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Marketing Information. Why gather information? Companies need information about their: – Customer’s needs – Marketing environment – Service processes.

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Presentation on theme: "Marketing Information. Why gather information? Companies need information about their: – Customer’s needs – Marketing environment – Service processes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing Information

2 Why gather information? Companies need information about their: – Customer’s needs – Marketing environment – Service processes – Pricing – Advertising and Promotion – Competition

3 Information Overload Marketing managers do not need more information, they need better information. Need to weigh benefits of information against costs of information.

4 Marketing Information System An MIS consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers.

5 Internal Databases: Electronic collections of information obtained from data sources within the company. Marketing Intelligence: Systematic collection and analysis of publicly available information about competitors and developments in the marketing environment. Marketing Research: Systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data relevant to a specific marketing situation facing an organization. Sources of Marketing Information

6 Primary vs. Secondary Data Do we collect our own data or acquire someone else’s? Pros and Cons of Primary vs. Secondary Data – Relevance – Timeliness – Cost – Availability

7 Secondary Data Information that already exists somewhere: – Internal databases – Commercial or syndicated data services – Government sources – Published sources (newspapers, magazines, etc.) Key sources of secondary data found on the Web: – Media data: Arbitron, Nielson, ABC – Government data: Census, FTC, SBA – Consumer data: SMRB, ComScore

8 Census Data

9 Consists of information collected for the specific purpose at hand. Determine: – Research approach – Contact methods – Sampling plan – Research instruments Primary Data

10 Primary Data - The Marketing Research Process

11 Exploratory Research: – Gathers preliminary information to help define the problem, suggest hypotheses and guide future research. Descriptive Research: – Describes things (e.g., market potential for a product, demographics of our customers and consumer attitudes). Experimental Research: – Tests hypotheses about cause-and-effect relationships. Types of Marketing Research

12 Research Modalities Observational Survey Causal – Experiments – Tests

13 Gathering data by observing people, actions, and situations. Ethnographic research: – Observation in a “natural environment” – Spy or “Mystery” Shoppers – Shopping your own organization (Movie: “The Doctor”) Mechanical observation Observational Research

14 Mystery Shopper Survey for Restaurants

15 Mechanical Observation Devices – People meters – Scanners – Galvanometers – Eye Cameras – FMRI

16 Most popular method for primary data collection. Best suited for gathering descriptive information. Can gather information about almost anything. Several formats available – Paper, Mail, Phone, Online Survey Research

17 Pros: – Can collect large amounts of information at a relatively low cost per respondent. – Generates more truthful responses than phone interviews. – Improved validity (no interviewer bias). Cons: – Not flexible once printed. – Longer time horizon. – Low response rate. – Diminished control over sample. Mail Surveys

18 Phone Surveys Pros: – Faster time horizon – Greater flexibility than mail – Better response rates than mail Cons: – Higher costs than mail – Interviewer bias – Limited quantity of data can be collected

19 Pros: – Highest flexibility – Most extensive data-gathering potential – Highest speed of data collection – Best response rates Cons: – Highest cost per respondent – Worst interviewer bias potential – Not scalable – can only target so many people In-Person Interviews (Individual & Group)

20 Focus Groups

21 Pros: – Least expensive – Quickest way to gather information – Offers excellent control over sample. – Decent flexibility – Good response rates Major Con – Limited sample demographics (but getting better!) Online Surveys

22 Sample: segment of the population selected to represent the entire population of interest. Three decisions: – Who to survey? Sampling unit – How many people should be surveyed? Sample size – How to survey the sample? Sampling procedure Random vs. convenience samples – Will your sample generalize to the market? Sampling Plan

23 Characteristics of Good Marketing Research Scientific method Research creativity Multiple methods Balances benefits & costs of information Healthy skepticism Good research questions

24 Survey Writing Workshop Writing Good Survey Questions and Good Surveys Question Types

25 Writing Good Surveys Ensure questions are unbiased. BAD “How much better do you like John McCain than Barack Obama?” BETTER “Which candidate do you prefer - John McCain or Barack Obama?”

