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Published byLucy Wolcott Modified over 10 years ago
1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Environment, Safety and Health Steve Hoey, ESH Manager NSLS-II Project Advisory Committee Meeting March 29, 2012
2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Outline Baseline Scope, Staffing Progress since February 2011 Recommendation Status Accelerator Readiness Reviews Project Safety Record Risks Issues Summary
3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ESH Scope ESH Support for: Design & Procurement –Conventional Facilities –Accelerator Systems –Experimental Systems Construction –Ring Building –LOB’s –BORE’s Pre Ops & Operations –Experimental Facilities –Experimental Reviews –Equipment installation Authorization Basis & Commissioning –Safety Assessment Documents –Accelerator Safety Envelopes - Instrument, Readiness Reviews, ARR’s P-1 Storage Ring RF Building transmitters Support Building Utilities
4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ESH Program Responsibilities Experiment safety review Work planning support Emergency planning Environmental management Hazardous waste management Industrial hygiene Industrial safety Radiation safety ESH Facility & Equipment Design Safety system configuration control Self-assessment Risk assessment Interlock testing (radiation and laser) Tier I inspections Compliance audits Readiness Reviews Construction Safety Conduct of Operations Authorization Basis
5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Environment, Safety and Health Organization Readiness Evaluation B. Heneveld Authorization Basis N. Gmur Laboratory Support*** Radiation Control F. Flannigan S.Townsend S. Walker F. Zafonte Industrial Hygiene C. Weilandics Environmental Compliance D. Bauer Readiness Review R. Travis Laboratory Support*** Radiation Control F. Flannigan S.Townsend S. Walker F. Zafonte Industrial Hygiene C. Weilandics Environmental Compliance D. Bauer Readiness Review R. Travis ESH Engineer B. Heneveld Safety Engineer T. McDonald Safety Officer B. Chmiel Construction* T. Anschutz R. Chilakala Construction* T. Anschutz R. Chilakala Radiation Physics P. K. Job ESH Design, Construction & Commissioning Manager S. Hoey Health Physics W. R. Casey ESH Coordinator L. Stiegler G. Wilson Environment, Safety and Health Manager – S. Hoey Deputy – A. Ackerman ESH Operations** Manager A. Ackerman ESH Operations** Manager A. Ackerman COMMITTEES ALARA Committee Beam line Review Committee EMS/OHSAS Committee ES&H Committee ES&H Improvement Committee Interlock Working Group Review Committee PS Directorate Safety Committee Instrument Readiness Review Committee *** Staffing increase to support commissioning * Decrease one FTE coincides with construction downsizing ** Decrease two FTE retirement and re-org QA function
6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Progress - ESH Operations Significant increase lab, assembly, and office space 725 – NSLS – 162,156 ft 2 (Exp floor = 123,644 ft 2) 726 – NSLS - Mechanical Tech Support 3519 ft 2 727 – NSLS – Mech/Magnet Measurement 3519 ft 2 729 - NSLS Source Development Lab – 8018 ft 2 902/905 – Magnet test and assembly, vacuum – 22,690 ft 2 703 – Experimental Facilities Division, 9 new labs – 7,360 ft 2 945 – Vacuum lab – 4,068 ft 2 832 – RF development, magnetic measurement – 7,895 ft 2 820 – Front Ends Diagnostics – 5,700 ft 2 740, 746 & 747 – Ring Building - 400,000 ft 2 Risk well understood & Controlled – lab work, mechanical Assembly, chemicals, haz waste etc. Work processes covered by Project Safety Review and/or Enhanced Work Permits Experienced ESH Operations Staff being utilized for installation and commissioning Lessons learned from these operations being applied to ring building installations. NSLS NSLS-II
7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Progress - Area Monitoring Required area monitors (2) are installed at Linac and are ready for commissioning Area monitors for Booster and storage ring are ordered and are arriving (16 on hand at this point) Remainder of 55 are scheduled for delivery by Sept.1, 2012
8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Progress - Top-off Safety Work of task force establishing engineered safeguards which will prevent the top-off accident continues Preliminary safety review by external independent committee conducted 3/7-8, 2012. Committee endorsed overall strategy and commented on the quality of the work. A number of suggestions were made which the task force will follow-up. Final safety review planned for Fall, 2012
9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Progress - Top-off Radiological Incident Analysis Radiological analysis of the top-off injection accidents have been completed Full injected beam loss at front end inside SR results in <500 mrem/h (injection rate15 nC/s)on experimental floor; at least one interlocked PPS required to prevent this accident scenario. Full injected beam conveyed down to FOE results in dose rate at experimental floor ~300 rem/hr (15 nC/s); redundant interlocked PPS required to prevent this injection accident scenario. Top-off interlock strategies have been recommended to the top-off task force The results are published as a scientific paper (Nucl.Instr.and Meth., A648 (2011) 15-21)
