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Mack Jenkins M.S. Chief Probation Officer San Diego County Probation Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Mack Jenkins M.S. Chief Probation Officer San Diego County Probation Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mack Jenkins M.S. Chief Probation Officer San Diego County Probation Department

2  Review Common Characterizes of Drug Offenders  Review Factors the Influence Drug Offender Outcomes  Review best Practices in the Supervision of Drug Offenders

3  Eight risk factors have been shown to predict recidivism among individuals under community corrections supervision. Andrews and Bonta summarize these risk factors as.  History of Criminal Behavior ( prior interactions with the CJ system)  Anti-social personality ( antagonism, impulsivity, risk taking  Pro-criminal attitudes ( criminal thinking)  Anti-Social associates  Poor use of leisure time/recreational time  Substance abuse  Problematic circumstances at home ( low caring or supervision, high neglect or abuse, homelessness)  Problematic circumstances at work or school ( limited education, unstable employment history   Problematic circumstances at school or work (for example: limited education, unstable employment history)

4  Adopt Prosocial ID, develop less risky thinking  Reduce association with criminals  Improve coping skills, self management  Non criminal alternatives in risky situations  Build relationships  Enhance performance satisfaction  Involvement on prosocial activities’  Reduce substance use, enhance alternatives

5  Cocaine  Opioid  Methamphetamine  Marijuana  Alcohol

6  Increased HR  Increased BP  Pupils dilated  Heavy perspiration  Reddened nasal passages  Dry mouth  Loss of appetite

7  Increased appetite  Chills  Weak  Profound depression  Stomach cramps  Tremors  Paranoia

8  Decreased HR and respiratory depression  Fatigue/drowsiness  Apathetic  Constricted pupils  Dry mouth  Moody  Impaired thinking  Constipation  Slow reflexes

9  Restless  Excessive yawning  Chills  Hot flashes  Clammy skin  Runny nose  Abdominal pain  Diarrhea

10  Restless  Agitated/irritable  Anxious  Pupils dilated  Possible hallucinations  Dry mouth  Loss of appetite  Skin disorders  Increased libido

11  Increased appetite  Chills  Exhaustion  Abdominal pain  Tremors  Profound depression  Paranoia

12  Increased appetite  Lack of motivation  Possible hallucination  Possible paranoia  Poor working memory  Laughing giggling  Possible leg tremors

13  Increased HR  Dry mouth  Reddened eyes  Lack of convergence  Sensation of cold or hot hands and feet  Increased appetite  Poor short term memory  Inactive working memory

14  Assessment  Case Planning  Supervision Strategy  Supervision /Treatment Collaboration  Competency areas

15  Accurate assessment is a key to effective supervision.  Assess for:  Risk ( Crimenogenic Risk)  Crimenogenic needs  Need ( Clinical needs)  Addict or abuser?

16  Drug Offenders will fall into the following categories:  High Risk/ High Needs  High Risk/Low Needs  Low Risk/ High Needs  Low Risk/ Low Needs

17  High Risk/High Needs  Intensive supervision, frequent contacts  Treatment by licensed or certified clinicians  CBT programs  Vocation, training, life skills, literacy programs  High Risk/ Low Needs  Intensive supervision  CBT  Vocational Training, life skills, literacy, etc.

18  Low Risk/High Needs  Moderate supervision  CBT  Programs to teach productive skills  Low Risk/Low Needs  Prevention  diversion

19  Elements of a Comprehensive supervision strategy should include:  Contacts based as dictated by the assessed risk level and participant progress  Home contacts  Frequent and random drug testing  Specialized supervision terms, based assessment information.

20  Relationship should be as seamless as possible.  Frequent communication a must  Agree on the information to be shared, i.e. general progress in TX, missed appointments, drug test results?  Exchange case plans  Use appropriate release on information forms

21  Should be frequent and random to the maximum extent possible.  The purpose is to detect and deter.  Know Drug detection windows;  Meth- 48hrs  Cocaine- 72hrs  Opioids -72hrs  THC-2 weeks  Alcohol- 60hrs (ETG)

22  The supervision(s) officer or entire team should be knowledgeable in:  Addiction  Psychopharmacology  Substance abuse treatment  Stages of change  Relapse prevention  Working on Multidisciplinary teams

23  The key to effectively supervising drug offenders is an assessment the identifies risk and clinical need.  The team must use an assessment driven case plan, that differentiates between dependence and abuse.  There must be a coordinated stargey between supervision and treatment

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