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This is Lifespan Development! 100 400 200 400 500 200 300 100 300 400 100 200 400 200 500 300 100 300 500 200 300 Effects Board 1 Let’s make like a fetus.

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Presentation on theme: "This is Lifespan Development! 100 400 200 400 500 200 300 100 300 400 100 200 400 200 500 300 100 300 500 200 300 Effects Board 1 Let’s make like a fetus."— Presentation transcript:


2 This is Lifespan Development!

3 100 400 200 400 500 200 300 100 300 400 100 200 400 200 500 300 100 300 500 200 300 Effects Board 1 Let’s make like a fetus and leave this mother The Young and the Restless Bring on the Hormones What not to do when raising a child The End is Near

4 100 200 300 400 500 Let’s make like a fetus and leave this mother The Young and the Restless Bring on the Hormones What not to do when raising a child Real Question Board 2 The End is Near

5 This stage of development takes place between 2 weeks and 3 months after conception

6 Embryonic

7 The ________ period is the specific time range when certain organs of an unborn child develop the most.

8 Critical

9 These toxic substances, if exposed to an embryo during prenatal development, can do serious damage. No, not “drugs”.

10 Teratogens

11 It is during this trimester that an unborn baby develops most of its crucial organs and systems.

12 First Trimester

13 This population was found to be particularly guilty of abusing alcohol during pregnancy, as was reported by Michael Dorris.

14 Native American

15 Peek-a-boo is a great way to kill time with an infant. Magically, they think you disappear because of their inability to understand this concept.

16 Object Permanence

17 Toddler Joey hates the color red. In pre-school, he goes through every box of crayons and throws out the red crayon because he thinks EVERYONE hates red. Joey gets put in time out, but it isn’t his fault! He truly believes everyone hates red because of this pre- operational inability to see other people’s perspectives.

18 Egocentrism

19 Grandma Lucy has a precious Grecian Urn on her coffee table. When her 5 year old granddaughter Lila comes over to play, she wants to make sure Lila stays far away from her antique. To do so, she tells Lila that “Mr. Urn gets very sad when people touch him”. Lila buys it because of this pre- operational concept that all things are living!

20 Animism

21 “Autonomy” is established by children when they learn this important behavior, according to Erikson. ee

22 Potty-training

23 If a child says that Heinz should refrain from stealing the necessary drug to avoid being punished, this child is in this stage of Kohlberg’s moral development.

24 Preconventional

25 Adolescents make their moral decisions largely on whether or not the decision would make them a “good person” in the eyes of others. What stage is this, according to Kohlberg?

26 Conventional

27 Most adolescents tend to believe that they are being watched and judged more than they really are, which could lead to some serious self-esteem (or narcissism) issues. This cognitive distortion is called:

28 Imaginary Audience

29 This part of the forebrain is still developing until the age of 25, which explains the difficulty in fully understanding the consequence of one’s actions in the teenage years.

30 Pre-frontal cortex (frontal lobe)

31 During adolescence, this part of the midbrain is particularly hypersensitive, which may explain the risk-taking and high emotionality of this demographic.

32 Limbic System

33 Margaret has taken on a different “style” every year in high school. One year she was “preppy”, another year she was “artsy” and wore her own clothing. What stage of identity development is she in, which is characterized by exploration?

34 Moratorium

35 The first stage of adulthood, according to Erikson, requires a person to find a partner. What stage of his psychosocial development is this?

36 Intimacy vs. Isolation

37 In mid-adulthood, a person needs to feel like they are contributing something. This stage, according to Erikson, is called:

38 Generativity vs. Stagnation

39 A physical illness that stems from a psychological issue, such as hypertension or tension headaches, are given this long, fancy name.

40 Psychosomatic

41 “The Broken Heart Syndrome” is officially given this medical name.

42 Stress-cardiomyopathy or Takotsubo cardiomyopathy

43 When at the end of life, Erikson states that it is important for an adult to feel proud of their lives. According to him, this is called the _______ stage.

44 Ego-integrity vs. despair

45 When you are pregnant, avoid alcohol. Otherwise, your child could develop this syndrome.

46 FAS

47 When you are parenting, try not to spoil your kid without setting expectations, or using this approach to parenting.

48 Permissive- indulgent.

49 While some believe this type of parenting to be extremely effective, others think that pushing your children too hard without providing them with enough affection can harm them emotionally.

50 Authoritarian

51 Try not to tell your kid that he is the best at everything. As a teenager, he is already suffering from this delusion, which makes him think he is better and more unique than most others.

52 Personal Fable

53 The disorder associated with alcohol abuse can result in these side effects in children.

54 Facial deformities, cognitive impairs, low birth weight, hearing/seeing problems.



57 Name the top five regrets of the dying, according to the book.


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