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Electrode measuring principle
ABL800 FLEX Electrode measuring principle RTC, December 2004 Radiometer Medical ApS, Åkandevej 21, DK-2700 Brønshøj, Tel: ,
Agenda Parameters General construction Measuring principles
The potentiometric measuring principle Reference electrode pH electrode Electrolyte electrodes pCO2 electrode The amperometric measuring principle pO2 electrode Metabolite electrodes Summary Electrode signal updating
Location The electrodes are placed in the electrode modules easily accessible under a window on the front of the analyzer
Parameters pH, pCO2, pO2, cK+, cNa+, cCa2+, cCl– , cGlucose, cLactate
There are 10 electrode slots in the two electrode modules One electrode slot for the reference electrode Nine other electrode slots available for the following: pH, pCO2, pO2, cK+, cNa+, cCa2+, cCl– , cGlucose, cLactate
Electrode modules Aspiration Continues
Blood aspirated into Lyt/Met module, rinse solution removed Measurement of pH/BG begins Probe moves back up Remove syringe, close inlet
General construction The term ‘electrode’ refers to whole sensor unit
Cordless – limiting electrical noise Amplifiers positioned in each module to amplify the electrical signal Preamplifier Electrical contact Color-coded ring Electrode jacket (removable) Electrolyte solution Membrane
Two measuring principles
The potentiometric measuring principle is used for The amperometric measuring principle is used for pH, pCO2, cK+, cNa+, cCa2+, cCl– pO2, cGlucose, cLactate
The potentiometric measuring principle
Electrodes measure a change in voltage due to a change in ion concentration across a membrane pH, pCO2, cK+, cNa+, cCa2+, cCl– V Voltmeter Reference electrode Electrode Electrolyte solution Electrolyte solution Electrode Electrode Sample Liquid junction Membrane
( ) E = E - E + E Measuring a potential
Each link in the circuit exhibits a potential The only unknown potential is the one between the membrane and the sample, ESample The potential of the whole circuit is measured, Evoltmeter, and the unknown potential can be calculated: ( ) E = E - E + E Sample voltmeter Ref pH
Reference electrode Provides a stable, fixed potential against which other potentials can be measured The potential at the reference electrode is not altered by sample composition A stable, fixed potential is obtained by maintaining constant conditions The reference electrode is used in the measurement of pH and the electrolyte parameters
Reference electrode – E1001
Electrode contact Electrolyte jacket - The rubber ring seals the electrode in the jacket to prevent evaporation or leakage of the electrolyte solution Electrolyte solution - A 4M sodium formate (HCOONa) adjusted to pH 5.5 with hydrochloric acid. Acts as salt-bridge solution that maintains an electrochemical contact between the coated Ag wire and the sample. Ag rod coated with AgCl Membrane Consists of three separate membrane layers: - Inner: Limits diffusion through the membrane and stabilizes the whole membrane system - Middle: Prevents protein interference - Outer: Reduces the interchange of sample or rinse solution and HCOONa solution
pH electrode Ag rod coated with AgCl - provides electrical contact to inner buffer solution - Ag/AgCl equilibrium maintains a stable potential Air bubble - allows expansion of solution at 37 °C Inner buffer solution - has a constant and known pH pH-sensitive glass membrane - changes in potential only due to changes in pH of sample
pH-sensitive glass membrane
Inner buffer solution with known and constant pH air bubble Ag/AgCl H+ Sample Glass membrane Constant exchange of H+ ions Varying exchange of H+ ions – dependent on sample pH The difference in potential across the glass membrane arises when there is a change in charge balance at the membrane. A difference in ion exchange on either side of the membrane occurs if the H+ concentrations (and therefore pH) on both sides are unequal. The number of positive and negative ions are no longer equal, so the potential difference across the membrane changes. In other words, the sample concentration of H+ will trigger the difference in ion exchange and cause a change in the potential across the membrane.
