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How do animals change as they grow? Click to listen to story.

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Presentation on theme: "How do animals change as they grow? Click to listen to story."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do animals change as they grow? Click to listen to story.

2 Small Group Timer Timer

3 Frogs Online Games Vocabulary & Amazing Words:  Arcade Games Arcade Games  Jigword Jigword  Matchword Matchword  Speedword Speedword  Wordsearch Wordsearch  Word Web Word Web  Spelling City: voc. Spelling City: voc.  Spelling City: amazing Spelling City: amazing Spelling Words:  Speedword Speedword  Word Web Word Web  Quia Games Quia Games  Spelling City Spelling City High Frequency Words:  Spelling City Spelling City

4 Frogs Vocabulary Words  pond  wonderful  powerful  insects  crawls  skin  shed Amazing Words   appearance  stage  transform  restless  pursue  canopy  forage  forepaw

5 Frogs High Frequency Words   bear  build  couldn’t  father  love  mother  straight

6 Frogs Word Family Words  dime  flex  foot  friends  fun Spelling Words   around crown  about south  gown mouse  sound downtown  flower mountain  howl boundary  ground drowsy  pound

7 Big Question: How do animals change as they grow?  Monday Monday  Tuesday Tuesday  Wednesday Wednesday  Thursday Thursday  Friday Friday

8 Frogs Monday Morning Warm-Up Animals everywhere start life as babies. Each animal has a mother and a father. Over time, the babies grow. How do animals change as they grow?

9 Frogs Monday Morning Warm-Up Animals everywhere start life as babies. Each animal has a mother and a father. Over time, the babies grow. How do animals change as they grow?

10 Today we will learn about:  Amazing Words  Dipthongs: ou, ow  Compare and Contrast  Graphic Organizer  Adjectives that Compare

11 Amazing Words

12 appearance   ap – pear - ance   An appearance is the way a person, an animal, or a thing looks.   An appearance can also be the way something seems to look or to be.   The child’s appearance was clean and neat.   The performer gave the appearance that juggling was easy.

13 stage   stage   A stage is a step or time in a person’s or animal’s life.   Toddlers go through a stage when they always say no.   Puppies go through a stage when they like to chew everything.

14 stage

15 transform   trans - form   When you transform something, you change it.   The gardener will transform the drab backyard into a beautiful garden.   We will transform the basement into a great playroom.

16 Click to listen to “Tadpole Transformation.”

17 Animal Names T-chart Baby Animal Names Adult Animal Names

18 Animal Names T-chart Baby Animal Names Adult Animal Names tadpole tadpole

19 Animal Names T-chart Baby Animal Names Adult Animal Names tadpole tadpole frog frog

20 Animal Names T-chart Baby Animal Names Adult Animal Names tadpole tadpole colt colt frog frog

21 Animal Names T-chart Baby Animal Names Adult Animal Names tadpole tadpole colt colt frog frog horse horse

22 Animal Names T-chart Baby Animal Names Adult Animal Names tadpole tadpole colt colt chick chick frog frog horse horse

23 Animal Names T-chart Baby Animal Names Adult Animal Names tadpole tadpole colt colt chick chick frog frog horse horse chicken chicken

24 Animal Names T-chart Baby Animal Names Adult Animal Names tadpole tadpole colt colt chick chick kitten kitten frog frog horse horse chicken chicken

25 Animal Names T-chart Baby Animal Names Adult Animal Names tadpole tadpole colt colt chick chick kitten kitten frog frog horse horse chicken chicken cat cat

26 Animal Names T-chart Baby Animal Names Adult Animal Names tadpole tadpole colt colt chick chick kitten kitten puppy puppy frog frog horse horse chicken chicken cat cat

27 Animal Names T-chart Baby Animal Names Adult Animal Names tadpole tadpole colt colt chick chick kitten kitten puppy puppy frog frog horse horse chicken chicken cat catdog

28 Animal Names T-chart Baby Animal Names Adult Animal Names tadpole tadpole colt colt chick chick kitten kitten puppy puppy calf calf frog frog horse horse chicken chicken cat cat dog dog

29 Animal Names T-chart Baby Animal Names Adult Animal Names tadpole tadpole colt colt chick chick kitten kitten puppy puppy calf calf frog frog horse horse chicken chicken cat cat dog dog cow cow

30 Dipthongs: ou, ow  grow  What do you know about reading this word?  The letters ow can stand for the sound /o/.  Today we’ll learn another sound for ow.  owl.

