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Environmental Emergencies
Environmental Emergencies
Heat Related Injuries Cold Related Injuries Bites and Stings (Insects, Animals, etc) Poisonous Plants Weather Related
Heat Related Illness Who’s at risk? Work Outside Exercise Outdoors
Elderly Young People with prior health issues
Heat Related Illness Heat Cramps Least Severe
First sign that the body is heat stressed Painful muscle spasms
Heat Related Illness Heat Cramps
Move the person to a cool place (shaded) Give them an electrolyte and carb fluid. Lightly stretch the muscle that is cramping DO NOT GIVE SALT TABLETS When the cramps stop – they can continue activity
Heat Related Illness Heat Exhaustion
More severe condition – often affects athletes, firefighters, construction workers and factory workers Cool, Moist, Pale Skin Headache Nausea Dizziness Weakness / Exhaustion
Heat Related Illness Heat Exhaustion Early Recognition
Be aware of the environment – Is it hot out today? Move to a cooler area Remove or loosen clothing and apply cool clothes (towels) to the axillaries Spray a misting water (cool) or fanning
Heat Related Illness Heat Exhaustion
IF CONSCIOUS – you can give small amounts of fluid (4 oz or less) at a time If they refuse water or don’t improve, CALL 911 Place patient in recovery position and monitor ABC’s
Heat Related Illness Heat Stroke Least common – most serious
Usually occurs due to ignoring signs and symptoms of Heat Exhaustion Extreme high body temp Red skin (dry or moist) Changes in LOC Rapid / Weak Pulse Shallow Breathing
Heat Related Illness IMMEDIATELY Heat Stroke Rapid cooling – immersion
Cover with bags of ice Rapid Cooling for no more than 20 minutes – Protect the skin (ice)
Cold Related Illness Frostbite
Freezing of body parts exposed to cold temps Can result in loss of limbs Look for loss of feeling in affected area Swelling Skin appears waxy
Cold Related Illness Frostbite Cold to the touch Discolored Blisters
Black Skin with signs of deep tissue damage
Cold Related Illness Frostbite
More serious cases (blisters, tissue damage, loss of feeling that can’t be restored, call 911 Remove wet clothing NEVER RUB AREA – TISSUE DAMAGE
Cold Related Illness Frostbite Gentle soak in warm water (105 or less)
If fingers or toes are involved, place cotton or gauze between them to keep them from rubbing together Watch for shock conditions
Cold Related Illness Hypothermia
Entire body cools because it can’t keep warm Will lead to death if not corrected TEMPERATURE DOES NOT HAVE TO BE BELOW FREEZING Elderly and children are more susceptible.
Cold Related Illness Hypothermia – Some Causes Intoxication
Circulatory Medical Conditions Prolonged exposure
Cold Related Illness Hypothermia – What to look for Shivering
Numbness – Whole body Glassy stare (shock) Indifference LOC Shivering that stops without re-warming is DANGER SIGN
Cold Related Illness Hypothermia – What to do Move to warm place
Remove wet clothing Put on dry clothing Use your body heat to help re-warm if nothing else available Wrap in blankets, plastic sheet Cover the top of the head
Cold Related Illness Hypothermia – What to do
Be careful when using heat packs, warm water etc. on skin – don’t burn the skin – Use a barrier If conscious – give warm liquids, DO NOT GIVE ALCOHOL OR CAFFEINE
Cold Related Illness Hypothermia – What to do
Unconscious – Recovery position and monitor the ABC’s
Heat / Cold Prevention Stay indoors (or in climate controlled area during hottest and coldest parts of the day Alter activity level depending on temp Dress appropriately Drink large amounts of fluid
Bites & Stings
Bites & Stings Most bites and stings aren’t serious Flies Bees Ticks
Fleas Etc.
Bites & Stings Insect Stings What to look for: Presence of a stinger
Pain Swelling Signals of an allergic reaction
Bites & Stings Insect Stings What to do:
Remove the stinger if possible – wear gloves Wash the site with soap and water Cover the site and keep clean Apply cold pack to area Call 911 for breathing problems
Bites & Stings Tick-Borne Diseases Rocky Mountain spotted fever
Babesia Infection Ehrlichiosis Lyme Disease
Bites & Stings Tick-Borne Diseases Rocky Mountain spotted fever
Bacterial infection – mostly in spring and summer and mostly in children
Bites & Stings Tick-Borne Diseases Rocky Mountain spotted fever Fever
Nausea Muscle aches or pain Loss of appetite Severe headaches Rash (Later)
Bites & Stings Lyme Diseases Most prevalent on east coast
Spread by Deer Tick and Black-Legged Tick Usually must remain attached for 36 hours to transmit the disease
Bites & Stings Lyme Diseases What to look for:
Small Rash at the site of the bite Center lighter with redder outer edge Fever Headache Joint / Muscle Pain
Bites & Stings Lyme Diseases
Seek medical help if the rash begins to spread away from the site
Bites & Stings Removing a Tick
Bites & Stings Mosquito-Borne Illness West Nile Virus
Passed by mosquito bites Eliminate standing bodies of water Keep stagnant water from accumulating around the house Signs and Symptoms usually develop within 3-14 days.
