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Chapter One Peanut Introduction Answers Page 1 of your Chapter One Note Packet.

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1 Chapter One Peanut Introduction Answers Page 1 of your Chapter One Note Packet

2 1. This is the history of the world before the invention of writing. Prehistory

3 2. What does B.C. stand for? Before Christ

4 3. This is the study of the past. History

5 4. This is the study of the past based on artifacts that humans have left behind. Archaeology

6 5. This is passing down history by word of mouth. Oral History (Storytelling)

7 6. This is a source that comes from the period being studied. Primary Source

8 7. This is a source that was created after the historical event took place. Secondary Source

9 8. This is the type of historical source a textbook is. Secondary Source

10 9. This is the type of historical source a diary is. Primary Source

11 10. This is the imprint of a plant or animal. Fossil

12 11. This is an item left behind by humans. Artifact

13 12. This is what circa or c. means. Around that time period

14 13. This word means very old or long ago. ancient

15 14. Give an example of a stereotype. Women are bad drivers

16 15. What does A.D. stand for? Anno Domini

17 16. B.C. dates are like _______ numbers on a number line. Negative

18 17. A.D. dates are like ________ numbers on a number line. Positive

19 18. This is a person who writes about history. Historian

20 19. This is a person who digs up the artifacts that people have left behind. Archaeologist

21 20. This is the knowledge, beliefs, customs & values of a group of people. culture

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