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Recent developments in FLUKA and new Collaboration members A.Ferrari, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Pavia, 15-16 December 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Recent developments in FLUKA and new Collaboration members A.Ferrari, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Pavia, 15-16 December 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recent developments in FLUKA and new Collaboration members A.Ferrari, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Pavia, 15-16 December 2014

2 Collaboration membership:  An update about the membership list:  Group “leaders” contacted in order to get an updated list  Two person charged (Francesco+…) with scrutinizing the list  … starting from Giuseppe list…  … contacting the various groups for (further) updates …  … possibly contacting dubious cases…  The list was settled in time for the FSC elections, do we need to provide (web site?) a place where the “official” membership list is available?  … or the e-mail list, (thanks Paola for setting it up), is enough?  Maintainers: Francesco? AF, Pavia, December 15-16th, 20142

3 Collaboration membership cont.:  New members, previous decisions :  request of joining the Collaboration should be sent to the FSC  Duties/rights explained and in case requested approved  Two new members are asking to enter the Collaboration, any objection?  Caterina Cuccagna, TERA Foundation  Francesca Fiorini, CRUK and MRC Oxford Institute for Radiation Oncology  Resigning members:  Resignation should be sent to the FSC  The resigning member is still bound to the Coll. Rules for all activities which could still bear “remnants” of her/his participation (eg publication using results from the devel version etc)  No resignation request received, anyway a check once per year could be worthwhile, Giuseppe? AF, Pavia, December 15-16th, 20143

4 The FLUKA international Collaboration AF, Pavia, December 15-16th, 20144 M. Brugger, M. Calviani, F. Cerutti, A. Fedynitch, Alfredo Ferrari, L.Esposito, R.Esposito, R. GarciaAlia, P. GarciaOrtega, L. Lari, A. Lechner, M.Magistris, C. Mancini, A. Manousos, A.Mereghetti, E. Nowak, S. Roesler, P. Schoofs, L. Skordis, N. Shetty, G. Smirnov, C. Theis, T. Viana Miranda, Heinz Vincke, Helmut Vincke, V. Vlachoudis, J.Vollaire, C.Weiss CERN Switzerland M. Chin, M.Nozar, A. Trudel, M. Trinkzec TRIUMF Canada A. Fassò,, R. Versaci ELI beamlines, Czech J. Ranft, Univ. of Siegen, Germany T. Boehlen, MedAustron, Austria P. Degtiarenko, G. Kharashvili, JLAB,USA G. Battistoni, F. Broggi, M. Campanella, S. Muraro, P.R. Sala, INFN Milano, Italy A. Margiotta, M. Sioli, Univ. and INFN Bologna, Italy V. Patera Univ. Roma La Sapienza, Italy V. Boccone Switzerland M. Pelliccioni, INFN Frascati & CNAO, Italy A. Mairani, CNAO, Italy M. Santana, SLAC, USA M.C. Morone, Univ. Roma II, Italy I. Rinaldi, K. Parodi, G. Dedes LMU Munich, Germany and HIT, Heidelberg, Germany A. Empl, S. Hoang, J. Idarraga M.Kroupa, L. Pinsky, B. Reddell, Houston Univ., USA A.A.Bahadori, K.T. Lee, N. Stoffe, E. Semones, N. Zapp, NASA-Houston, USA S. Trovati, PSI Switzerland S. Rollet, A.Sipaj AIT, Austria M. Lantz, Uppsala Univ., Sweden G. Lukasik, Poland E. Gadioli, M.V. Garzelli, Italy L. Sarchiapone, INFN Legnaro, Italy P.Colleoni, Ospedale Papa Giovanni XXIII Bergamo, Italy A. Fontana V.E. Bellinzona INFN Pavia Anna Ferrari, S. Mueller HZDR, Germany C. Cuccagna TERA Foundation, F. Fiorini CRUK and MRC Oxford Institute for Radiation Oncology

