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Unit 2 Lesson 3 Grade 2 2008 Imagine It Reading Series.

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1 Unit 2 Lesson 3 Grade 2 2008 Imagine It Reading Series


3 Daily News Dave and Ray went hiking on a trail last April. They were looking for leaves for their collections. They were able to find leaves in all shapes and sizes. Dave and Ray put the best leaves in a pail to take home. They had a great day.

4 /e/ e ea e_e Long e _y ee _ie_

5 /e/ see

6 /e/ green

7 /e/ seems

8 /e/ feed

9 /e/ eat

10 /e/ each

11 /e/ least

12 /e/ peanut

13 /e/ behind

14 /e/ female

15 /e/ before

16 /e/ return

17 /e/ eve

18 /e/ gene

19 /e/ complete

20 /e/ evening

21 Phonics and Fluency 1. see greenseemsfeed 2. eat each least peanut 3. behind female before return 4. eve eve genegenecomplete evening

22 Phonics and Fluency 1. see greenseemsfeed 2. eat each least peanut 3. behind female before return 4. eve genecomplete evening

23 2. Please keep your feet off the sofa. 1. Did you eat your meat and peas?

24 Syllabication 1. pea.nut 2. be.hind 3. fe.male 4. be.fore 5. re.turn 6. com.plete 7. eve.ning

25 Vocabulary fussy

26 Vocabulary dull

27 Vocabulary sensing

28 Vocabulary antenna

29 Vocabulary cycle

30 Vocabulary an insect feeler…

31 Vocabulary antenna

32 Vocabulary not bright or clear…

33 Vocabulary dull

34 Vocabulary hard to please…

35 Vocabulary fussy

36 Vocabulary a repeated sequence of events…

37 Vocabulary cycle

38 Vocabulary feeling…

39 Vocabulary sensing


41 Daily News Last week my sister Eve and I were digging in our backyard. We found a flat rock with a print on it. I looked closely and saw that it was an imprint of a leaf. We had found a fossil! Have you ever seen a fossil?

42 Phonics and Fluency 1. see greenseemsfeed 2. eat each least peanut 3. behind female before return 4. eve eve genegenecomplete evening

43 Phonics and Fluency 1. see greenseemsfeed 2. eat each least peanut 3. behind female before return 4. eve genecomplete evening

44 2. Please keep your feet off the sofa. 1. Did you eat your meat and peas?

45 Dictation 1. begin 2. even 3. Three 4. fifteen 5. eagle 6. neat 7. seaweed 8. We saw at least three zebras.

46 Dictation 1. begin 2. even 3. three 4. fifteen 5. eagle 6. neat 7. seaweed 8. We saw at least three zebras.

47 1. Keith is not ____ about the food he eats. Vocabulary

48 fussy

49 2. Different animals can ______ danger. Vocabulary

50 sense

51 3. ___ colors can help some insects hide. Vocabulary

52 Dull

53 4. Count the ___ on the grasshopper’s head. Vocabulary

54 antennae

55 5. Explain a grasshopper’s life _______________. Vocabulary

56 cycle

57 Spelling 1.tail 2.say 3. gave 4. acorn 5. player

58 Spelling 1.teach 2.queen 3. fear 4. sweet 5. even

59 Challenge Words 1.always 2.wait 3. underneath 4. depend 5. sneeze


61 Daily News Last evening I saw a grasshopper eating a leaf. I saw another one hopping in the green grass. At this time of year, they seem to be all over the place. Have you ever seen a grasshopper?

62 /a/ a ai_ a_e Long a _ay

63 /a/ raid

64 /a/ mail

65 /a/ frail

66 /a/ rain

67 /a/ play

68 /a/ maybe

69 /a/ away

70 /a/ lays

71 /a/ mating

72 /a/ able

73 /a/ apron

74 /a/ bagel

75 /a/ placed

76 /a/ make

77 /a/ late

78 /a/ case

79 Phonics and Fluency 1.raidmailfrailrain 2.playmaybeawaylays 3. mating ableapronbagel 4. placedmakemakelatelatecasecase

80 Phonics and Fluency 1.raidmailfrailrain 2.playmaybeawaylays 3. mating ableapronbagel 4. placedmakelatecase

81 2. I am afraid that the bagels are stale. 1. The mail is late today.

82 Syllabication 1. 2. a.way 3. ma.ting 4. a.ble 5. a.pron 6. ba.gel


84 Daily News Did you know a baby frog is called a tadpole? Female frogs lay their eggs in water. Tadpoles hatch from the eggs and look like fish. They even have tails. At five weeks of age, the tadpoles begin to grow legs. At eleven weeks, the tadpoles turn into frogs.

85 /a/ a ai_ a_e Long a _ay

86 Phonics and Fluency 1.raidmailfrailrain 2.playmaybeawaylays 3. mating ableapronbagel 4. placedmakemakelatelatecasecase

87 Phonics and Fluency 1.raidmailfrailrain 2.playmaybeawaylays 3. mating ableapronbagel 4. placedmakelatecase

88 2. I am afraid that the bagels are stale. 1. The mail is late today.

89 Dictation 1. sail 2. paid 3. gray 4. delay 5. snake 6. taste 7. playmate 8. David laid the radio on the table.

90 Dictation 1. sail paid gray 2. delay snake taste 3. playmate 4. David laid the radio on the table.

91 Phonics and Fluency 1. late mate males 2. make mating female 3. makes case lays 4. games


93 Phonics and Fluency 1. see greenseemsfeed 2. eat each least peanut 3. behind female before return 4. eve genecomplete evening

94 2. Please keep your feet off the sofa. 1. Did you eat your meat and peas?

95 Phonics and Fluency 1.raidmailfrailrain 2.playmaybeawaylays 3. mating ableapronbagel 4. placedmakelatecase

96 2. I am afraid that the bagels are stale. 1. The mail is late today.

97 Vocabulary an insect feeler…

98 Vocabulary antenna

99 Vocabulary a repeated sequence of events…

100 Vocabulary cycle

101 Vocabulary hard to please…

102 Vocabulary fussy

103 Vocabulary feeling…

104 Vocabulary sensing

105 Vocabulary not bright or clear…

106 Vocabulary dull

107 Spelling Words 1.tail 2.reach 3. queen 4. fear 5. say

108 Spelling Words 1.gave 2.sweet 3. acorn 4. player 5. even

109 Challenge Words 1.underneath 2.always 3. depend 4. wait 5. sneeze


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