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Published byAriana Seaton Modified over 10 years ago
Topic: Me In My Environment ‘Considering the world we are a part of and how we can make decisions to manage & improve the quality of the school’s physical & social environment. Level: 1-4 Key Concepts: Interdependence Sustainability Personal & Social Responsibility & Action Biodiversity Key Dimensions: IN ABOUT FOR Learning Experiences: See Activity Guide in the ‘Me In My Environment’ section, Enviroschools Kit. Skills: Investigate, observe & experience our surroundings. Share, record and analyse maps & info. Consult with others & make decisions together. Attitudes/Values: Kaitiakitanga Co-operation & concern for all forms of life in our community & wider environment. Actions: To produce a whole school vision map for the creation of a sustainable school environment for people & nature. Curriculum Area: Social Studies Strand: SOrg/P&E/C&H/R&EA Curriculum Area: Science Strand: LW/MW/PEB Curriculum Area: English Strand: All Curriculum Area: The Arts Strand: All Curriculum Area: Health & PE Strand: PHD/ROP/HCE Curriculum Area:Technology/Maths Strand: Strand A/Num/Geo/Stat/Mea Learning Outcomes: * Students will: Build knowledge and understanding of what they know & feel about their environment & can observe in their surroundings. Explore key concepts & relate them to the school situation. Conduct a survey of sustainability in the school. Recap & summarise key learning about the school environment. Create a Vision Map that represents the values, principles and ideas of the whole class and whole school. Assessment: Whole class map that reflects students ideas & feelings about the health & sustainability of the school environment Whole school map. Documentation of the processes.
Me in My Environment Learning Guide MathsEnglishThe ArtsHealth & PEScienceSocial StudiesTechnology Week 1What do you know now? Mapping My Place Pepeha Special Places Sounds & Colours Special Places Social Profile Mapping My Place Sounds & Colours Special Places Social Profile Pepeha Week 2-3What can you observe? Pattern HuntWord Hunt Alphabet Hike Close Encounters (Hear) Alphabet Hike Close Encounters (Touch) Pattern Hunt Restless MindsClose Encounters (See, Taste & Smell) A Day in the life of.. Week 4What can you learn? A:Inter- reateness B: There are limits… C: We have.. The Last Sunflower World in a Lunchbox A: Rangi & Papa Tane & Tangaroa Make a Tree Mihi to Rangi & Papa Make a Tree Rangi & Papa Web of Life 1 & 2Rangi & Papa Tane & Tangaroa If Earth were an… The Last Sunflower World in a Lunchbox Week 5What can you learn? D: Kaitiaki… E: Living… F: Designing… Design An ObjectKaitiakitanga Various Values Playing Our Part KaitiakitangaDecisions Decisions Various Values Playing Our Part Design An Object Week 6What can you measure? EnviroSurvey Week 7What would you change? Pool of Knowledge
Me in My Environment Learning Guide MathsEnglishThe ArtsHealth & PEScienceSocial StudiesTechnology Week 8Mapping a WHOLE SCHOOL VISION! Integrated Activities Mapping the whole school vision will nedd to be steered by your Envirogroup who will co-ordinate and communicate with different groups in the school community. Sharing class ideas: Pools of Knowledge or class maps shared with the school community. May be a whole school exhibition/Community tour/Classroom tour/Hui/Open afternoon? Compiling Draft Vision Map: Establish guiding principles/sort ideas/create stroyboards/explore icons Consultation with BOT, staff and other groups: May be done at council meeting or at an open evening! Drawing final Vision Map: Use your community! Any expertise out there? Vision Map Use: What will it be used for? Prioritising class projects/raising awareness/reflection/funding applications? Week 9Mapping a WHOLE SCHOOL VISION! Week 10Mapping a WHOLE SCHOOL VISION! Goals reached at the end of the Term Each classes ideas have been collated into an overall school vision map that everyone agrees is the basis for creating a sustainable school. The vision map is on display for the school and community to view & its use has been decided upon. Teachers, students & community have a guiding vision to work towards, to plan for and to make happen! Whole school, community & children’s participation and involvement in the whole school map is evident. Reflective Assessment Staff reflection on the Term unit ‘Me in My Environment’ Children’s reflection on the term and the processes they went through. Community reflection on involvement in the processes (ie Envirogroup participation/Vision map consultation) Documentation for facilitator (photos, scrapbooks, story boards, art etc) Note: Many of the activities in the Me In My Environment section actually fit into more than curriculum area. For the purposes of this planner the two most dominant curriculum areas have been selected.