10 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Progress - Construction Safety Contractor(s) performing better than industry average Torcon – improved performance EWH – perfect record thus far, exceeding all goals Ring Building Construction complete only PL’s remain Many programmatic enhancements, best practices; & Lessons Learned (LL) Increased use and detail of PHA’s (LL) Increased communications – daily ESH planning mtgs; weekly ESH Mgmt mtgs; monthly ESH group mtgs, schedule and coordination mtgs with ESH. (LL) On site medical provider – NYS licensed EMT’s Drug screening, pre-employment and post-incident/cause Construction safety assessment program – contractor and NSLS-II (LL) Modified Safety Incentive – workers receive 90%, 2 mos period (LL) –Torcon – $ 490,608.20 (available $ 908,470,52) 53.97% (Initial program TC lost 100% due to 1 DART) –EWH - $159,372.92 (available $159.372.92) 98.75%
11 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Construction Manpower Peak 243 Manpower was expected to exceed 300, however peaked at 243 in late FY10: Torcon finished ring building in Feb 2012 will go down to <50 for punch list EWH is ramping up however overall manpower will decrease from peak in 8/10 Decrease in manpower equates to less risk exposure
12 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Progress-Transition from Construction Laboratory Beneficial Occupancy Readiness Review (BORE) process is being used Officially turns over sections of facility to allow machine installation Specific NSLS-II BORE Plan in place that; Defines scope Establishes schedule Identifies resources PSD BORE Coordinator Assigned Ring building BORE’s start Feb 2011 and finished February 2012 total of 8 phases to match construction phases LOB BORE’s to start June/July 2012 and finish in Dec 2012 Project Lessons Learned passed to Lab
13 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES AreaBaselineActualOccupancyDays to Occupy # Pre-Starts P-12/1/11 3/14/114244 RF/Comp3/23/115/26/116/13/111922 P-26/2/117/8/117/21/111310 Injection5/18/118/10/118/12/1128 P-39/27/1110/14/1110/20/1168 Cooling tower3/23/1110/10/1110/20/111011 P-411/28/1112/15/1112/20/1154 P-5, Lobby, UT & Generators 2/19/122/16/122/29/12135 Ring Building BORE Status
14 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Occupied Areas/Construction Areas
15 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Progress - Authorization Basis Phased Commissioning strategy agreed to; Safety Assessment Documents (SAD) and Accelerator Safety Envelopes (ASE) are modular: Preliminary SAD (for CD-3) – approved by DOE 2008 –Linac Commissioning SAD/ASE - complete –Booster Commissioning SAD/ASE – complete pending approval –Storage Ring Commissioning SAD/ASE – in process -Includes project beam lines –Accelerator Routine Operations SAD/ASE Initial planning ongoing to conduct injection from Booster into P-2 prior to SR being complete will require shielding and fault study analysis and may require mods to Booster SAD/ASE and/or a USI and ARR phasing strategy
16 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Recommendations from 2/11 PAC “ Establish the charter for the initial task of the ARR Team to cover not just the Linac, but also the complete facility, to the extent that available information allows” Complete Team selected for all ARR’s through routine operations Team includes internal and external ESH and Accelerator operations experts
17 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Progress – ARR Process ARR Phasing approach adopted* Linac - Complete Booster SR Final Ops ARR Coordinator assigned (LL) from BORE’s Web page established to give team early access to documentation. Coordination meeting with team in Sept at ASO mtg Follow up conference calls preceded ARR ARR preceded by an internal Instrument Readiness Review established to verify readiness; IRR will also be used for beam line commissioning *May need to add additional phase to support Pentant 2 injection
18 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Progress - Linac Commissioning Linac Authorization Basis Documentation (SAD & ASE) complete and approved by BHSO Commissioning Plan - complete Injection Building occupancy 8/12/11 Equipment Installation - complete Necessary SOP’s - complete Training/qualification - complete Instrument Readiness Review - compete ARR – complete – no new prestarts identified All ARR pre-starts- complete Linac Commissioning start week of 3/26 Sequence for Booster and SR underway Dec 7, 2011 Jan 11,2012
19 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Project Injury Summary (since 2/11) Operations: Cut chin Construction: Fractured foot Dislocated knee (Job Shopper)
