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Spotlight On Dr. Mohammad El-Tahlawi Introduction.

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2 Spotlight On Dr. Mohammad El-Tahlawi

3 Introduction

4 2 nd most abundant intracellular cation. Cofactor > 300 ATP enzymatic reaction. Excitable tissues. * Ca ++ movement.  Heart  Vascular tone

5 Balance

6 Adult body 21.. 28 g  > 50% bone  > 45% muscle  0.7% RBCs  0.3% plasma

7 0.3% plasma 1.4 - 2 mEq/L 55 % ionized ( active ) 45 % Non - ionized 33 % Protein bound 12 % chelated

8 Urinary Mg. 5 -15 mEq / 24 hr

9 Transcellular transport.  Intestinal absorption.  Renal Excretion. Hormonal Modulation.  Body’s “Orphan” ion

10 Hypomagnesaemia Mg level <1.5 mEq/L

11 Clinical Aspects

12 Predisposing Conditions

13 Drugs  Furosemide 50 %  Aminoglycosides 30 %  Amphotericin  Digitalis 20 %  Cisplatin, Cyclosporine

14 Diarrhea ( Secretory )

15 Chronic Alcoholism

16 Diabetes

17 Acute MI

18 Clinical Manifestations

19 Associated Electrolyte Abnormalities  Hypokalaemia.  Hypocalcemia.  Hypophosphatemia. Refractory

20 Mg and Stroke  Neuroprotective.  Reactive Central Nervous System Mg Deficiency.

21 Mg and AMI Mg Infusion  Prior to  In parallel with thrombolytic agent

22 Mg and Arrhythmia Atrial Ventricular ECG: prolonged QT, PR intervals

23 Mg & & Atherosclerosis

24 Mg & & Bronchial asthma

25 Diagnosis

26  Mg Retention Test.  Predisposing Factors.  Refractory Electrolyte disor.

27 Management

28 MgSO 4 1 gm = 8 mEq = 4 mmol

29  1 mEq / Kg 1st day Mild Mg Deficiency  0.5 mEq / Kg / day 3 days  Oral Mg.

30  48 mEq over 3 hrs Moderate Deficiency  40 mEq over next 6 hrs  40 mEq / 12 hrs 5 days

31  16 mEq over 2 min. Life - threatening  40 mEq over next 6 hrs.  40 mEq / 12 hrs 5 days.

32 Mg and ICU  65% Adult ICU.  30% Neonatal ICU.  10% General hosp. Patients.

33 Mg The most underdiagnosed electrolyte abnormality in current medical practice.

34 Thank You

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