31  owl  The letters ow can stand for the long o sound or the dipthong /ou/. The context provides the clue to pronunciation.  cow  now  down  brown  crowd  flower  Sometimes the letters ou stand for the dipthong/ou/. In a dipthong, each vowel contributes to the sound heard.  out  loud  sour  ground  about  mountain

32 Dipthongs: ou, ow Blend these words.  count  found  cow  brown  ouch  allow  how  out  down  round  howl  sound  now  vowel  scout

33 Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow frown, snow, glow, cloud, down, growl, flown, ouch, count, crown, throw, round Owl (ou) Owl (ow) Ocean

34 Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow frown, snow, glow, cloud, down, growl, flown, ouch, count, crown, throw, round Owl (ou) Owl (ow) Ocean frown frown

35 Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow frown, snow, glow, cloud, down, growl, flown, ouch, count, crown, throw, round Owl (ou) Owl (ow) Ocean frown frown snow snow

36 Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow frown, snow, glow, cloud, down, growl, flown, ouch, count, crown, throw, round Owl (ou) Owl (ow) Ocean frown frown snow snow glow glow

37 Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow frown, snow, glow, cloud, down, growl, flown, ouch, count, crown, throw, round Owl (ou) Owl (ow) Ocean cloud cloud frown frown snow snow glow glow

38 Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow frown, snow, glow, cloud, down, growl, flown, ouch, count, crown, throw, round Owl (ou) Owl (ow) Ocean cloud cloud frown frown down down snow snow glow glow

39 Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow frown, snow, glow, cloud, down, growl, flown, ouch, count, crown, throw, round Owl (ou) Owl (ow) Ocean cloud cloud frown frown down down growl growl snow snow glow glow

40 Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow frown, snow, glow, cloud, down, growl, flown, ouch, count, crown, throw, round Owl (ou) Owl (ow) Ocean cloud cloud frown frown down down growl growl snow snow glow glow flown flown

41 Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow frown, snow, glow, cloud, down, growl, flown, ouch, count, crown, throw, round Owl (ou) Owl (ow) Ocean cloud cloud ouch ouch frown frown down down growl growl snow snow glow glow flown flown

42 Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow frown, snow, glow, cloud, down, growl, flown, ouch, count, crown, throw, round Owl (ou) Owl (ow) Ocean cloud cloud ouch ouch count count frown frown down down growl growl snow snow glow glow flown flown

43 Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow frown, snow, glow, cloud, down, growl, flown, ouch, count, crown, throw, round Owl (ou) Owl (ow) Ocean cloud cloud ouch ouch count count frown frown down down growl growl crown crown snow snow glow glow flown flown

44 Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow frown, snow, glow, cloud, down, growl, flown, ouch, count, crown, throw, round Owl (ou) Owl (ow) Ocean cloud cloud ouch ouch count count frown frown down down growl growl crown crown snow snow glow glow flown flown throw throw

45 Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow Sorting Dipthongs: ou, ow frown, snow, glow, cloud, down, growl, flown, ouch, count, crown, throw, round Owl (ou) Owl (ow) Ocean cloud cloud ouch ouch count count round round frown frown down down growl growl crown crown snow snow glow glow flown flown throw throw

46 Dipthongs: ou, ow  found  ground  follow  gown  shout  town  aloud  plow  trout  pouch  frown  crowd  cowboy  mouth  shown

47 Frogs Word Family Words  dime  flex  foot  friends  fun Spelling Words   around crown  about south  gown mouse  sound downtown  flower mountain  howl boundary  ground drowsy  pound

48 Word Family Word – dime (online dictionary) (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends lime mime rime time chime crime grime slime

49 Word Family Word – dime lime mime rime ice time chimecrime grimeslime

50 Word Family Word – flex (online dictionary) (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends hex Rex Tex vex Chex flex

51 Word Family Word – flex hex Chex flex

52 Compare & Contrast & Graphic Organizers  Remember in The Quilt Story how Abigail used the quilt.  Did the animals in the attic use the quilt in the same ways?  When you compare and contrast things, you tell how they are alike and different.  A graphic organizer helps you organize information. The chart can help you keep track of how things are alike and different.


