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1 A Behavioral Consulting Webinar by BrainJuicer® January 2013 Behaviour Design: Applying the Behavioural and Decision Sciences to Shopper Insights & Marketing.

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Presentation on theme: "1 A Behavioral Consulting Webinar by BrainJuicer® January 2013 Behaviour Design: Applying the Behavioural and Decision Sciences to Shopper Insights & Marketing."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 A Behavioral Consulting Webinar by BrainJuicer® January 2013 Behaviour Design: Applying the Behavioural and Decision Sciences to Shopper Insights & Marketing.

2 2 Most CEOs question the value of Marketing & Insights Source: Fournaise Marketing Group’s 2012 Marketing Effectiveness Program “78% of these CEOs believe that marketers are disconnected from business results”

3 3 3 Turning Human Understanding into Business Advantage

4 4 System 1 and System 2 Thinking

5 5 5 Slow Analytical Deliberative Propositional Conscious System 2 Fast Intuitive Instinctive Metaphoric Unconscious System 1 Behaviour driven by two decision-making systems…

6 6 System 1 decision-making is faster and less effortful System 2 System 1 50 bit/sec 11,000,000 bit/sec Zimmerman, M. (1989) "The Nervous System in the Context of Information Theory".

7 7 “Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it.” -Henry Ford

8 8 We think much less than we think we think

9 9 9 to 1 AGAINST you

10 10 Values Actions Decisions Preferences Attitudes “Purity” “The simpler the better” “I prefer food without preservatives” “I want an all natural snack” “I’ll buy that Kashi bar”

11 11

12 Context heavily influences our behaviours!

13 13 Therefore Shopper Insights must evolve to building solutions. Architecting “Consumer Preference” via Brand Design Building “Shopper Choice” via Behavior Design

14 Shopper Needs Building Brands Brand Engagement 360 Equity Campaigns to Drive Brand Meaning Brand Design Choice Architecture Building Context Engaging Environments Architecting Choice Along Decision Cycles to Drive Conversion BEHAVIOUR DESIGN From Only:To Also:



17 17 Behavioural Audit : Behavioural audit on personal, social and environmental factors that drive choice. Behavioural Design: We design for a new behaviour to drive purchasing Behavioural Experiment: We partner with you to test interventions in-situ and monitor sales effects. Behavioural Consultancy

18 18 Case Studies…

19 19 Case Study #1: Behavioural Audit & Research

20 20 Self Image: Warriors Store is a resource to “Win” He shops in a physiological hot-states Key Behavioural Audit & Research Findings Primes Impulsivity Mini Las Vegas Making price a tertiary consideration Shop alone and for themselves Lacks conformity obligations No judging

21 21 Limited variety Pepsi-centric messaging with calming colors. Price-centered Promotion Case Study #1: Behavioural Audit and Research

22 22 A Behavioral Designed Solution: A Behavior Designed Solution: “Prime the Need” Promotion Regulatory Focus “Frame the Choice” Hedonic Bundling “Trigger the Behavior” Epic Moments

23 23 Case Study #2: Behavioural Design

24 24 Case Study #2: Behavioural Design

25 25 Case Study #2: Behavioural Design

26 26 Case Study#3: Behavioural Testing

27 27 Key Behavioural Testing findings for Chocolate

28 28 Key Behavioural Testing findings for Fragrance

29 29 Key Behavioural Testing findings for Fragrance

30 30 The effect of scent on average sales value 20% 

31 31 Happier, Quicker, More Confident Decisions More Enjoyable Experiences Greater Conversion and Buying Momentum Lower Price Sensitivity Behaviour Design benefits everyone

32 32 Questions – type into question box on right side of screen. Or e-mail the team with your challenges.

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