Term Overview MathsEnglishThe ArtsHealth & PE ScienceSocial Studies Technology Number The Last Sunflower Design An Object Envirosurvey Written Language Reading Word Hunt Alphabet Hike Rangi & Papa Tane & Tangaroa Pool of Knowledge Visual Arts Close Encounters (Touch) Alphabet Hike Rangi & Papa Sounds & Colours Tane & Tangaroa Pool of Knowledge Personal Health & Development Pool of Knowledge Living World Close Encounters (See/Taste) Web of Life 1 & 2 Close Encounters (Smell) Worms/Birds Eye View Pool of Knowledge Social Organisation Social Profile Tane & Tangaroa Kaitiakitanga Decisions Playing Our Part Pool of Knowledge Technological Knowledge & Understanding A Day in the life of.. Statistics Enviro survey Pool of Knowledge Written Language Writing Word Hunt Alphabet Hike Rangi & Papa Tane & Tangaroa Special Places Pool of Knowledge Drama Making a Tree Rangi & Papa Pool of Knowledge Motor Skills…Physical WorldPlace & Environment Mapping My Place Sounds & Colours Special Places A Day in the life of.. Various Values EnviroSurvey Technlogical Capability Design An Object Measurement Mapping My Place World In A Lunchbox Oral Language Speaking Pepeha Special Places Make A Tree Various Values Kaitiakitangi Pool of Knowledge Class Vision Map Dance Tane & Tangaroa Pool of Knowledge Relationships with Other People Special Places Decisions Pool of Knowledge Material World EnviroSurvey Culture & Heritage Pepeha Rangi & Papa Tane & Tangaroa Class Vision Map Technology & Society AlgebraOral Language Listening Pepeha Close Encounters (Hear) Rangi & Papa Tane & Tangaroa Pool of Knowledge Music Sounds & Colours Close Encounters (Hear) Pool of Knowledge Healthy Communities & Environments Restless Minds Special Places Social Profile Kaitiakitanga World In A Lunchbox Class Vision Map Planet Earth & Beyond EnviroSurvey Resources & Economic Activities If Earth were an… The Last Sunflower World in a Lunchbox Design An Object EnviroSurvey Geometry Mapping My Place Pattern Hunt Visual Language Viewing & Presenting Alphabet Hike Pool of Knowledge Class Vision Map Time, Contuinty & Change Note: The Pool of Knowledge collected over the term will reflect and encorporate many curriculum areas and strands as will the class vision map which could be presented in any number of ways!
ActivityPrincipleConcept Mapping My PlaceChildren’s ParticipationPhysical Surroundings Special PlacesDiversity of people & culturePhysical Surroundings PepehaMaori perspectivesLiving Curriculum Social ProfileChildren’s ParticipationOrganisational Principles Sounds & ColoursEnvironmental EducationPhysical Surroundings Word HuntEnvironmental EducationLiving Curriculum Pattern HuntEnvironmental EducationLiving Curriculum Alphabet HikeEnvironmental EducationPhysical Surroundings Close Encounters- See/Touch/Taste/Hear/Smell Environmental EducationPhysical Surroundings Living Curriculum Restless MindsEnvironmental EducationLiving Curriculum A Day in the life of…Environmental EducationPhysical Surroundings The Last SunflowerSustainabilityOrganisational Principles World in a LunchboxSustainabilityOperational Practices Rangi & PapaMaori perspectivesLiving Curriculum Make a TreeEnvironmental EducationLiving Curriculum Web of Life 1 & 2Environmental EducationLiving Curriculum Tane & TangaroaMaori perspectivesLiving Curriculum If the Earth were an appleSustainabilityOperational Practices Design an ObjectSustainabilityOperational Practices Various ValuesSustainabilityOrganisational Principles KaitiakitangaMaori perspectivesOrganisational Principles Decisions Children’s ParticipationOrganisational Principles Playing our PartChildren’s ParticipationOrganisational Principles Note: For the activities during Weeks 1-5, the principles and concepts of the enviroschools programme are listed. Once again some of the activities fit into more than one principle or concept so keep in mind that this is not a complete list
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