26 Writing Good Surveys Keep questions simple. BAD “Considering the candidates running for office this election, who is your preferred candidate?” BETTER “Which candidate do you prefer?”

27 Writing Good Surveys Make questions specific. BAD “Please tell us what you think of this restaurant.” BETTER “What did you think of our restaurant’s service, food, atmosphere, host, etc.”

28 Writing Good Surveys Avoid jargon and sophisticated words. BAD “Do you consider yourself a metrosexual?” BETTER “Would you describe yourself as someone who enjoys cooking, nail treatments, etc.?”

29 Writing Good Surveys Avoid ambiguity unless it’s called for. BAD OR OK “What do you think of Apple’s products?” BETTER “What do you think of Apple’s I-Phone?”

30 Writing Good Surveys Avoid negatives. BAD “Which of the following would you prefer not to sample?” BETTER “Which of the following would you prefer to sample?”

31 Writing Good Surveys Avoid hypotheticals. BAD “Imagine you were driving a car that handles and rides smoothly…” BETTER Consumer actually test-drives car that handles and rides smoothly.

32 Writing Good Surveys Use mutually exclusive categories. BAD “What is your age?” 18-24___24-30 ___ 30-35 ___ BETTER “What is your age?” 18-24___25-30 ___ 31-35 ___

33 Writing Good Surveys Allow for “Other” in fixed response questions. BAD Which brands of Cola do you consume? Coke ____ Pepsi ____ RC____ BETTER Which brands of Cola do you consume? Coke ____ Pepsi ____ RC____ Other____

34 Writing Good Surveys Avoid “double-barreled” questions. BAD “Would you describe yourself as someone who enjoys cooking, nail treatments, and/or fashion?” BETTER “Would you describe yourself as someone who enjoys cooking?” (then ask about nail treatments and fashion in two separate questions)

35 Effective Survey Tactics Beware the order in which questions are asked. Avoid “mis-cues”. Keep your surveys as short as possible without sacrificing the quantity or quality of information obtained. Provide explicit answering instructions (i.e. “Check All that Apply” or “Check One”) for every question. Don’t assume the subject knows what to do Know how you’re going to analyze the data before designing your survey.

36 Question Types - Dichotomous In arranging this trip, did you contact American Airlines?  Yes  No

37 Question Types – Multiple Choice With whom are you traveling on this trip?  No one  Spouse  Spouse and children  Children only  Business associates/friends/relatives  An organized tour group

38 Question Types – Likert Scale Indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: Small airlines generally give better service than large ones.  Strongly disagree  Disagree  Neither agree nor disagree  Agree  Strongly agree

39 Question Types – Semantic Differential American Airlines Large ………………………………...…………….Small Experienced………………….………….Inexperienced Modern………………………..………….Old-fashioned

40 4-40 Question Types – Importance Scale Airline food service is _____ to me.  Extremely important  Very important  Somewhat important  Not very important  Not at all important

41 Question Types – Rating Scale American Airlines’ food service is _____.  Excellent  Very good  Good  Fair  Poor

42 Question Types – Intention to Buy Scale How likely are you to purchase tickets on American Airlines if in-flight Internet access were available?  Definitely buy  Probably buy  Not sure  Probably not buy  Definitely not buy

43 Question Types – Completely Unstructured What is your opinion of American Airlines?

44 Question Types – Word Association What is the first word that comes to your mind when you hear the following? Airline ________________________ American _____________________ Travel ________________________

45 Question Types – Sentence Completion When I choose an airline, the most important consideration in my decision is: _______________________________________________________________.

46 Question Types – Story Completion “I flew American a few days ago. I noticed that the exterior and interior of the plane had very bright colors. This made me think and feel...” Now complete the story. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

47 Question Types – Picture (Empty Balloons)

48 Question Types – Thematic Apperception Test Make up a story that reflects what you think is happening in this picture.

49 Questions du Jour Should Marketing Research findings ever be ignored? Is Marketing Research always necessary or beneficial?

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