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Dr Shabeer A. Jeeva L.R.C.P; LRCS (Ireland), D.Psych (ottawa), F.R.C.P (Canada) Specialist Child & Adult Psychiatrist.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Shabeer A. Jeeva L.R.C.P; LRCS (Ireland), D.Psych (ottawa), F.R.C.P (Canada) Specialist Child & Adult Psychiatrist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Shabeer A. Jeeva L.R.C.P; LRCS (Ireland), D.Psych (ottawa), F.R.C.P (Canada) Specialist Child & Adult Psychiatrist

2 Copeland Symptom Checklist for Attentin Deficit Disorders 1.INATTENTION/ DISTRACTABILITY Has a short attention span, especially for low interest activities. Has trouble completing tasks. Daydreaming. Easily distracted. Nicknames such as “Spacey” or “Dreamer”. Forgetful. Starts many things – finishes few.

3 2. IMPULSIVITY Easily excited. Becomes frustrated easily. Does not think before acting. Is disorganised. Does not plan well. Constantly moves from one activity to another. Dislikes group activites that require patients and taking turns. Requires much supervision. Interrupts and talks out of turn. Constantly in trouble for doing things wrong or forgetting to do things.

4 3.ACTIVITY LEVEL PROBLEM A.Overactivity/ Hyperactivity Restlessness – either fidgets or is constantly on the go. Reduced need for sleep. Talks too much. Constantly running, jumping or climbing. Kicks covers off – moves around constantly while sleeping Difficulty staying seated at meals, in class, etc.

5 B. Underactivity Sluggish – low energy level. Daydreaming – spaciness. Inattention due to low energy level rather than being distractable. Poor leadership ability. Has trouble getting started.

6 4. NON-COMPLIANCE Repeatedly disobeys. Argues a lot. Ignores socially accepted standards of behaviour. Does not do what is asked of him/her. Deliberately annoys others.

7 5. ATTENTION-GETTING BEHAVIOUR Often needs to be the centre of attention. Always asks questions or interrupts. “Picks on” other children and adults. Acts like the “class clown”. Uses bad or rude language to attract attention. Engages in other negative behaviours to attract attention.

8 6. IMMATURITY Acts like a younger child (year to 2 years younger). Physical development is delayed. Would rather be around youger children and relates better to them. Often acts emotionally immature.

9 7. POOR ACHIEVEMENT Achievements do not meet apparent ability. Loses books, assignments, etc. Has trouble understanding and/ or remembering things people say. Learning problems. Fails to complete assignments. Completes schoolwork too quickly (rushes). Completes schoolwork too slowly. Handwriting is “messy” or “sloppy”. Has trouble remembering diretions and instructions.

10 8. EMOTIONAL DIFFICULTIES Unpredictable mood swings. Irritated easily by minor things. Insensitive to pain and danger. Hard to calm down once over-excited. Easily frustrated. Tempers, tantrums, angry outbursts (“Pitches fits”). Moodiness. Poor self-esteem.

11 9. POOR PEER RELATIONS Hits, bits or kicks other children. Has trouble following the rules of games and social interactions. Is rejected and avoided by peers. Does not like group activities. Prefers to be alone. Teases peers and siblings too much. Bullies or bosses other children.

12 10. FAMILY INTERACTION PROBLEMS – PARENT(S) ONLY Frequent family conflict. Social gatherings are unpleasent. Parents argue over dicipline. Mother / father spends hours of homework with this child, leaving little time for others in the family. Meals are frequently unpleasent. Arguments occur between parents and child over responsibilities and chores. Family stress results from the child’s social and academic problems Parents feel – frustrated - alone - angry - afraid for child - helpless - sad and depressed - guilty - disappointed - hopeless

13 Conner’s Assessment Rating Scale Use the folowing scale:Not at all A little Pretty much Very much to assess the child.

14 1. Sits fiddling with objects? 2. Hums and make other noises? 3. Falls apart under stress/ examination? 4. Co-ordination poor? 5. Restless and overactive? 6. Excitable? 7. Inattentive? 8. Difficulty in concentrating? 9. Over sensitive? 10. Overly seriouis/ sad? 11. Daydreams? 12. Selfish? 13. Sullen or sulky? 14. Disturbs other children? 15. Quarrelsome?

15 16. Tells tales? 17. Acts “smart”? 18. Destructive? 19. Steals? 20. Lies? 21. Temper outbursts? 22. Isolates himself from other children? 23. Unaccepted by group? 24. Easily led? 25. No sense of fair play? 26. Appears to lack leadership? 27. Does not get along with the opposite sex? 28. Does not get along with same sex? 29. Teases/ interferes with other children? 30. Submissive?

16 31. Defiant? 32. Impudent? 33. Shy? 34. Fearful? 35. Excessive demand for attention? 36. Stubborn? 37. Overly anxious to please?

17 The SNAP – IV 26 Rating Scale For each item use the scale: Not at all Just a little Pretty much Very much Not assessed.

18 Often fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork. Often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or activities. Often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly. Often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork. Often has difficulty organising tasks and acivities. Often avoids, dislikes, or reluclantly engages in tasks requiring sustained mental effort. Often loses things necessary for activities (e.g. school assignments, pensils, or books). Often is distracted by extraneous stimuli

19 Often is forgetful in daily activities. Often fidgets with hands or feet. Often leaves seat in classroom when remaining seated is expected. Often runs about or climbs excessively in situation where it is inappropriate. Often has dificulty playing or engaging in leisure activities quietly. Often is “on the go” or acts as if “driven by a motor”. Often talks excessively. Often blurts out answers to questions before the questions have been completed. Often has difficulty awaiting turn. Often interrupts or intrudes on others.

20 Often loses temper. Often argues with adults. Often actively defies or refuses adult requests or rules. Often deliberately does things that annoy other people. Often blames others for his/her mistakes or misbehaviour. Often touchy or easily annoyed by others. Often is angry and resentful. Often is spiteful or vindictive.

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