54 Daily Fix-It the bride wore a white goun. The bride wore a white gown. dan rode a bus dontown Dan rode a bus downtown.

55 Adjectives that Compare  An adjective describes a person, place, animal, or thing.  Add –er to an adjective to compare two persons, places, or things.  Add –est to compare three or more persons, places, or things.

56 Adjectives that Compare  The chick is smaller than the hen.  Smaller compares two things—the chick and the hen.  The egg is smallest of the three.  Smallest compares three things— the egg, the chick, and the hen.

57 Adjectives that Compare  Lions are faster than zebras.

58 Adjectives that Compare  Lions are faster than zebras.  The cheetah is the fastest animal on land.

59 Adjectives that Compare  Lions are faster than zebras.  The cheetah is the fastest animal on land.  The blue whale is the longest animal of all.

60 Adjectives that Compare  Lions are faster than zebras.  The cheetah is the fastest animal on land.  The blue whale is the longest animal of all.

61 Adjectives that Compare  Dolphins are longer than porpoises.

62 Adjectives that Compare  Dolphins are longer than porpoises.  A pine tree is taller than an oak tree.

63 Adjectives that Compare  Dolphins are longer than porpoises.  A pine tree is taller than an oak tree.  Redwoods are the tallest trees of all.

64 Adjectives that Compare  Dolphins are longer than porpoises.  A pine tree is taller than an oak tree.  Redwoods are the tallest trees of all.

65 Adjectives that Compare Fill in the chart. One thing Two things Three things cool cool older older shortest shortest

66 Adjectives that Compare Fill in the chart. One thing Two things Three things cool cool cooler cooler older older shortest shortest

67 Adjectives that Compare Fill in the chart. One thing Two things Three things cool cool cooler cooler older older coolest coolest shortest shortest

68 Adjectives that Compare Fill in the chart. One thing Two things Three things cool cool old old cooler cooler older older coolest coolest shortest shortest

69 Adjectives that Compare Fill in the chart. One thing Two things Three things cool cool old old cooler cooler older older coolest coolest oldest oldest shortest shortest

70 Adjectives that Compare Fill in the chart. One thing Two things Three things cool cool old old short short cooler cooler older older coolest coolest oldest oldest shortest shortest

71 Adjectives that Compare Fill in the chart. One thing Two things Three things cool cool old old short short cooler cooler older older shorter shorter coolest coolest oldest oldest shortest shortest

72 Wrap Up Your Day!  Dipthongs ou, ow  Compare and contrast  Let’s Talk About It  Tomorrow we will read a selection about an animal that grows and changes as it gets older—a frog.

73 Frogs Monday Journal Topic Write a paragraph explaining how you would change your bedroom if you could.

74 Frogs Tuesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about tadpoles. Tadpoles grow bigger and stronger until they are frogs. Frogs are the highest jumpers! What else can frogs do?

75 Frogs Tuesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about tadpoles. Tadpoles grow bigger and stronger until they are frogs. Frogs are the highest jumpers! What else can frogs do?

76 Today we will learn about:  Amazing Words  Dipthongs: ou, ow  Vocabulary Words  Suffix –ful  Word Structure  Adjectives that Compare

77 Amazing Words

78 restless   rest - less   When you feel restless, you are not able to be still, or you want a change.   The baby was restless in her stroller.   He became restless after sitting for two hours.   The man was restless after doing the same job for ten years.

79 pursue   pur - sue   When you pursue something, you follow or chase it.   Sharks pursue smaller fish.   The police pursued the bank robbers.   She will pursue her dream of becoming a doctor.

80 canopy   can –o –py   A canopy is a covering above something else.   Emily has a green and white canopy over her bed.   There is a kelp canopy floating on the surface of the ocean.

81 canopy

82 Read-Aloud

83 Dipthongs: ou, ow  powder  You can read this word because you know how to read words with the letters ow.  The letters ow can stand for /ou/ or /o/.  What sound do the letters ow stand for in this word?  loud  What sound do the letters ow stand for in this word?

