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Hired at UGA as Assistant Professor and Extension Peanut Agronomist in October 1985 Promoted to Associate Professor and granted Tenure July 1991 Appointed.

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Presentation on theme: "Hired at UGA as Assistant Professor and Extension Peanut Agronomist in October 1985 Promoted to Associate Professor and granted Tenure July 1991 Appointed."— Presentation transcript:


2 Hired at UGA as Assistant Professor and Extension Peanut Agronomist in October 1985 Promoted to Associate Professor and granted Tenure July 1991 Appointed to Graduate Faculty in 1991 Promoted to Professor in 1996 1985-1999 – 100% Extension appointment 1999-2006 – 75% Extension, 25% Research 2006-present – 75% Ext, 15% Res, 10% Inst

3 Provide educational support to UGA County Extension Agents in peanut producing counties in the area of peanut agronomics (75% of program effort) Conduct applied research in the area of peanut agronomics (15%) Provide instruction and instruction support in Crop and Soil Sciences, specifically at the UGA Tifton Campus (10%)

4 Cultivar management interaction with agronomic practices – Eight new runner-type peanut cultivars released since 2006 Pest management interaction with agronomic practices – New cultivars have various combination of pest resistance; alter management strategies Maturity determination of new cultivars – Evaluation of adjusted Growing Degree Day (αGDD) model for peanut

5 Since 2006 there have been 8 new runner-type peanut cultivars released from UGA (5), UF (2), and USDA (1) Four of the eight have significantly larger seed size than the previous standard, ‘Georgia Green’ Georgia Green Georgia-06G

6 Issue #1 – The larger seeded cultivars significantly increase the seed cost per acre – Previous cultivar standard, Georgia Green, was sown at ~ 105-110 lbs/acre when planted at recommended 6 seed per row-foot – The four large-seeded cultivars are sown at ~ 135-140 lbs/acre when planted at 6 seed per foot – That extra 30 lbs/acre costs producers about $30/acre more in seed cost – Can we reduce the seeding rate of these large- seeded cultivars?

7 Seeding rate / plant population trials were established in cooperation with Dr. Scott Tubbs – Evaluate seeding rate adjustment on single row, twin row, and 30-inch row patterns

8 Seed/lbLbs/acre6 seed/ft5 seed/ft 6 seed/ft 5 seed/ft $0.60$1.10$0.60$1.10 Georgia Green 8251058863.00115.5052.8096.80 Georgia -06G 63013811582.80151.8069.00126.50

9 Seed/lbLbs/acre6 seed/ft5 seed/ft 6 seed/ft 5 seed/ft $0.60$1.10$0.60$1.10 Georgia Green 8251058863.00115.5052.8096.80 Georgia -06G 63013811582.80151.8069.00126.50

10 Tifton 2011 Yield Stand

11 Seed/lbLbs/acre6 seed/ft5 seed/ft 6 seed/ft 5 seed/ft $0.60$1.10$0.60$1.10 Georgia Green 8251058863.00115.5052.8096.80 Georgia -06G 63013811582.80151.8069.00126.50

12 Issue #2 – Do the large-seeded cultivars have a higher calcium requirement than medium and small- seeded runner cultivars? Established trials with Dr. Glen Harris and Dr. Timothy Grey to examine calcium requirement, germination response, and vigor


14 Yields (lb/a) Calcium (Gypsum) Rate Ponder Farm (Tifton, GA) – 2009 Pegging Zone Ca – 450 lb/a

15 Calcium (ppm) Content and Seed Germination 2009 (5 Locations, n= 184)

16 Multiple temperatures (F) – 57 – 61 – 64 – 68 – 72 Standard germination techniques – 5 mm length Counted for 7 consecutive days

17 5761 6468 72

18 GA-07W – Plains 2011 72 – 57 F 18 = 64 F

19 Georgia 07-W: 7 day evaluation Lime rate (lb/ac) % germination Temperature (F) Grown at Plain research farm 2011

20 Georgia 07-W: 7 day evaluation Lime rate (lb/ac) % germination Temperature (F) Grown at Plain research farm 2011

21 Results – Three of the four large-seeded cultivars continued to respond to the 500 lbs/acre level recommendation for Ca in “pegging zone”. Georgia-06G continued to gain yield and grade as level increased. – Germination response on thermogradient table indicated our long time recommendation of planting when soil temp reached 65° F should be adjusted to 68- 70° F