Nernst equation, pH electrode
Varying exchange of H+ ions between sample and glass membrane gives rise to a change in potential (voltage) Change in potential can be converted to a change in concentration by the Nernst equation: The analyzer automatically converts activity (effective concentration) into concentration K E = E + log a n H + E = Measured potential E0 = Standard potential K = Temperature-dependent constant n = Charge on ion (+1) aH+ = Activity of H+
Electrolyte electrodes
Ion-selective-membrane electrodes The main difference between the electrolyte electrodes is the selectivity of the membranes with respect to which anions and cations can pass and how. The membranes are selective for a single ion species only. The membrane potential is determined against the Reference electrode
Electrolyte electrodes design
Ag rod coated with AgCl - provides electrical contact to buffer solution - Ag/Ag+ equilibrium maintains a stable potential Electrolyte solution Porous pin - absorbs electrolyte solution - holds PVC membrane PVC membrane - contains a K+ ion exchanger The three ions are measured with ion-selective electrodes whose sensing element is a PVC membrane containing either a potassium/calcium or a chloride-neutral ion carrier Cellophane membrane - protects PVC membrane - prevents protein build-up - held in place by white plastic gasket Potassium is used as an example
Ion sensitive membranes
constant K+ exchange - constant potential PVC membrane containing specific ion-carrying molecules Electrolyte Solution K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ Cellophane membrane K+ K+ K+ K+ Sample K+ K+ varying K+ exchange - changing potential - dependant on cK+ in sample Other electrolyte electrodes have different ion carriers No ion-specific PVC membrane in Na electrode; instead the pin is made of special ion-carrying material
pCO2 electrode Consists of a pH electrode and an internal reference electrode in one complete unit Reference electrode – Ag/AgCl Electrolyte solution - The bicarbonate electrolyte solution also contains glycerol to prevent collection of air bubbles in the jacket, thus improving electrode stability pH electrode – Ag/AgCl - Inner solution with known and constant pH Air bubble This is the electrode contact seen from above. Note the thick gold ring which is the contact for the reference system in the electrode. Be careful when membraning the electrode, not to accidentally smear the gold ring with glycerol (from the electrolyte solution in the jacket onto your fingers etc.) and thereby cause electrode instability. pH-sensitive glass membrane Silicone membrane on nylon net - Silicone is permeable to CO2 - Nylon net traps electrolyte solution Electrode from above - The gold ring is the contact of the reference system in the electrode
[ ] pCO2 measuring method K E = E + log a n
Glass membrane CO2 permeates the silicone membrane and dissolves in the electrolyte solution trapped in the nylon net Carbonic acid is produced, a pH change occurs This pH change is measured by change in potential at the pH-sensitive glass membrane. The potential reading is converted into a pH value by the Nernst equation. The pH value is related to the partial pressure of CO2 in the sample by the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation Nylon net with electrolyte solution Silicone membrane Sample + - CO + H O H CO H + HCO 2 2 2 3 3 K E = E + log a n H + The nylon net reinforces the silicone membrane and serves as a spacer in order to trap a layer of electrolyte between the membrane and the glass tip of the electrode. The dissolved CO2 from the sample diffuses across the membrane into the thin layer of bicarbonate electrolyte solution until equilibrium is reached. The release of H+ ions changes the H+ concentration and thus the pH of the solution on one side of the pH-sensitive glass membrane [ ] HCO - pH = pK + log 3 a a p CO CO 2 2
The amperometric measuring principle
Electrodes measure the current produced during an electrochemical reaction at an electrode pO2, cGlucose, cLactate Applied voltage Ammeter - measures current Cathode - reduction Anode - oxidation Electrolyte solution - buffered Sample
pO2 and metabolite electrodes
The pO2 and metabolite electrodes are designed to measure the current produced during an electrochemical reaction The flow of electrons (the current) is proportional to the concentration of the substrate (the pO2/Glu/Lac) An electrochemical reaction: - a reaction where electrons are transferred A+ + e- A
pO2 electrode design The pO2 electrode is designed to measure the current produced during an electrochemical reaction Anode (+) – Ag rod coated with AgCl - oxidation of Ag Electrolyte solution - provides electrical contact between anode and cathode Cathode (–) – Pt wire encased in glass - reduction of O2 Platinum black catalyst (thin black layer) conversion of H2O2 to H2O and O2 Polypropylene membrane - permeable to O2
pO2 measuring method 2H O + ® Ag Ag+ e- +
Pt cathode Oxygen from the sample diffuses across the membrane into the electrolyte solution and is reduced at the cathode Reduction of O2: The H+ ions come from the electrolyte solution and e- comes from the silver anode H2O2 produced from O2 not completely reduced This is then immediately decomposed and catalyzed by Pt black to O2 which again is reduced at the cathode To complete the electrical circuit, Ag is oxidized at the silver anode Electrolyte solution (contains H+) Pt black O2 -permeable membrane Sample O 4H+ 4e- 2H 2 + 2H O + 2 Pt Ag Ag+ e- +
pO2 measuring method The reduction of oxygen produces a flow of electrons the size of the current, I, which is proportional to the amount of oxygen and measured by the ammeter in pico Ampere (pA) I pO2 I = Sens(pO2) x pO2 + I pA The current measured during this process is automatically converted to a pO2 value by the analyzer
