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Primal Religions. Primal 1. Prior—to ‘universal’ religions. From prehistory 2. Primary—basic features that belong to all religions.

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Presentation on theme: "Primal Religions. Primal 1. Prior—to ‘universal’ religions. From prehistory 2. Primary—basic features that belong to all religions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primal Religions

2 Primal 1. Prior—to ‘universal’ religions. From prehistory 2. Primary—basic features that belong to all religions

3 Animism  Latin for “spirit”  Spiritual power in all things  (Think “animate”)

4 Animism  No single founder  Developed simultaneously in different parts of the world and currently practiced world-wide, but most common in areas of Africa and the Americas  Mostly an oral tradition of story-telling  Rituals tend to take place outdoors in nature conducted by a Shaman, Medicine Man, or Medicine Woman

5 Mana

6 Fetish



9 Taboo/Tapu/Kapu

10 Totem

11 Omens

12 High God; Sky-god

13 Living Dead

14 “Medicine Man”  Priest  Medium  Diviner  Healer  Shaman  NOT: witch, sorcerer, or magician

15 Cargo Cult





20 Dimensions (Aspects) of Religion: 1. Ritual (Practice) 2. Experiential (mysterium tremendum et fascionosans; emotional) 3. Mythic (Stories/narratives with sacred significance) 4. Doctrinal (beliefs; philosophies) 5. Ethical (commandments; actions; legal) 6. Social (Institutional; Community) 7. Material (Artistic)

21  Te Kore: energy, potential, the void, nothingness  Te Po: form, the dark, the night  Te Ao-marama: emergence, light and reality, dwelling place of humans Maori

22  Ko Te Kore (the void, energy, nothingness, potential)  Te Kore-te-whiwhia (the void in which nothing is possessed)  Te Kore-te-rawea (the void in which nothing is felt)  Te Kore-i-ai (the void with nothing in union)  Te Kore-te-wiwia (the space without boundaries)

23  Na Te Kore Te Po (from the void the night)  Te Po-nui (the great night)  Te Po-roa (the long night)  Te Po-uriuri (the deep night)  Te Po-kerekere (the intense night)  Te Po-tiwhatiwha (the dark night)  Te Po-te-kitea (the night in which nothing is seen)

24  Te Po-tangotango (the intensely dark night)  Te Po-whawha (the night of feeling)  Te Po-namunamu-ki-taiao (the night of seeking the passage to the world)  Te Po-tahuri-atu (the night of restless turning)  Te Po-tahuri-mai-ki-taiao (the night of turning towards the revealed world)

25  Ki te Whai-ao (to the glimmer of dawn)  Ki te Ao-marama (to the bright light of day)  Tihei mauri-ora (there is life)

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