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Four Rivers Community School... “harvesting our Future” Escuela Comunitaria Cuatro Ríos... “Cosecha Nuestro Futuro”

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Presentation on theme: "Four Rivers Community School... “harvesting our Future” Escuela Comunitaria Cuatro Ríos... “Cosecha Nuestro Futuro”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Four Rivers Community School... “harvesting our Future” Escuela Comunitaria Cuatro Ríos... “Cosecha Nuestro Futuro”

2 Our School Celebrating our 10 th year Purchased a facility and 4.5 acres in 2007 K-8 school with 250 students Dual language immersion (Spanish/English) Pre-Kinder workshops Eastern Oregon Univ. partnership 4th-8 th grade College visits Technology After school opportunities –Karate, Piano, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Academic Academy, Study Hall, Ballet

3 Demographics Student Demographics 79% Free/Reduced –78% Hispanic –21% White –1% African American Staff Demographics –64% Hispanic –36% White –84% Female16% Male –Committed staff-low turn-over

4 School Ratings OUTSTANDING in attendance rate/EXCEPCIONAL en asistencia OUTSTANDING in participation/EXCEPCIONAL en la participación SATISFACTORY in achievement/ACEPTABLE en logro SATISFACTORY in overall school rating/ ACEPTABLE en con junto

5 Math/Matemáticas

6 Language Arts/Artes y letrás en inglés ELL

7 English Language Learners Estudiantes de proficiencia limitada en inglés AMAO 1 Did at least 57% of ELL students move up by one level of English proficiency? AMAO 2a Did at least 17% of all ELL students reach proficiency and exit the program? AMAO 2b Did at least 26.5% of year-five ELL students reach proficiency and exit the program? AMAO 1 ¿Por lo menos 57% de los alumnos de proficiencia limitada en inglés incrementaron un nivel? AMAO 2a ¿Por lo menos 17% de los alumnos de proficiencia limitada en inglés alzanzaron el nivel de proficiencia y salieron del programa? AMAO 2b ¿Por lo menos 26.5% del 5to año alcanzaron el nivel de proficiencia y salieron del programa?

8 High School Transition/Transición a la preparatoria -HS Students reporting that high school is good and that they feel prepared Students had the opportunity to test for high school and college credit Los alumnos han reportado que les gusta la preparatoria y están preparados. Los alumnos tuvieron la oportunidad de presentar exámenes para obtener créditos en la preparatoria y en la universidad.

9 Updates Increased school volunteers currently 45 parents & graduating students Implemented a college night w/ TVCC and EOU for Latino families Student Success Team w/ Top 20 Board development –Strategic Planning –Included non-profit partners

10 The Community Center at Four Rivers

11 The Facility 2 non-profit offices 1 dual language library/board room 1 children’s activities area 2 adult learning classroom or 1 large room 1 gym/multi-purpose room built to middle school specifications Concessions area Changing rooms

12 Partners Oregon Child Development Coalition Valley Family Health Care Treasure Valley Community College Oregon Law Center Commission on Children and Families Eastern Oregon University Treasure Valley Children’s Relief Nursery

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