Metabolite electrodes
The electrode is an amperometric electrode consisting of a silver cathode with a AgCl reference band and a platinum anode, all protected by an electrode jacket filled with electrolyte solution At the tip of the jacket is a multilayer membrane The electrodes are identical in design
Metabolite electrodes design
Glucose and lactate electrodes are identical in construction, the major difference is the enzyme in the membrane layer Cathode – Ag rod coated with AgCl - reduction of Ag+ Electrolyte solution - provides electrical contact between anode and cathode Anode – Pt wire - oxidation of H2O2 Differences are the enzymes and the outer membranes Multilayer membrane - outer layer permeable to glucose/lactate - middle enzyme layer (production of H2O2) - inner layer permeable to H2O2 Glucose is used as an example
The metabolite membrane design
Multilayered membrane outer layer permeable to glucose/lactate middle enzyme layer (production of H2O2) inner layer permeable to H2O2 Inner layer Outer layer Middle layer
Metabolites – measuring method
Glucose/lactate molecules are transported across the outer membrane to be converted by the enzyme to form H2O2 The H2O2 is then oxidized to oxygen and electrons, a current, which is measured by the ammeter Glucose + O Gluconic a cid H 2 Lactate Pyruvate H O 2H+ + 2e- 2 The amount of current produced is proportional to the amount of H2O2, which in turn is directly related to the amount of glucose or lactate in the sample
Metabolite membrane - outer layer
Has pores of well-defined density and diameter to limit the amount of glucose/lactate entering the enzyme layer Outer side is treated to prevent protein build-up that could block the pores Glucose/lactate Inner layer Outer layer Middle layer Outer layer Red blood cells - There has to be a limitation with respect to how much lactate will reach the lactate oxidase membrane since there is a limit of how much the enzyme will convert. If this was not achieved by the outer membrane we would have to dilute the sample - The poredensity is lower than the glucose - The membrane is 10 em thick Blood sample The sensor is not affected by hematocrit due to the outer low-porous membrane
Metabolite membrane – middle enzyme layer
The enzyme glucose or lactate oxidase is immobilized between the outer and inner layer The enzymes only catalyze the following reactions: Inner layer Outer layer Middle layer Glucose + O Gluconic a cid H Lactate Pyruvate 2 The O2 for the reactions is supplied by the Rinse solution and stored in the outer membrane. During rinse cycles, when air and rinse solution are flushing the measuring chamber, the outer membrane gets topped up with a fresh supply of oxygen. - Only 1–2 em thick - There is enough physically dissolved in the outer membrane, O2 is also “recycled” from the platinum wire, - The enzyme is not very stable at 37 C so it has to be immobilized in a way that will increase the stability at that temperature - We have a unique way of immobilizing the enzyme, giving the very long lifetime of the membrane. This is a big problem on comp. system since their lactate sensor has a lifetime of 7–14 days. O2 is supplied from the outer membrane to make the process independent of the O2 content in the sample Long lifetime of membrane No dependency on sample’s oxygen content
Metabolite membrane – inner layer
The H2O2 from the enzyme reaction is transported across the inner membrane to the Pt anode for oxidation The inner membrane is an interference-limiting membrane. In less than 30 seconds the H2O2 has diffused through the membrane and reached the Pt anode. Electrochemical substances that can interfere are delayed, e.g. Paracetamol-4-acetamidophenol, and will not pass through the membrane during the 30-second period Inner layer Inner layer Outer layer Middle layer Enzyme layer - Oxidation: liberation of electrons - With the potential applied other substances than hydrogenperoxide can be oxidized so a limitation is needed - The inner membrane almost works as a physical filter, keeping substances away from the electrode - Hepes will be oxidized, and can then be used as a control, which is done during CAL2 - The buffer is an imidazol buffer, which will keep pH within range, despite development of H+ E.g. Paracetamol-4-acetamidophenol
Summary The following parameters are measured:
pH, pCO2, pO2, cK+, cNa+, cCa2+, cCl– , cGlucose, cLactate Two measuring principles ion-selective electrodes for pH, pCO2 and electrolytes measurement of current produced from reactions of O2, Glu and Lac Multilayer interference-limiting membranes for glucose and lactate electrodes Long lifetime of membrane No dependency on sample’s oxygen content No interference from commonly known substances
Electrode updating Electrode signals are registered at second intervals during calibrations and measurements Updating starts when the sample/calibration solution has reached the measuring modules Duration and number of updatings (30) of electrode signals are predetermined The stability of the signals are evaluated before a calibration or a measurement result is accepted
pH electrode signal updating
7.70 Calibration pHupd.30 - pHupd.20 0.005 7.60 7.50 p1 pH 7.40 p30 p20 p21 7.30 7.20 5 10 15 20 25 30 Seconds
pO2 calibration electrode signal updating
pO2 upd.30 - pO2 upd.24 0.80 18.80 18.75 p1 18.70 pO2 18.65 p30 18.60 p16 p24 p25 18.55 18.50 5 10 15 20 25 30 Seconds
pCO2 calibration electrode signal updating
pCO2 upd.30 - pCO2 upd.24 0.40 5.50 5.40 5.30 pCO2 5.20 p16 p24 p25 p30 5.10 p1 5.00 4.90 5 10 15 20 25 30 Seconds
Radiometer Training Center, December 2004
Radiometer Medical ApS, Åkandevej 21, DK-2700 Brønshøj, Tel: ,
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