5 AF, Pavia, December 15-16th, 20145 Fluka Scientific Committee membership  The election of the 5 non ex-officio members took place as planned in January 2014 (just after the update of the membership list): the mandate will expire December 31 st 2016. (Re)elected members:  Vasilis Vlachoudis (CERN), 64 votes  Stefan Roesler (CERN), 46 votes  Larry Pinsky (UH), 45 votes  Maurizio Pelliccioni (INFN), 45 votes  Andrea Mairani (CNAO), 42 votes  Current membership: Giuseppe Battistoni INFN/Milan Francesco Cerutti CERN/EN Alberto Fasso` ELI Beaml. Alfredo Ferrari CERN/EN (coordinator) Andrea Mairani CNAO * Maurizio Pelliccioni INFN/LNF * Larry Pinsky UH * Johannes Ranft Siegen Un. Stefan Roesler CERN/RP * Paola R. Sala INFN/Milan Vasilis Vlachoudis CERN/EN *

6 Agenda:  The agenda is extremely charged, both today and tomorrow   please stay strictly within the allocated time, leaving enough time for a couple of questions  I’ll have no pity in enforcing the time limits…  … (hopefully) sufficient time has been allocated for discussing some issues of relevance for the Collaboration life, these discussions are important AF, Pavia, December 15-16th, 20146

7 Main Physics developments (since 2011): FLUKA:  ElectroMagneticDissociation (LHC ion beams)  ElectroNuclear interactions (electron machines)  Virtual photon interactions by  +/  - below  (neutrons underground)  New hadronization: (5-10 GeV beams, GLAST, interactions)  Spin/parity effects in nuclear de-excitation (EMD, underground exps, RP)  Prompt photons in hA and AA nucl. int. (hadrontherapy monitoring)  (p,d) and (p,α) “direct” reactions (  + emitters, light ion fragmentation)   + emitter production by protons (hadrontherapy monitoring and RP)   ’s induced reactions (At, Po, Isolde, RP)  Isomer production by neutrons below 20 MeV (Activation, RP)  BME extended to mass 3 (Light ion interactions)  Synchrotron radiation (Tlep aka FCCee)  New mass, decay, level, radiation database (almost everything)  … AF, Pavia, December 15-16th, 20147

8 Pre-release / availability / testing  An advanced Fluka version, Fluka2014.5pre (pre-release/alpha version of Fluka2015), that is not yet publicly distributed has been given to the participants to the 3 rd Fluka Advanced Course  Collaboration members are strongly encouraged to test this pre-release. How to make it available is one of the topics to be discussed tomorrow  This pre-release should not be used for scientific work, neither results obtained with this pre-release should be used for any project, publication or comparison  Its use is strictly limited at getting at testing the new features, unless special exceptions are agreed within the collaboration (the obvious one being publications about the new features/models)  Bugs/questions related to this pre-release version should be addressed internally to, with the tag [fluka2014] in the subject AF, Pavia, December 15-16th, 20148

9 9 Important notice for the pre-release:  PEANUT has been extended to cover the whole energy range since several years. The extended PEANUT is NOW THE DEFAULT at all energies, that is the default is now the equivalent of:  Coalescence and heavy evaporation are still required to be activated explicitly for precise calculations (hopefully changed for the final release at least for coalescence):  For the final, production, release coalescence will become again: PHYSICS 100000. 100000. 100000. 100000. 100000. 100000. PEATHRESH PHYSICS 12001. 1. 1. COALESCE PHYSICS 3. EVAPORAT AF, Pavia, December 15-16th, 2014 PHYSICS 1. COALESCE

10 New features in low energy nuclear int.  Direct (p,  ) reactions introduced for light nuclei  New model for "first interaction” deuteron production for light nuclei  General cleanup/retuning of PEANUT for p/n at low energies Example: effect on the production of  + emitters, important for medical (PET on line) applications  De-excitation  angular distribution according to multipolarity and spin orientation  Example of prompt photon emission: see next slide AF, Pavia, December 15-16th, 201410 Excitation function C(p,x) 11 C Fluka2011.2 Fluka2013.0 Data: CSISRS, NNDC