84 Dipthongs: ou, ow  When you come to a new word, look at the letters from left to right and think about the vowel sounds.  Say the sounds in the word to yourself and then read the word.  ounce  flower  drowsy

85 Dipthongs: ou, ow  outer  bounce  downtown  shower  grouch  towel  sprout

86 Click to listen to “The Tadpoles and the Wise, Old Owl.”

87 Dipthongs: ou, ow Dipthongs: ou, ow Find the words with ou and ow in “The Tadpoles and the Wise, Old Owl.”   owl   grouchy   around   out   bounce   ground   how   our   now   pout   sprout

88 Making Words o, u, e b, d, h, l, m, n, p, s, t, w

89 Frogs Word Family Words  dime  flex  foot  friends  fun Spelling Words   around crown  about south  gown mouse  sound downtown  flower mountain  howl boundary  ground drowsy  pound

90 Word Family Word - foot (online dictionary) (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends soot

91 Word Family Word - foot soot

92 Dipthongs: ou, ow  We can walk around the south part of downtown.  The mouse on the ground did not make a sound.  Put on that crown and the gown with the flower.

93 Vocabulary Words   pond – a small body of waterpond   wonderful – causing wonder or amazement   powerful – having power or great strength   insects – animals with six legs and a three- part body insects   crawls – moves slowly on hands and knees   skin – outer covering of the bodyskin   shed – to drop or lose shed (next slide)

94 pond

95 insects

96 skin

97 shed

98 Other Words to Know   spawn – to lay eggs spawn   bulges – curves outward   vegetarians – living things that eat only food from plants (next slide)

99 spawn

100 Vocabulary Word Review  wonderful  water  powerful  eyes  insects  gone  crawls  break  shed  behind


102 Daily Fix-It   a grey mose ran up the clock   A grey mouse ran up the clock. did you here that sound. Did you hear that sound?

103 Adjectives that Compare  An adjective describes a person, place, animal, or thing.  Add –er to an adjective to compare two persons, places, or things.  Add –est to compare three or more persons, places, or things.

104 Wrap Up Your Day!  Vocabulary words  Graphic organizers  Let’s Talk About It  Tomorrow we will learn more about how frogs changes as they get older.

105 Frogs Tuesday Journal Topic Write about your favorite animal and tell why it's special.

106 Frogs Wednesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read more about Turtle. Her life is not very peaceful. She has to be careful. Being a powerful swimmer helps! What else can turtles do well?

107 Frogs Wednesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read more about Turtle. Her life is not very peaceful. She has to be careful. Being a powerful swimmer helps! What else can turtles do well?

108 Today you will learn about:  Amazing words  Vowels oo, u  Diphthongs ou, ow  Suffix –ful  Appropriate phrasing  Adjectives that compare

109 Amazing Words

110 forage   for - age   Forage means to go from place to place looking for something, usually food.   Bears forage in the woods looking for berries.   Rabbits forage in the vegetable garden.

111 forage

112 forepaw   fore – paw   A forepaw is one of the front feet of an animal with four paws.   The dog scratched at the door with its forepaw.   The cat played with a ball of yarn between its forepaws.

113 forepaw

114 Read-Aloud

115 Vowels oo, u  foot - put  You can read these words because you know that the vowels oo and u can stand for the sound /u/.

116 Vowels oo, u  full  pull  push  bush  book  hook  hood  wood

117 Vocabulary Words Vocabulary Words crawls, insects, pond, powerful, shed, skin, wonderful  If you have many insects in your yard, is it a good idea to keep frogs in your yard too?  Is a rainbow that appears after a rainstorm wonderful to see?  Does a frog that has shed its tadpole skin and lips still have them?

118 Vocabulary Words Vocabulary Words crawls, insects, pond, powerful, shed, skin, wonderful  Can you touch a frog’s skin?  Is a pond very dry?  When an animal crawls does it leap quickly through the air?  Does someone with powerful arms have problems lifting a heavy rock?