20 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES On Sep 22, 2011, a painter with Keller Painting [a subcontractor to Torcon] was injured The painter and his partner were moving a box containing a cover to an electrical cabinet (approximately 100 pounds) so that they could complete painting steel columns They had successfully moved one box and were in the process of moving a second box when the box slipped out of the hands of the painter and landed on the instep of his foot He was taken to the on-site EMT and then to a local hospital for further evaluation An X-Ray revealed that one of the metatarsal bones in his foot was broken The painter was wearing appropriate ANSI approved safety shoes Causes : The box slipped from the painters hand, apparently as a result of paint residue on his cotton gloves Corrective Actions : All trades should ensure that when manually moving pieces of material, their gloves are clean and adequate for the task Two boxes containing electrical panel covers NSLS-II Construction Injury
21 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Injury NSLS-II Job Shopper Injury Hoey/ Stiegler; 1/13/12 On January 13, 2012, a job shopper (sub-contractor to the project) working on technical equipment installation was injured. The job shopper was descending a flight of “ratchet wall” stairs in Pentant 3 at the end of his work shift (approximately 3:00 pm). When he was about at the 8th or 9th step from the bottom, he lost his footing and started to fall. He had been holding the handrail, and tried to catch himself before reaching the bottom. When he landed at the bottom of the stairway his left knee locked up and hyperextended, causing his knee to dislocate. Job Shopper was wearing area based PPE (hard hat, safety glasses and safety shoes), the safety shoes were in good condition. His co-workers transported him to the OMC, where he was given pain medication and transported to mather hospital. Subsequent time lost classifies this as a DART and he will require corrective surgery. Analysis/Causes : Stairs were in good condition, dry well lit and constructed of slip resistant materials, handrails are on both sides. Stairs are fully compliant with OSHA stds. The job shopper was not carrying any materials/equipment and he was in good physical condition. He was leaving for the day on a Friday for the weekend. A likely contributor is that the worker may have been distracted and or descending the stairs in a hurry in order to leave for the day. Corrective Actions: Workers were reminded of keeping their head in the game at all times and paying attention to their surroundings, even while doing routine tasks (i.e. descending stairs)
22 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Project Safety Record (March 12) Hours WorkedRecordable Cases Recordable RateDART Cases* Dart Rate NSLS-II Staff pre-FY09341,1000000 NSLS-II Staff FY09320,39610.6200 NSLS-II Staff FY10432,2720000 NSLS-II Staff FY11508,3200000 NSLS-II Staff FY12201,3141.9900 NSLS-II Staff Cumulative1,803,40320.22 (Target: 0.65)00 (Target: 0.25) Contractors FY0960,20826.6413.32 Contractors FY10331,42431.8110.60 Contractors FY11 *460,4602.872 Contractors FY12 *198,70411.000.0 Contractors Cumulative1,050,79581.52 (Target: 1.8 / 4.7) 4.76(Target: 0.6 / 2.5) Total Project Cumulative2,854,198100.70 (Target: 0.65)40.28 (Target: 0.25) Estimated Future HrsEarly Finish 6/14CD-4 6/15 Staff3,140,7603,704,760 Contractor1,275,795 Total4,416,5554,977,555 *Includes Shopppers
23 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES CategoryDescriptionRisk Ranking Management ESH Construction Minor or major injury or mishap, conventional construction, R&D Ops through technical equipment installation, Prime contractor coordination MediumESH Construction Plan (HASP); Contractor Pre-qualification; Safety Incentive; Dedicated CSE’s, contractor qualification; work planning & control; communications ESH Design Major change driven by ESH design Oversight or changing regulation (ring bldg and tech equipment) Low (Reduced from Medium) Formal Design Reviews; SME input; Extensive use of Lessons Learned ESH Site Prep- excavation Legacy contamination identified during excavation, protected species impacting construction RetiredExtensive site evaluation; Monitoring of protected species Authorization Basis Impacts Possibility of DOE Order 420.2B “Safety of Accelerator Facilities” being rescinded and replaced by more stringent nuclear stds RetiredActive participation in ASO working group and gap analysis Risk Analysis & Management
24 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Issues Coordination of construction contractors (Torcon & EWH) with installation activities End of construction mind set risks Increase in number of beam lines (and BL procurements and reviews) Commissioning/install activities (documentation, ARR’s, job shoppers, etc.) Need to analyze shielding & fault conditions and get buy in on booster injection into pentant 2, may require AB modifications & extra ARR phase
25 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Summary ESH Program is well defined and documented ESH Staff is well qualified and in place Performance metrics are trending positively Early deficiencies in construction safety program implementation have been addressed and processes are in place to move forward safely with minimum risk On track with authorization basis process including BORE, SAD’s and ASE’s for Booster & SR Program is continually improving & incorporating Lessons Learned
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