22 Issue #3 – Maturity determination – improvement of accuracy, development of new tools Cooperative research and verification with Dr. Diane Rowland, University of Florida, and Dr. Wilson Faircloth, USDA-ARS/Syngenta

23 Development of Growing Degree Day model for peanut Evaluate recently released cultivars Evaluate new cultivars’ response to early planting Verify maturity range of cultivars



26 2010Lbs/Acre2011Lbs/Acre April 204423April 196482 April 274823April 266771 May 44798May 36422 May 114966May 106526 May 184528May 176203 May 254324May 246339 June 13977May 315861 2010 Trial conducted at UGA Gibbs Research Farm – Tift County 2011 Trial conducted at UGA Ponder Research Farm – Tift County

27 Cultivar response to thrips injury Irrigation requirement of new cultivars Seed quality / stand problems Burrower Bug – serious quality reduction Acreage management

28 Cultivar Response to Thrips Injury and Thimet Insecticide CultivarTreatment Yield (lbs/A) TSMK (%) Thrips Injury (1-10 scale) Georgia-06GThimet6743762.38 Georgia-06GUTC6462765.63 Georgia-07WThimet6454762.38 Georgia-07WUTC5976766.25 Georgia GreenerThimet6889762.25 Georgia GreenerUTC6541756.75 Florida-07Thimet6920712.25 Florida-07UTC6316716.00 TifguardThimet6221762.25 TifguardUTC5944746.88 LSD (0.05)52720.80

29 Activity# Extension Production Guide Chapters28 Extension Bulletins1 Newsletter Articles133 Popular Press Articles51 Television Programs52 Radio Programs74 Agent Training Sessions22 County Production Meetings268* Field Day Presentations25 Invited Industry Presentations78 National – 19; Regional – 37; State - 22 *8 County Meetings in FL

30 Activity# Book Chapter – Sr. Author1 Journal Articles15 Beasley Grad Student1 Abstracts and Proceedings56 Beasley Sr. Author13 Grants43 Beasley P.I.24 Beasley Co-P.I.15 Total - $1,976,259; Beasley P.I. - $650,555 Professional Meeting Presentations10

31 Courses Taught - UGA – CRSS 4300, Crop Production & Management Fall 2007, Fall 2009, Fall 2011 – CRSS 4310/6310, Seed Technology Fall 2008, Fall 2010 – CRSS 8050, Advanced Crop Production Summer 2008, Summer 2011 – CRSS 6220, Advanced Topics in CSS Fall 2009 Courses Taught – ABAC – AGRY 3030, Field Crop Production Spring 2010, Spring 2011

32 Guest Lectures – Kansas State University Guest lecture in “Peanut Physiology” via distance education to advanced crop production class at Kansas State University – Fall 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 – Auburn University Guest lecture in “Peanut Maturity and Harvesting” to advanced crop production class at Auburn University – Spring 2008

33 Major Advisor: Jason Arnold, M.S., 2012 – present Jason Jackson, M.S., 2006-2009 – oral presentation in Graduate Student competition at American Peanut Research and Education Society meeting, 2007 and 2008 – oral presentation in Graduate Student competition at Southern Branch – American Society of Agronomy annual meeting, 2008, placed 3 rd, 2009 placed 2 nd. – poster presentation at American Society of Agronomy annual meeting

34 Committee Member: – Mike Howell, Ph.D., Mississippi State University, 2007 - present – Manju Chandran, Ph.D., Horticulture, 2009 – present – Jason Sarver, Ph.D., Crop and Soil Sciences, 2011 – present – Josh Thompson, M.S., University of Florida, 2011 - present – Dylan Wann, M.S., Crop and Soil Sciences, 2008 - 2011 – Brenda Ortiz, Ph.D., Biological and Agricultural Engineering, 2005-2008 – Natchaya Pingintha, Ph.D., Crop and Soil Sciences, 2005-2008 – Joy Carter, M.S., Ag Leadership, 2006-2008 – Jaime Fulmer, M.S., Ag Leadership, 2005-2007

35 Curriculum Committee member – Crop and Soil Sciences Department Curriculum Committee member – UGA Tifton Campus Sub-Committee member – UGA Tifton Campus “TAG” agreement with Waycross College