119 Frogs Word Family Words  dime  flex  foot  friends  fun Spelling Words   around crown  about south  gown mouse  sound downtown  flower mountain  howl boundary  ground drowsy  pound

120 Word Family Word - friends (online dictionary) (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends bend fend lend mend send tend blend spend

121 Word Family Word - friends bend fend lend blend mend send tend spend

122 Suffix - ful  The suffix –ful means “full of.”  harmful – full of harm  helpful – full of help  tearful – full of tears  powerful – full of power  wonderful – full of wonder

123 Daily Fix-It the frog jumped on the grundthe frog jumped on the grund The frog jumped on the ground.The frog jumped on the ground. did max water the flouersdid max water the flouers Did Max water the flowers?Did Max water the flowers?

124 Adjectives that Compare  An adjective describes a person, place, animal, or thing.  Add –er to an adjective to compare two persons, places, or things.  Add –est to compare three or more persons, places, or things.

125 Adjectives that Compare Adjectives that Compare Add –er or –est to these adjectives that compare to complete these sentences.  Jumpy the Frog is 3 inches long.  Rib-It the Frog is 5 inches long.  Spotty the Frog is 4 inches long.  Rib-It jumps the ___distance of all three frogs.

126 Adjectives that Compare Adjectives that Compare Add –er or –est to these adjectives that compare to complete these sentences.  Jumpy the Frog is 3 inches long.  Rib-It the Frog is 5 inches long.  Spotty the Frog is 4 inches long.  Rib-It jumps the longest distance of all three frogs.

127 Adjectives that Compare Adjectives that Compare Add –er or –est to these adjectives that compare to complete these sentences.  Jumpy the Frog is 3 inches long.  Rib-It the Frog is 5 inches long.  Spotty the Frog is 4 inches long.  Rib-It jumps the longest distance of all three frogs.  The distance Spotty can jump is ___ than the distance Jumpy can jump.

128 Adjectives that Compare Adjectives that Compare Add –er or –est to these adjectives that compare to complete these sentences.  Jumpy the Frog is 3 inches long.  Rib-It the Frog is 5 inches long.  Spotty the Frog is 4 inches long.  Rib-It jumps the longest distance of all three frogs.  The distance Spotty can jump is longer than the distance Jumpy can jump.

129 Wrap Up Your Day!  Compare and contrast  Fluency  Let’s Talk About It  Tomorrow we will read about the life cycle of another kind of animal—a grasshopper.

130 Frogs Wednesday Journal Topic Write a diary entry describing the most Write a diary entry describing the most wonderful day of their lives.

131 Frogs Thursday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about how grasshoppers grow and change. Grasshoppers hide their eggs in the ground. What animal would you like to find out about?

132 Frogs Thursday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about how grasshoppers grow and change. Grasshoppers hide their eggs in the ground. What animal would you like to find out about?

133 Today we will learn about:  Dipthongs: ou, ow  Appropriate phrasing  Adjectives that compare  Give a demonstration

134 Read-Aloud Otter on His Own

135 Frogs Vocabulary Words  pond  wonderful  powerful  insects  crawls  skin  shed Amazing Words   appearance  stage  transform  restless  pursue  canopy  forage  forepaw

136 Frogs High Frequency Words   bear  build  couldn’t  father  love  mother  straight

137 Sentence Reading  Father said, “Put the broken candle on the table.”  Mother put the baby in the cradle by the trundle bed. trundle bed trundle bed  I love to set a good example so I will donate this little bear.  I will build a fence around the tomato plants.  I went straight to my room, but I couldn’t find my paper. (next slide) (next slide)

138 trundle bed trundle bed

139 Frogs Word Family Words  dime  flex  foot  friends  fun Spelling Words   around crown  about south  gown mouse  sound downtown  flower mountain  howl boundary  ground drowsy  pound

140 Word Family Word - fun (online dictionary) (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends bun dun gun pun run sun shun spun stun

141 Word Family Word - fun bun dun water gun run sun spun stun gun

142 From Egg to Egg Pages 90-93



145 Daily Fix-It jed is tallest than lynn   Jed is taller than Lynn.   the birds flue soth   The birds flew south.

146 Adjectives that Compare  An adjective describes a person, place, animal, or thing.  Add –er to an adjective to compare two persons, places, or things.  Add –est to compare three or more persons, places, or things.

