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LEAD (Not Peanut Butter) Written By TJ Fournier Coauthored by Myself.

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2 LEAD (Not Peanut Butter) Written By TJ Fournier Coauthored by Myself

3 Periodic Table Information  LEAD  Atomic Symbol-Pb  Atomic Number-82  Atomic Mass-207.2  Atomic Radius-175  PEANUT BUTTER  Atomic Symbol-  Atomic Symbol-  Atomic Number- $3.95  Atomic Mass-794g  Atomic Radius- 86mm

4 Periodic Table Information (cont.)  LEAD  Period 6  Group 14  P-Block  Poor Metal  PEANUT BUTTER  Period 3 (Lunchtime)  Toppings Group (In my pantry)  2 Block (Chemistry)  Delicious Foodstuff

5 History  LEAD  Discovered by the ancients (Mentioned in the book of Exodus)  Symbol derived from the Latin plumbum  Origin of modern name unknown  PEANUT BUTTER  Discovered by George A. Bayle Jr. in 1890  Symbol derived from the face I make when I eat it  Origin of modern name derived from its physical and chemical characteristics

6  LEAD  Soft, malleable, metallic solid  Bluish-gray in color  Deflects radiation  Specific gravity- 11.3 (?)  Poor conductor of electricity Physical Properties  PEANUT BUTTER  Brown  Creamy

7 More Physical Properties!  LEAD  Melting Point- 327.43°C  Boiling Point- 1740°C  Density- 11.34g/cm³  PEANUT BUTTER  Melting Point- Um…(.>) (T.T)  Boiling Point- Hot  Density- 5.457g/in³* *The work that went into finding the density of peanut butter better be appreciated.

8 Chemical Properties  PEANUT BUTTER  Delicious  Goes well with toasted, raisin swirl bread  Gets stale and old if left open on the counter  Many of the chemical properties of Peanut Butter are unknown at this time  Probably because no one cares enough  LEAD  Rarely found pure in nature  Usually combines with zinc, copper and silver  Becomes covered in an oxide film when exposed to moist air  Reacts vigorously with fluorine (F) at room temperature  Reacts well with chlorine (Cl) when warmed Yes, this is a molecule of peanut butter. … I don’t care if it’s made entirely of lead! … IT’S PEANUT BUTTER!

9 Uses of the Element  LEAD  Lead Oxide (PbO) is created when lead makes contact with the air, making this element useful in containing sulphuric acid  Used extensively in car batteries, projectiles, electrodes in the process of electrolysis, glass for computer and television screens, sound absorber  Other compounds used in paint, insecticides, storage batteries  Alloys are used in solder, pewter, bullets, antifriction lubricants, plumbing  PEANUT BUTTER  When placed with jelly on a sandwich, it tastes good  When eaten directly, it leaves a foul aftertaste  COOKIES!  Especially used in making fun of lead, because their abbreviations are so close  What a coincidence  Who would’ve thought?  Oh, wait, me.

10 Common Compounds  PbO- Lead Oxide- insoluble to sulphuric acid  PbF(2)- Lead Fluoride- poisonous  PbCl(2)- Lead Chloride- poisonous  2 fluorides, 2 chlorides, 2 bromides, 1 iodide, 1 hydride, 4 oxides, 1 sulfide, 1 selenide, 1 telluride  PbJ- Peanut Butter ‘n’ Jelly Sandwich- used in elementary school lunches  PbB- Peanut Butter ‘n’ Bananas- used in elementary school lunches  PbP- Peanut Butter Pancakes- used in Mrs. Mizak’s kitchen  PbC- Peanut Butter ‘n’ Crackers- delicious after school snack

11 Interesting Bits of Information  Lead had been mentioned in the Book of Exodus  Alchemists attributed lead to the planet Saturn, as being the oldest element on earth  Lead can be purified from galena, which can be mined in Australia, which mines 19% of the world’s galena, which is cool because they have kangaroos  Lead is one of four metals that have extremely damaging effects on the human body  Lead is pyrophoric when divided into a fine powder, making it a fire hazard  Peanut butter has 190 calories  17 grams of fat  NO CHOLESTEROL!  160mg of sodium (Peaches, go have a party)  7g of carbohydrates  6g of protein  2% calcium (Kristina, you may have a party as well)  4% iron (I don’t know who’s doing iron, but y’all should have a party together. That’d be GROOVY)

12 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LEAD        PICTURES:     Special thank you to Wikipedia for the pictures and the multitudes of information it provide me about peanut butter  Another thanks to Peaches, although it’s hard, but he explained via phone last night what a chemical property was, and proved the entire Interwebs to be a lie. Congratulations.  For giving me the equation for the volume of a cylinder to allow me to find the density of peanut butter

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