Bites & Stings Mosquito-Borne Illness High Fever Headache
Neck Stiffness Confusion Coma Convulsions Vision Loss Numbness / Paralysis
Bites & Stings Spider Bites & Scorpion Stings
Bites & Stings Spider Bites & Scorpion Stings
Few spiders in U.S. cause major problems Black Widow & Brown Recluse can be fatal
Bites & Stings Spider Bites & Scorpion Stings Black Widow
Black with a reddish hourglass shape on the underside of it’s body Prefers dark, out-of-the-way places Usually bitten when reaching into these places
Bites & Stings Spider Bites & Scorpion Stings Brown Recluse
Violin shape on the back portion of the front segment
Bites & Stings Spider Bites & Scorpion Stings Scorpion
Dry regions – Western / SW U.S. Live under rocks and in the bark of trees Hard to distinguish poisonous from non poisonous so suspect them ALL
Bites & Stings Spider Bites & Scorpion Stings
Spider Bite – What to look for Usually don’t know that you have been bitten unless you see it happen Black Widow Bites: Rigid muscles in shoulders, chest, back and abs Anxiety / Dizziness / Headache
Bites & Stings Spider Bites & Scorpion Stings Black Widow (con’t)
Excessive sweating Weakness Drooping Eyelids Swelling at the site of the bite and expanding
Bites & Stings Spider Bites & Scorpion Stings Brown Recluse
Little pain when bitten Blood-filled blister forms at the site and looks like a bulls-eye Gets bigger and eventually ruptures, leading to tissue damage and black scabs
Bites & Stings Spider Bites & Scorpion Stings Call 911 if…
You witness the bite and know it’s a brown recluse or black widow While you wait… Wash the wound with water DO NOT TRY TO SUCK THE POISON OUT Bandage the wound to prevent infection
Bites & Stings Venomous Snake Bites
7000 snake bites each year – around 5 or so are fatal Rattlesnakes account for most bites and the most deaths in the U.S. Most deaths are due to allergic reaction
Bites & Stings Venomous Snake Bites
Bites & Stings Venomous Snake Bites
Bites & Stings Venomous Snake Bites
Bites & Stings Venomous Snake Bites
Call 911 immediately, especially if you don’t know what type of snake bit the victim Wash the wound Apply an elastic bandage to slow the venom spread DO NOT SUCK THE POISON
Bites & Stings Venomous Snake Bites DO NOT APPLY ICE
Bites & Stings Animal Bites
Dog bites are common and can be dangerous – infection and bleeding Don’t get bitten by lions, tigers, bears…that would generally suck as well. What do you do?
Bites & Stings Animal Bites Control bleeding FIRST
Do not clean serious wounds – get medical help If minor bleeding, wash with soap and warm water Apply antibiotic ointment Watch for infection
Bites & Stings Marine Life Stings Stingray Jellyfish
Portuguese Man O’ War
Bites & Stings Marine Life Stings Jellyfish stings are the most common
Very painful and dangerous if a person has an allergic reaction to the venom
Bites & Stings Marine Life Stings What to do…
Get someone to help remove the person from the water – Lifeguard DO NOT TOUCH THE AFFECTED AREA – YOU MIGHT GET STUNG AS WELL Irrigate with large amounts of vinegar
Bites & Stings Marine Life Stings What to do…
If the sting is from a Portuguese man-of-war, use ocean water to irrigate rather than vinegar DON’T RUB THE WOUND Once the sting has stopped, have the person take a hot shower for at least 20 minutes
Poisonous Plants Poison Ivy Causes an allergic reaction
Remove the contaminated clothing Wash the area with soap and water Wash the affected clothing Put a baking-soda paste on the area several times per day Go to doctor if rash lasts more than a few days
Lightening Causes more death in the U.S. than any other weather hazard
Kills nearly 100 people each year and injures nearly 300 more. Travels at speeds up to 300 miles / second 50 million volts of electricity
Lightening Best treatment is prevention
Pick campsites that meet safety precautions Pay attention to forecasts Plan turn-around time – how long would it take to get to safety if caught in a storm
Lightening Find quick shelter
Cars are best, but get in one that has a top and windows rolled up Use the 30/30 rule. Lightening visible, count 1,2,3…if you hear thunder before 30, the lightening is within 6 miles and a SERIOUS THREAT
Lightening If you are caught in the storm, take a safe position
Lightening If you are caught in the storm…
Take off metal and toss away from your person Do not lie down, try to make as little contact with the ground as possible Space yourself away from others
Lightening Injuries… Unconsciousness Dazed, Confused behavior
Trouble breathing No breathing Burn marks on skin, or other open wounds Muscle, Bone, Joint injuries such as fractures / dislocations
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