36 Crop Science Society of America – Associate Editor, Crop Science, Journal of CSSA – (2009-present) – Past Chair, Division C-4, Seed Physiology, Production, and Technology – (2010) – Program Chair, Division C-4, Seed Physiology, Production, and Technology – (2009) – Chair, Nominations Committee for Division C-4 Officers – (2009) – Nominations Committee for CSSA President-Elect – (2009) – Program Chair-Elect for Division C-4, Seed Physiology, Production, & Technology (2008) – Technical Session Moderator at Annual Meeting – (2008) – Elected (national election) as Chair-Elect for Division C- 4, Seed Physiology, Production, & Technology – (2007)

37 American Peanut Research and Education Society – Site Selection Committee, Chair – (2011-2012) – Site Selection Committee – (2009-present) – Dow AgroSciences Awards Committee – (2009-2010) – Dow AgroSciences Awards Committee – (2008-09) – Public Relations Committee - Chairman – (2007-08) – Public Relations Committee - Chairman – (2006-07) – Executive Officer Search Committee – (2007) Southern Branch – American Society of Agronomy – Past-President – (2007-2008) – Awards Committee, Chair – (2007-2009) Georgia Crop Production Alliance – Advisor to Board of Directors – (2007-present) – Scholarship Committee, Chair – (2007-present) – Lifetime Achievement Award, Chair – (2009-present)

38 Manuscripts Reviewed – 2008 Agronomy Journal (American Society of Agronomy) -2 Journal of Soil and Water Conservation - 1 Peanut Science (American Peanut Research and Education Society) – 2 – 2009 Crop Science – 7 Peanut Science – 2 – 2010 Crop Science – 6 Peanut Science - 1 – 2011 Crop Science - 8

39 University – University of Arkansas, Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences Department, Departmental Review Team – (2010) – UGA Promotion and Tenure committee – (2009-2011) College – CAES Peanut Commodity Committee (1985 - present) – Georgia Peanut Tour Committee - (1987 - present) – Georgia Peanut Tour Committee – Secretary – 2011 – Georgia Peanut Tour Committee – Chairman – 2012 – CAES Peanut Commodity Committee, Variety Sub-Committee (1985 - present) – Georgia Crop Improvement Association Certification Committee (1988-present) – CAES Liaison - Georgia Peanut Producers Association (1997 – 2010) – CAES Liaison - American Peanut Shellers Association (1997 - present) – CAES Liaison – Georgia Crop Improvement Association (2005 – present) – CAES D.W. Brooks Award Executive Committee, Chair (2007-2008) – D.W. Brooks Awards Committee (2007-2009) – Extension Marketing Advisory Committee (2005 - present) – Search and Screen Committee, Extension Peanut Entomologist position in Entomology Department (2008) – Appointed as UGA-CAES representative to the Georgia Department of Agriculture’s Seed Arbitration Council (2008 – present) – CAES Germplasm and Cultivar Release Committee (2008 – present) – Southwest Georgia Research and Education Center Facilities committee (2009-2011) – Committee Member, (appointed) CAES Strategic Planning Committee (October 2011 – Present)

40 Department – Committee Member, (appointed) Extension Peer Review Ad Hoc (2011 – Present) – Chair, Search and Screen Committee, Extension Cotton Agronomist position in Crop and Soil Sciences Department (2008-2009) – Chair, Search and Screen Committee, Cropping Systems Agronomist position in Crop and Soil Sciences Department (2006-2007) – Search and Screen Committee, Soil Test Calibration position (2007-2008) – Crop and Soil Sciences Department Curriculum Committee (2007 – present) – Research, Extension, Instruction (REI) Coordinator, Tifton Campus (2009-present) – Executive Committee (2009-present) – Undergraduate Committee (2009-present) – Awards Committee (2009-present) – Newsletter Committee (2009-present) – Chair, Promotion Committee, Eric Prostko (2009) – Committee Chair, (appointed) Scott Tubbs 3rd Year Review (2009) – Committee Chair, Scott Tubbs Promotion and Tenure Committee (2011-2012) Tifton Campus – UGA - Tifton Campus Teaching Faculty (2003 - present) – UGA - Tifton Campus Teaching Program Intern and Undergraduate Research Committee (2003 - present) – UGA – Tifton Campus Teaching Program Curriculum Committee (2007 – present) – UGA-ABAC TAG Agreement sub-committee (2009-2010) – TUGA MOVE Team – UGA – Tifton Campus committee to improve image and visibility in Tifton and surrounding area (2008-present)

41 Continued evaluation of released cultivars to agronomic inputs Increased agent training sessions for newly hired County Extension Agents Improved use of web site Determine which peanut production tools have Smart Phone application potential Finalize verification and implementation of Growing Degree Day tool for maturity determination with colleagues from UF and industry

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