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Preventing Hand Injuries: Trends, Causes, Prevention Slide 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Preventing Hand Injuries: Trends, Causes, Prevention Slide 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preventing Hand Injuries: Trends, Causes, Prevention Slide 1

2 How Important are Hands? Practical Exercise 1.Tuck your thumbs into your palms. 2.Cover your thumbs with your fingers. 3.Tie your shoes. Not so Easy Slide 2

3 Hand Hazards 3 Slide 3

4 Trends In 2006 - 27% of days away from work involved wrists/hands/fingers injuries or illnesses. Hand injuries account for 10% of all ER visits. 70% of workers, who suffered hand injuries, were not wearing gloves. Slide 4

5 Causes Lacerations: 11 Contusions/Abrasions: 7 Puncture: 6 Burns: 3 Fracture: 2 Shock: 2 Bite: 1 Edema: 1 Slide 5 Jefferson Lab Hand/Finger Injuries FY11/12

6 Inadequate Task Hazard Analysis  No consideration for hand danger zones (situational awareness)  Inappropriate tool selection Vague Instructions  “ attention….”  “…be careful….” Poor Work Practice  Operator unfamiliar with the tool  Risky behavior Insufficient Controls  No tool guard (removed or never installed)  Poor tool maintenance  No training on the tool  No or improper PPE Slide 6 Causes

7 Pre-Task Planning  Don appropriate PPE  Install appropriate Equipment Safeguards  Use the Correct Tool  Employ Safe Behavior Slide 7 Prevention

8 It’s more than gloves Long sleeves protect against scratches. Edge guards protect against cuts and crushing. Be awareness of what is going on around you (what is your neighbor doing?) Slide 8 Prevention

9 Ergonomic Considerations  Proper body positioning to minimize force, angle, and frequency.  Appropriate material and tool placement.  Duration of activity. Slide 9 Prevention

10 Chemicals:  Rubber, nitrile, neoprene, PVC, PVA and other synthetics. (Chosen for the specific chemical in accordance with the MSDS.) Cutting Sheet Metal, Glass, or other Heavy Material:  Kevlar or Wire mesh Vibrating Equipment:  Shock absorbing High or Low Temperatures:  Cryogenic or insulated General Construction, Welding, Heavy Material  Leather Material Handling and Clean-up Work  Cotton light duty Slide 10 Glove Selection

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