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Oral English Training 2013-3. Pronunciation -- Stress 0 Is the bedroom window cracked? (No, the kitchen window is cracked) 0 Is the bedroom window cracked?

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Presentation on theme: "Oral English Training 2013-3. Pronunciation -- Stress 0 Is the bedroom window cracked? (No, the kitchen window is cracked) 0 Is the bedroom window cracked?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oral English Training 2013-3

2 Pronunciation -- Stress 0 Is the bedroom window cracked? (No, the kitchen window is cracked) 0 Is the bedroom window cracked? (No, the bedroom door is cracked) 0 Is the bedroom window cracked? (No, it’s broken)

3 Pronunciation -- Stress a. Are my jeans torn? No, they’re stained. No, your shirt is torn. b. Are my jeans torn? No, they’re stained. No, your shirt is torn.

4 Pronunciation -- Stress a. Are my jeans torn? No, they’re stained. No, your shirt is torn. b. Are my jeans torn? No, they’re stained. No, your shirt is torn.

5 a. Is the computer going dead? No, it’s crashing. No, the cell phone is going dead. b. Is the computer going dead? No, it’s crashing. No, the cell phone is going dead. Pronunciation -- Stress

6 a. Is the computer going dead? No, it’s crashing. No, the cell phone is going dead. b. Is the computer going dead? No, it’s crashing. No, the cell phone is going dead. Pronunciation -- Stress

7 That sounds delicious Croissant Jelly

8 That sounds delicious shellfish

9 That sounds delicious Yogurt Raspberry

10 Which breakfast looks the best? Why?

11 That sounds delicious 0 What do you usually have for breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? 0 What’s your favorite meal of the day? Why?

12 Favorite Ethnic Dishes Have you ever tried any ethnic foods?

13 Favorite Ethnic Dishes Sushi

14 Favorite Ethnic Dishes Kimchi

15 Favorite Ethnic Dishes Pizza

16 Favorite Ethnic Dishes Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup

17 Favorite Ethnic Dishes 0 What are your favorite ethnic foods? 0 What ethnic foods are popular in China?

18 Brainstorming – possible ingredients Write down ingredients as many as possible under each category

19 0 What’s your favorite in each list? 0 What’s your least favorite? Brainstorming – possible ingredients

20 0 How do you cook the foods below? 0 Check the methods that are most common in your hometown. Cooking Methods




24 Favorite way to cook or eat 0 What’s your favorite way to cook or eat the foods in the chart? A: Have you ever steamed fish? B: No, I haven’t. I prefer to bake it.

25 Chain Game 0 Make sentences like this: S1. Last night I baked bread. S2. Last night I baked bread and boiled fish. S3. Last night I baked bread, boiled fish and fried some potatoes. S4…….

26 Going out to eat 0 Imagine you’re in a café. Read the menu and decide what to order. A: What are you going to have? B: I’m pretty hungry. I think I’ll try…… A: I want something light. Maybe I’ll get …… ……

27 Bibimbap

28 Fajita

29 Lamb Kebabs

30 Feijoada

31 Pad Thai

32 French Crepes

33 Going out to eat $20 Now, imagine you each have only $20. Do you want to change your mind?

34 Going out to eat What do you suggest for someone who…? 0 Enjoys spicy food 0 Loves fried food 0 Is on a diet 0 Doesn’t eat meat For someone who…, I’d recommend….

35 Family cookbook –peanut butter and banana sandwich Frist, Frist, mix the peanut butter and mashed banana together. Then Then lightly toast the slices of bread. Next Next, spread the peanut butter and banana mixture on the toast. Afterthat After that, close the sandwich and put it in a pan with melted butter. Finally Finally, fry the bread until it’s brown on both sides.

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