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Chapter 26 - Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance

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1 Chapter 26 - Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance
Water Balance Electrolyte Balance Acid-Base Balance Body Fluids Potluck $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 FINAL ROUND

2 Body Fluids: $100 Question
Which of the following is not considered part of the interstitial fluid? a. Lymph b. Plasma c. Cerebrospinal fluid d. Synovial fluid ANSWER BACK TO GAME

3 Body Fluids: $100 Answer Which of the following is not considered part of the interstitial fluid? a. Lymph b. Plasma c. Cerebrospinal fluid d. Synovial fluid BACK TO GAME

4 Body Fluids: $200 Question
The main intracellular electrolyte is: a. sodium. b. chloride. c. potassium. d. both sodium and chloride. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

5 The main intracellular electrolyte is:
Body Fluids: $200 Answer The main intracellular electrolyte is: a. sodium. b. chloride. c. potassium. d. both sodium and chloride. BACK TO GAME

6 Body Fluids: $300 Question
Which of the following individuals would have the highest percentage of water in their body mass composition? a. Infants b. Teenagers c. Young male adults d. Young female adults ANSWER BACK TO GAME

7 Body Fluids: $300 Answer Which of the following individuals would have the highest percentage of water in their body mass composition? a. Infants b. Teenagers c. Young male adults d. Young female adults BACK TO GAME

8 Body Fluids: $400 Question
All of the following statements about electrolytes are true except: a. they conduct an electrical current. b. they include acids, bases, and salts. c. they possess a greater osmotic power than nonelectrolytes. d. they form mainly covalent bonds. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

9 All of the following statements about electrolytes are true except:
Body Fluids: $400 Answer All of the following statements about electrolytes are true except: a. they conduct an electrical current. b. they include acids, bases, and salts. c. they possess a greater osmotic power than nonelectrolytes. d. they form mainly covalent bonds. BACK TO GAME

10 Body Fluids: $500 Question
A decrease in the osmolarity of the extracellular fluid would cause water to: a. move into the cells. b. move into the interstitial fluid. c. move into the blood. d. move into the lymph. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

11 b. move into the interstitial fluid. c. move into the blood.
Body Fluids: $500 Answer A decrease in the osmolarity of the extracellular fluid would cause water to: a. move into the cells. b. move into the interstitial fluid. c. move into the blood. d. move into the lymph. BACK TO GAME

12 Water Balance: $100 Question
The area of the brain that plays a major role in water and electrolyte balance is the: a. cerebral cortex. b. medulla. c. thalamus. d. hypothalamus. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

13 Water Balance: $100 Answer
The area of the brain that plays a major role in water and electrolyte balance is the: a. cerebral cortex. b. medulla. c. thalamus. d. hypothalamus. BACK TO GAME

14 Water Balance: $200 Question
The driving force of water intake is: a. ADH. b. thirst. c. decline in blood volume. d. decrease in plasma osmolarity. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

15 Water Balance: $200 Answer
The driving force of water intake is: a. ADH. b. thirst. c. decline in blood volume. d. decrease in plasma osmolarity. BACK TO GAME

16 Water Balance: $300 Question
All the following trigger ADH release except: a. fever. b. burns. c. edema. d. vomiting. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

17 Water Balance: $300 Answer
All the following trigger ADH release except: a. fever. b. burns. c. edema. d. vomiting. BACK TO GAME

18 Water Balance: $400 Question
Which solute plays the biggest role in water reabsorption? a. Sodium ions b. Potassium ions c. Bicarbonate ions d. Calcium ions ANSWER BACK TO GAME

19 Water Balance: $400 Answer
Which solute plays the biggest role in water reabsorption? a. Sodium ions b. Potassium ions c. Bicarbonate ions d. Calcium ions BACK TO GAME

20 Water Balance: $500 Question
The hallmark symptom of hypotonic hydration is: a. hyponatremia. b. oliguria. c. hypoproteinemia. d. all of the above. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

21 Water Balance: $500 Answer
The hallmark symptom of hypotonic hydration is: a. hyponatremia. b. oliguria. c. hypoproteinemia. d. all of the above. BACK TO GAME

22 Electrolyte Balance: $100 Question
“Electrolyte balance” usually refers to the balance of: a. acids. b. bases. c. salts. d. pH. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

23 Electrolyte Balance: $100 Answer
“Electrolyte balance” usually refers to the balance of: a. acids. b. bases. c. salts. d. pH. BACK TO GAME

24 Electrolyte Balance: $200 Question
Aldosterone targets which part of the nephron? a. Glomerulus b. Proximal convoluted tubule c. Distal convoluted tubule d. Loop of Henle ANSWER BACK TO GAME

25 Electrolyte Balance: $200 Answer
Aldosterone targets which part of the nephron? a. Glomerulus b. Proximal convoluted tubule c. Distal convoluted tubule d. Loop of Henle BACK TO GAME

26 Electrolyte Balance: $300 Question
The only electrolyte that exerts significant osmotic pressure is the: a. chloride ion. b. potassium ion. c. calcium ion. d. sodium ion. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

27 Electrolyte Balance: $300 Answer
The only electrolyte that exerts significant osmotic pressure is the: a. chloride ion. b. potassium ion. c. calcium ion. d. sodium ion. BACK TO GAME