147 Adjectives that Compare One thing Two things Three things fast fast

148 Adjectives that Compare One thing Two things Three things fast fast faster faster

149 Adjectives that Compare One thing Two things Three things fast fast faster faster fastest fastest

150 Speaking & Listening: Giving a Demonstration  A speaker uses both words and actions to show or explain to others how to do something in a demonstration.  The speaker often uses props to show viewers exactly what must be done in each step of the process.  The speaker should carefully describe the order in which the steps must be completed.

151 Giving a Demonstration SpeakersListeners  Use props.  Make eye contact with the listeners.  Speak in a logical sequence.

152 Giving a Demonstration SpeakersListeners  Use props.  Make eye contact with the listeners.  Speak in a logical sequence.  Sit quietly  Face the speaker.  Listen to what the speaker says.  Note the order in which the steps should be completed.

153 Wrap UP Your Day!  Making connections: text to text  Let’s Talk About It  We read a story about another animal that changes as it gets older. Tomorrow we will learn more about the life cycle of animals.

154 Frogs Thursday Journal Topic Write about a child who changes appearance. Write about a child who changes appearance.

155 Frogs Friday Morning Warm-Up This week we read about turtles, frogs, otters, and grasshoppers. All of these animals change as they grow. What animal changes the most as it grows?

156 Today we will learn about:  Dipthongs ou, ow  Vocabulary words  Amazing words  High-frequency words  Adjectives that compare  Diagrams

157 Read-Aloud Otter on His Own

158 Frogs Amazing Words   appearance  stage  transform  restless  pursue  canopy  forage  forepaw

159 Frogs Word Family Words  dime  flex  foot  friends  fun Spelling Words   around crown  about south  gown mouse  sound downtown  flower mountain  howl boundary  ground drowsy  pound

160 Dipthongs ou, ow  Look at that clown pout and frown!  We put the brown couch in her house.  Our class will walk around downtown.  That cloud over the tower looks like an owl.

161 Frogs Vocabulary Words  pond  wonderful  powerful  insects  crawls  skin  shed

162 Vocabulary Words Vocabulary Words crawls, skin, wonderful, insects, powerful, shed, pond  I am what a snake does when it loses its skin. What am I?  I am another word for strong. What am I?  I am a small body of water. What am I?  I am another word for fantastic. What am I?  I am the way a baby moves on its hands and knees. What am I?  I am another name for bugs. What am I?  I cover the outside of your body. What am I?

163 Frogs High Frequency Words   bear  build  couldn’t  father  love  mother  straight

164 Daily Fix-It mom bought a pound of aplesmom bought a pound of aples Mom bought a pound of apples.Mom bought a pound of apples.  did bill find the crown.  Did Bill find the crown?

165 Diagrams  A diagram is a picture with labeled parts that can provide important information.  Your science and social studies textbooks has many diagrams to help you learn information easily.  Look in your books and find examples of diagrams and explain what they show.

166 Wrap Up Your Week! Let’s Talk About Our Changing World!

167 Frogs Friday Journal Topic Write about the stages of an insect or frog.

168 Frogs Friday Related Links National Geographic Trials of a Tadpole Trials of a Tadpole Trials of a Tadpole

169 APTPlus Videos (password required)  Amphibians, Fish, and Reptiles (26:00) Amphibians, Fish, and Reptiles Amphibians, Fish, and Reptiles  Animal Life Cycles (14:00) Animal Life Cycles Animal Life Cycles  Junior Zoologist: Fish, Amphibians, and Reptiles (16:06) Junior Zoologist: Fish, Amphibians, and Reptiles Junior Zoologist: Fish, Amphibians, and Reptiles  Animal Faces, Animal Places (18:00) Animal Faces, Animal Places Animal Faces, Animal Places  Animal Profiles: Frogs (10:00) Animal Profiles: Frogs Animal Profiles: Frogs  Amphibians: Amazing Animals (22:34) Amphibians: Amazing Animals Amphibians: Amazing Animals  The Magic School Bus Hops Home (26:12) The Magic School Bus Hops Home The Magic School Bus Hops Home  Animals Around Us: Amphibians: What Are They? (20:00) Animals Around Us: Amphibians: What Are They? Animals Around Us: Amphibians: What Are They?

170 We are now ready to take our story tests.   Story test   Classroom webpage,   Student page,   Taking Tests   AR   Other Reading Quizzes   Quiz # 904622

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