11 (p,α) reactions (and (p,d) further imp.), one example: AF, Pavia, December 15-16th, 201411 Old (2013, left) and new (2014.5, right), angle- integrated spectra for p, d, and α emission by 62 MeV protons on Oxygen

12 New features in Fermi break-up  Account for initial spin and parity, when known, in Fermi break-up  major improvement for ( ,x) reactions on light targets.  Broad 8-Be* 1st excited state now accounted for in Fermi break-up AF, Pavia, December 15-16th, 201412 12C +  in GDR  J  = 1 -  3  and  + 8 Be impossible in L=0  Factor 3 on 11 C production

13 Example of excitation of specific levels: p 12 C Alfredo FerrariGarching, June 12th 201413 Left: 12 C 1st  12 C gs + 11 B 2nd  11 B gs + 11 C 2nd  11 C gs Right: 11 B 1st  11 B gs + 11 C 1st  11 C gs Excitation curves of a few specific levels as a function of the incident proton energy Symbols: FLUKA Curves: evaluated data based on experiments and models From APJ,Suppl.141,523(2002)

14 Example of excitation of specific levels: p 16 O Alfredo FerrariGarching, June 12th 201414 Left: 15 N 3rd  15 N gs + 15 O 3rd  15 O gs Right: 14 N 4th  14 N gs + 15 N 1st  15 N gs + 15 N 2nd  15 N gs + 15 O 1st  15 O gs + 15 O 2nd  15 O gs Excitation curves of a few specific levels as a function of the incident proton energy Symbols: FLUKA Curves: evaluated data based on experiments and models From APJ,Suppl.141,523(2002)

15 New features in Decays etc  Emission of  particles in radioactive decays added  Special decay model for 9-C  New masses/half-lives/decays/levels/radiations database (see Philippe talk)  Branchings for isomer production by neutrons below 20 MeV now based on JEFF activation file and no longer on a naive 50-50% assumption (thanks to a major contribution by M.Magistris!) AF, Pavia, December 15-16th, 201415

16 New features in ion-ion generators  Nuclear discrete levels accounted for in BME, rQMD and DPMJET interactions when considering fragment excitation AF, Pavia, December 15-16th, 201416  (Initial) extension of BME to A=3 projectiles  BME coupled with Peanut preequilibrium for configurations where the BME native preequilibrium is not available -> major improvement in the description of alpha (and not only) induced reactions Excitation functions for the production of radioisotopes from  interactions on Au (left) and Pb ( right) (Data: CSISRS, NNDC)

17 New features in Dpmjet-3  Dpmjet-3 used for heavy ion interactions above 5 GeV/A, pp and hA above 20 TeV  Major revision with significant improvement of agreement with LHC data  New model for high energy p/pbar-p elastic and total cross sections and elastic scattering AF, Pavia, December 15-16th, 201417

18 New total and elastic cross section model*:  New model required for LHC and future projects (FCC)  … easy to implement in a Monte Carlo form …  … robust extrapolation beyond LHC (cms) energies …  … possibly usable at (much) lower energies as well Alfredo FerrariGarching, June 12th 201418 *PhD work of A.Fedynitch (A.Ferrari, R.Engel supervisors)  JLL model (JMPA26 4755 (2011)) … 2 Reggeons, one two-component Pomeron, one Odderon … simple analytical format, suitable for an efficient MC sampling … … relatively few parameters fit to exp. datasets once forever … … providing very good results from as low as  s ~ 5 GeV up to LHC Totem data (  s 7 TeV  p lab ~2.6 10 4 TeV/c)

19 Total  and , real-to-imaginary fw amplitude: April, 30thAlfredo Ferrari, SATIF1219

20 Elastic scattering angular distributions: Alfredo FerrariGarching, June 12th 201420 Elastic scattering angular distributions for various  s (scaled by x10) for pp (left) and ppbar (right), symbols exp. data, lines predictions