28 Electrolyte Balance: $400 Question
The JGA will respond to all of the following except: a. dehydration. b. the sympathetic nervous system. c. hypertension. d. a decrease in NaCl concentration. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

29 Electrolyte Balance: $400 Answer
The JGA will respond to all of the following except: a. dehydration. b. the sympathetic nervous system. c. hypertension. d. a decrease in NaCl concentration. BACK TO GAME

30 Electrolyte Balance: $500 Question
ANP promotes which of the following? a. ADH release b. Aldosterone release c. Vasoconstriction d. Sodium excretion ANSWER BACK TO GAME

31 Electrolyte Balance: $500 Answer
ANP promotes which of the following? a. ADH release b. Aldosterone release c. Vasoconstriction d. Sodium excretion BACK TO GAME

32 Acid-Base Balance: $100 Question
A normal arterial pH is: a. 7.0. b. 7.2. c. 7.4. d. 7.8. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

33 Acid-Base Balance: $100 Answer
A normal arterial pH is: a. 7.0. b. 7.2. c. 7.4. d. 7.8. BACK TO GAME

34 Acid-Base Balance: $200 Question
The most important buffer in our plasma is: a. bicarbonate. b. phosphate. c. protein. d. All are equally important. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

35 Acid-Base Balance: $200 Answer
The most important buffer in our plasma is: a. bicarbonate. b. phosphate. c. protein. d. All are equally important. BACK TO GAME

36 Acid-Base Balance: $300 Question
Hydrogen ions are secreted into the filtrate mainly by the: a. proximal convoluted tubule. b. distal convoluted tubule. c. loop of Henle. d. glomerulus. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

37 Acid-Base Balance: $300 Answer
Hydrogen ions are secreted into the filtrate mainly by the: a. proximal convoluted tubule. b. distal convoluted tubule. c. loop of Henle. d. glomerulus. BACK TO GAME

38 Acid-Base Balance: $400 Question
The most important urine buffer is: a. bicarbonate. b. phosphate. c. protein. d. urea. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

39 Acid-Base Balance: $400 Answer
The most important urine buffer is: a. bicarbonate. b. phosphate. c. protein. d. urea. BACK TO GAME

40 Acid-Base Balance: $500 Question
Which ion is reabsorbed when hydrogen ions are secreted? a. Potassium b. Sodium c. Chloride d. Calcium ANSWER BACK TO GAME

41 Acid-Base Balance: $500 Answer
Which ion is reabsorbed when hydrogen ions are secreted? a. Potassium b. Sodium c. Chloride d. Calcium BACK TO GAME

42 Parathormone enhances the reabsorption of _______ ions
Potluck: $100 Question Parathormone enhances the reabsorption of _______ ions a. sodium b. potassium c. chloride d. calcium ANSWER BACK TO GAME

43 Parathormone enhances the reabsorption of _______ ions
Potluck: $100 Answer Parathormone enhances the reabsorption of _______ ions a. sodium b. potassium c. chloride d. calcium BACK TO GAME

44 Hypoproteinemia can lead to a condition called:
Potluck: $200 Question Hypoproteinemia can lead to a condition called: a. hypertension. b. edema. c. hypotonic hydration. d. acidosis. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

45 Hypoproteinemia can lead to a condition called:
Potluck: $200 Answer Hypoproteinemia can lead to a condition called: a. hypertension. b. edema. c. hypotonic hydration. d. acidosis. BACK TO GAME

46 Which electrolyte is never secreted into the filtrate?
Potluck: $300 Question Which electrolyte is never secreted into the filtrate? a. Chloride b. Potassium c. Calcium d. Sodium ANSWER BACK TO GAME

47 Which electrolyte is never secreted into the filtrate?
Potluck: $300 Answer Which electrolyte is never secreted into the filtrate? a. Chloride b. Potassium c. Calcium d. Sodium BACK TO GAME

48 Amphoteric molecules are molecules that can:
Potluck: $400 Question Amphoteric molecules are molecules that can: a. act as either an acid or a base. b. stimulate water conservation. c. stimulate the reabsorption of sodium. d. stimulate the excretion of hydrogen ions. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

49 Amphoteric molecules are molecules that can:
Potluck: $400 Answer Amphoteric molecules are molecules that can: a. act as either an acid or a base. b. stimulate water conservation. c. stimulate the reabsorption of sodium. d. stimulate the excretion of hydrogen ions. BACK TO GAME

50 Hyperventilation leads to:
Potluck: $500 Question Hyperventilation leads to: a. respiratory acidosis. b. respiratory alkalosis. c. metabolic acidosis. d. respiratory compensation. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

51 Hyperventilation leads to:
Potluck: $500 Answer Hyperventilation leads to: a. respiratory acidosis. b. respiratory alkalosis. c. metabolic acidosis. d. respiratory compensation. BACK TO GAME

52 FINAL ROUND Question A mother brings her 10-year-old daughter in for a clinical consultation because she has observed the daughter eating chalk and corn starch. You recognize the condition as pica and order blood tests. You suspect that the test will show that she is deficient in: a. protein. b. sodium. c. iron. d. potassium. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

53 FINAL ROUND Answer A mother brings her 10-year-old daughter in for a clinical consultation because she has observed the daughter eating chalk and corn starch. You recognize the condition as pica and order blood tests. You suspect that the test will show that she is deficient in: a. protein. b. sodium. c. iron. d. potassium. BACK TO GAME

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