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The Effect of Animal Disposition on Carcass Traits

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Presentation on theme: "The Effect of Animal Disposition on Carcass Traits"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Effect of Animal Disposition on Carcass Traits
Eric Berg Meat-Animal Scientist

2 Introduction Livestock Welfare and Temperament Genetic Potential
Physiological Function Environmental Stimuli Quantification of Temperament and Stress

3 Introduction Project Animals Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion Summary Implications

4 Welfare and Temperament
“Quality of Life” Behavioral Needs Health Needs Stress Alteration from Homeostasis Response – “Fight or Flight” Activation Mediation

5 Welfare and Temperament
Stress Physiological Psychological Temperament Response Excitable Animals Hormone Profile

6 Genetic Potential Selection Criteria Phenotype Performance
Carcass Characteristics Reproduction Expected Progeny Differences Marker Assisted Selection 1960 Model Hereford Steer 1969 Model Hereford Steer

7 Genetic Potential Marker Assisted Selection Bovine Genome Evaluation
Commercial DNA Test Single Nucleotide Polymorphs (SNPs)

8 Physiological Function
Stress Disruption of Homeostasis Sympathetic Nervous System Activation (Fight) Mobilization (Flight) Vigilance (Fright) Arousal (Sex)

9 Physiological Function
Stress Response Increased Heart Rate Blood Pressure Respiration Metabolism

10 Physiological Function
Stress Response Inhibited Energy Storage Digestion Growth Immune Function Reproduction

11 Quantifying Temperament
Temperament Evaluation Exit Velocity Chute Score Pen Score

12 Quantifying Temperament
Exit Velocity Separation of Animal from Human Contact Infrared Sensors (1.82 m)

13 Quantifying Temperament
Chute Score Subjective Evaluation Five Point Scale (Grandin, 1993) 1) Calm, no movement 2) Slightly restless 3) Squirming, occasionally shaking chute 4) Continuous, very vigorous movement 5) Rearing, twisting of body, violently struggling

14 Quantifying Temperament
Pen Score Subjective Small Group/Small Pen Five Point Scale (Hammond, 1996) 1) non-aggressive, walks slowly upon approach 2) slightly aggressive, pace fences 3) moderately aggressive, run along fences 4) aggressive, avoids humans, run into gates/fences 5) very aggressive, runs over anything in path


16 Temperament Project Central Dakota Feeder Calf Club Steers (n = 183)
Blocked by Weight (275 kg) Weighed Periodically (28 d) Temperament Evaluation

17 Temperament Project Temperament Evaluation Exit Velocity Chute Score
Catch Score

18 Temperament Project Exit Velocity Infrared Sensors (FarmTek, Inc.)
Placed at 0.5 m and 2.32 m (1.82 m) Measured at 7 weigh periods

19 Temperament Project Chute Score Subjective Visual Evaluation
Measured at 6 weigh periods Five Point Scale (Grandin, 1993) 1) Calm, no movement 2) Slightly restless 3) Squirming, occasionally shaking chute 4) Continuous, very vigorous movement 5) Rearing, twisting of body, violently struggling

20 Temperament Project Catch Score Resistance to Head Restraint
Measured at 3 weigh periods Five Point Scale (Grandin, 1993) 1) Calm, no movement 2) Slightly restless 3) Squirming, occasionally shaking chute 4) Continuous, very vigorous movement 5) Rearing, twisting of body, violently struggling

21 Temperament Project Commercial DNA Testing with IGENITY™
Ear Tissue and Hair Sample IGENITY™ Profile including: Docility Tenderness Ribeye Area Fat Thickness Percent Choice Marbling

22 Materials and Methods Carcass Data Hot Carcass Weight 45 min pH
Ribeye Area 12th Rib Fat Kidney, Pelvic Fat Marbling Yield Grade

23 Materials and Methods Carcass Data – Longissimus Sample 36 hr pH
Color Scores L* (light / dark) a* (red / green) b* (yellow / blue) Warner-Bratzler Shear Force

24 Materials and Methods Statistical Analysis Correlation Coefficients
Temperament Carcass Least Squares Means Exit Velocity (Slow, Medium, Fast) Docility Potential (Low, Moderate, High) Carcass Composition Carcass Quality Tenderness

25 Results and Discussion
Exit Velocity Over Time of Study a, b, c Means with different superscripts within rows were different (P < 0.05)

26 Adjustments to Working Chute

27 Results and Discussion
Subjective Chute Scores Over Time a, b, c, dMeans with different superscripts within rows were different (P < 0.05)

28 Results and Discussion
Exit Velocity Correlation Fat Parameters Final Yield Grade 12th Rib Fat Kidney, Pelvic Marbling Tenderness Warner-Bratzler Shear Force

29 Results and Discussion
Exit Velocity with Carcass Parameters Slower Exit Velocity = Fatter Variable FYG HCW Dress 12thFT REA KPH Marb First Exit Velocity (0.495) 0.068 (0.367) -0.051 (0.504) (0.528) 0.0731 (0.335) 0.0818 (0.279) 0.1282 (0.089) Last Exit 0.1938 (0.011) 0.0711 (0.354) (0.545) 0.1495 (0.051) (0.299) 0.1919 (0.012) 0.1466 (0.054) Average Exit 0.1231 (0.099) 0.0833 (0.265) (0.658) 0.0608 (0.418) (0.567) 0.1853 0.1107 (0.138)

30 Results and Discussion
Exit Velocity with Carcass Parameters Faster 1st Exit Velocity = Tougher Meat Variable Marb WBS pH45 pH36 h L* a* b* First Exit Velocity 0.1282 (0.089) (0.008) 0.1379 (0.069) (0.134) 0.0554 (0.465) 0.0276 (0.716) 0.0385 (0.612) Last Exit Velocity 0.1466 (0.054) (0.320) (0.769) (0.058) 0.1079 (0.159) 0.1347 (0.078) 0.1621 (0.034) Average Exit Velocity 0.1107 (0.138) (0.052) 0.0703 (0.350) (0.022) 0.0806 (0.282) 0.1071 (0.152) 0.1315

31 Results and Discussion
Exit Velocity with Carcass Parameters b b a a, b Means with different superscripts within rows were different (P < 0.05)

32 Results and Discussion
Catch Score Correlation Quality Parameters Marbling Color Scores L* (Lightness / Darkness) a* (Red / Green) b* (Yellow / Blue) 36 hour pH

33 Results and Discussion
Catch Score with Carcass Parameters Higher Catch Score = Less marbling Higher pH Darker meat Variable Marb pH36 h L* a* b* First Catch Score (0.149) 0.3032 (< 0.001) (0.009) (0.043) (0.025) Last Catch Score (0.075) 0.1916 (0.010) (0.255) (0.135) (0.122) Average Catch Score 0.2033 (0.007) (0.073) (0.056) (0.050)

34 Results and Discussion
Catch Score with Carcass Parameters a, b Means with different superscripts within rows were different (P < 0.05) 1Marbling Score numeric designation: 100 = traces; 200 = slight; 300 = small; 400 = modest; 500 = moderate.

35 Results and Discussion
IGENITY® Tenderness vs. Shear Force b a a P <

36 Results and Discussion
IGENITY® Docility vs. Shear Force b b a P = 0.012

37 Summary Temperament Slower Exit Velocity Higher Catch Score Fatter
More Tender Higher Catch Score Lower Marbling Higher 36 hour pH Darker Color

38 Implications Beef Temperament Possible Effects Measurement
Fat Deposition (Marbling $) Tenderness Lean Color (Dark Cutter?) Measurement Catch Score


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