferative phase Chest xray shows linear opacities consistent with evolving fibrosis Pneumothorax in 10-13% of patients CT: diffuse interstitial opacities and bullae Histologically, fibrosis, mesenchymal cells, vascular proliferation, collagen and fibronectin accumulation Can start 5-7 days after symptom onset Not present in every patient with ARDS, but does portend poorer prognosis
Fibroproliferative phase NEJM 2000;342,18:1334-1349
Fibrosing alveolitis NEJM 2000;342,18:1334-1349.
Recovery phase Gradual resolution of hypoxemia Hypoxemia improves as edema resolves via active transport Na/Cl, aquaporins Protein removal via endocytosis Re-epithelialization of denuded alveolar space with type II pneumocytes that differentiate into type I cells Improved lung compliance Chest xray and CT findings resolve PFTs improve, often normalize
Management of ARDS Treat underlying illness Sepsis, etc Nutrition Supportive care DVT prophylaxis GI prophylaxis Medications
Complications in Managing ARDS patients Mechanical ventilation causes: Overdistention of lungs (volutrauma) Further damaging epithelium Increased fluid leak, indistinguishable from ARDS damage Barotrauma Rupture alveolar membranes Pneuomothorax, pneumomediastinum Sheer stress Opening/closing alveoli Inflammatory reaction, cytokine release Oxygen toxicity Free radical formation
ARDS Network NIH-funded consortium of 10 centers, 24 hospitals, 75 intensive care units Goal to design large RCTs to determine effective treatments Key ARDSnet studies: Ventilator volumes Steroids PEEP Volume management/PA catheter
Pulmonary artery catheters Often used to help evaluate for cardiogenic pulmonary edema SUPPORT trial (retrospective study) first raised doubts about utility Two multicenter RCTs confirmed lack of mortality benefit of PA catheters in ARDS (ARDSnet FACTT) Monitoring CVP equally effective, so PAC not recommended in routine management JAMA. 1996;276:889-97. N Engl J Med. 2006:354:2213-24
Ventilator management – ARDSnet protocol 861 patients randomized to Vt 10-12 mg/kg ideal body weight and plateau pressure ≤50cmH2O vs Vt 6-8 mg/kg IBW and plateau pressure ≤30cm H2O KEYS Low tidal volumes – 6-8mL/kg ideal body weight Maintain plateau (end-inspiratory) pressures <30cm H20 Permissive hypercapnia and acidosis Decreased mortality by 22% NEJM 2000;342:1301-8.
ARDSnet Tidal Volume Study NEJM 2000;342:1301-8.
Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) Titrate PEEP to decrease FiO2 Goal sat 88% with FiO2 <60% Minimize oxygen toxicity PEEP can improve lung recruitment and decrease end-expiratory alveolar collapse (and therefore right-to-left shunt) Can also decrease venous return, cause hemodynamic compromise, worsen pulmonary edema ARDSnet PEEP trial of 549 patients show no difference in mortality or days on ventilator with high vs low PEEP NEJM 2004:351(4):327-336
Other Ideas in Ventilator Management Prone positioning May be beneficial in certain subgroup, but complications including pressure sores RCT of 304 patients showed no mortality benefit High-frequency oscillatory ventilation In RCT, improved oxygenation initially, but results not sustained after 24 hours, no mortality benefit ECMO RCT of 40 adults showed no benefit JAMA 1979;242:2193-6. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2002;166:801-8
Drug therapy Agents studied: Corticosteroids Ketoconazole Inhaled nitric oxide Surfactant No benefit demonstrated
Steroids in ARDS Earlier studies showed no benefit to early use steroids, but small study in 1990s showed improved oxygenation and possible mortality benefit in late stage ARDSnet trial (Late Steroid Rescue Study “LaSRS” – “lazarus”) of steroids 7+ days out from onset of ARDS 180 patients enrolled, RCT methylprednisolone vs placebo Overall, no mortality benefit Steroids increased mortality in those with sx >14 days JAMA 1998;280:159-65, N Engl J Med 2006;354:1671-84
Steroids in ARDS N Engl J Med 2006;354:1671-84
Other drugs in ARDS Ketoconazole ARDSnet study of 234 patients, ketoconazole did NOT decrease mortality, duration of mechanical ventilation or improve lung function Surfactant Multicenter trial, 725 patients with sepsis-induced ARDS, surfactant had no effect on 30-day survival, ICU LOS, duration of mechanical ventilation or physiologic function Inhaled Nitric oxide 177 patients RCT, improved oxygenation, but no effect on mortality of duration of mechanical ventilation N Engl J Med. 1996;334:1417-21. Crit Care Med. 1998;26:15-23.
Fluid management “Dry lungs are happy lungs” ARDSnet RCT of 1000 patients (FACTT), Conservative vs liberal fluid strategy using CVP or PAOP monitoring to guide, primary outcome: death. Conservative fluids Improved oxygenation More ventilator-free days More days outside ICU No increase in shock or dialysis No mortality effects
ARDSnet Fluid Management NEJM 2006;354:2564-75.
Keys to management Treat underlying illness Supportive care Low tidal volume ventilation Nutrition Prevent ICU complications Stress ulcers DVT Nosocomial infections Pneumothorax No routine use of PA catheter Diuresis/avoidance of volume overload Give lungs time to recover
Survival and Long Term Sequelae Traditionally mortality 40-60% May be improving, as mortality in more recent studies in range 30-40% Nonetheless survivors report decreased functional status and perceived health 79% of patients remember adverse events in ICU 29.5% with evidence of PTSD
1 year after ARDS survival Lung Function: FEV1 and FVC were normal; DLCO minimally reduced Only 20% had mild abnormalities on CXR Functionally: Survivors’ perception of health was <70% of normals in: Physical Role: Extent to which health limits physical activity Physical Functioning: Extent to which health limits work Vitality: Degree of energy patients have 6 minutes walk remained low Only 49% had returned to work NEJM 2003: 348: 683-693
Summary ARDS is a clinical syndrome characterized by severe, acute lung injury, inflammation and scarring Significant cause of ICU admissions, mortality and morbidity Caused by either direct or indirect lung injury Mechanical ventilation with low tidal volumes and plateau pressures improves outcomes So far, no pharmacologic therapies have demonstrated mortality benefit Ongoing large, multi-center randomized controlled trials are helping us better understand optimal management
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