21 New features in EMD  General improvement of ElectroMagnetic Dissociation (EMD), now including the E2 multipolarity  important at low energies and for   and e   EMD extended to   below the  -N threshold  EMD extended to e   electronuclear interactions now implemented  Deuteron Coulomb dissociation (stripping). Please note nuclear stripping not yet implemented AF, Pavia, December 15-16th, 201421 Alice data @ LHC

22 More new features..  Improvement of the transition between the resonance and DPM models for Nucleon-Nucleon interactions  Acolinearity model for positron annihilation (important for PET)  Neutron pointwise, fully correlated, cross sections and interactions for 2-H, 3-He and 4-He  Synchrotron radiation generation through a new SPECSOUR option  Offset dipole and IGRF11 magnetic field tracking for cosmic ray module AF, Pavia, December 15-16th, 201422 Example: deviation from  -  co-linearity after positron annihilation in H 2 O, FLUKA(line) vs data (histo)

23 How to see his/her own devel. wishes fulfilled: First of all, the best and only way to see one's priorities fulfilled is to *help*... in this collaboration almost everybody has some specific wishes, but unfortunately few really contribute. In specific, eg looking at two recent examples: a) isomers for low energy neutrons have been implemented because 1) they have been since a long time a priority for (CERN) RP and I work for CERN... 2) Matteo made a substantial and critical part of the work in the past, BTW kudos to him again 3) the issue became urgent now for calculations for 99-Mo production where I am supervising a person in a collaboration with the University of Geneve -> it was my priority b) (initial) electronuclear are coming because: 1) they are a relatively small add-on to work we did in the last months to extend the electromagnetic dissociation model to lower energies and higher multi-polarities beyond E1 2) This has been done in the framework of the analysis of exp. data on 12 C breakup at 33 MeV/n, a work where myself and Francesco are supervising a PhD student -> it was again our priority AF, Pavia, December 15-16th, 201423

24 Technical improvements  Alternate material for radioactive decays extended to support whichever material, not only vacuum  New DEFAULT: DAMAGE for DPA calculations  Revised DEFAULTS, towards better precision in general  Possibility to assign numeric or character values to preprocessor codewords and then use them in the input file  Extension of signed rotation indexes to lattices and geometry, even in preprocessor parameterized form  Multiple DETECT estimators with arbitrary number of channels  New generalized estimators for (rough) Single Event Upset estimates: HEHAD-EQ, THNEU-EQ AF, Pavia, December 15-16th, 201424

25 Technical improvements -II  New generalized estimators: LGH-IONS, HVY-IONS, E+E-GAMM, DOSE-H2O, LOWENNEU, NTLOWENE, ALL-IONS  Blank common (initial) dynamic memory allocation now possible, and further run-time dynamic allocation for usrbins and voxels, obviously on the gfortran version only  Alarm set up to catch TERM signals and stop runs cleanly  EMD cross sections for the projectile and all charged hadrons/leptons tabulated at initialization (improved speed) AF, Pavia, December 15-16th, 201425

26 Some reminders/caveats:  The present version works with the g77 (32 bit) and gfortran compilers (64 bit). For 64 bit computers, if you wish to use the 32 bit, g77, version compatibility packages are required  Gfortran >= 4.6 required, to avoid mis-compilations  Gfortran versions: a pain …., now the (minimal) requirement is gfortran  4.6, however the code compiled under 4.7 apparently runs correctly on 4.6, but does not produce dump cores when a crash occurs  Dynamic allocation, which is already available in the devel version and will be available in the next release is unfortunately strictly linked to a specific (sub)version, ergo it will be a mess for the users  On Windows, a virtual-machine package can be installed  The high energy heavy ion interaction generators are external, if needed they have to be linked with the program using the ldpmqmd script. There are two of them:  DPMJET-3 (E/A >5 GeV)  rQMD (E/A > 100 MeV)  The low energy ion interaction generator (BME) is part of the standard Fluka library (no need for specific linking) AF, Pavia, December 15-16th, 201426

27 The neutron albedo at 400 km altitude AF, Pavia, December 15-16th, 201427

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