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Published byYazmin Minter Modified over 10 years ago
Planning for Controlled Assessment tasks WJEC Geography GCSE Spec B – CPD event – Autumn 2012 Part 1 Changes to Controlled Assessment The new ‘strengthened’ Specification First Award 2014
Planning for Controlled Assessment tasks WJEC Geography GCSE Spec B – CPD event – Autumn 2012 There are significant changes to Controlled Assessment ahead This PPT provides you with a summary of the main changes. This summary needs to be read in conjunction with the detailed information in the new spec (see pages 29 – 37)
Planning for Controlled Assessment tasks WJEC Geography GCSE Spec B – CPD event – Autumn 2012 For the award in 2014 the number of tasks will be reduced to one (from two) The single task is based on the Fieldwork Enquiry from the current Specification The ‘Issue’ task will no longer be required. The 2013 award will be the last time that this will form part of the assessment package The new Fieldwork Enquiry will be worth 25% of the total assessment package It will be marked out of 50
Planning for Controlled Assessment tasks WJEC Geography GCSE Spec B – CPD event – Autumn 2012 There is a subtle change to the weighting of Assessment Objectives Current Spec – last award in 2013 AO1 K & U: 6% (E) + 3% (I) = 9% AO2 App: 3% (E) + 3% (I) = 6% AO3 Skills: 6% (E) + 4% (I) = 10% = 25% Strengthened Spec – first award in 2014 AO1 K & U: (Enquiry) = 6% AO2 App: (Enquiry) = 7% AO3 Skills: (Enquiry) = 12% = 25% This is obviously reflected in the marks allocated to each AO......
Planning for Controlled Assessment tasks WJEC Geography GCSE Spec B – CPD event – Autumn 2012 The single task, the Fieldwork Enquiry for the 2014 award, will be marked as follows: AO1 – Knowledge and Understanding: 12 marks AO2 – Application: 14 marks AO3 – Skills: 24 marks Total 50 marks Each AO has 4 Levels of response, with specific strands identified to facilitate marking, as in the example below............................ In developing their task(s), centres will need to be fully conversant with the assessment criteria – further information will be provided in Part 2 of this presentation
Planning for Controlled Assessment tasks Centres will develop and contextualise their task from one (or more) of the generic titles available in the Specification The generic titles will change for each award The titles for the 2014 award are in the published Specification The titles for the 2015 award will be published on the WJEC website in May 2013. A similar pattern will be adopted thereafter No alternative generic titles can be used by centres as the basis for their contextualised tasks for each awarding year The WJEC has developed a new, streamlined process, by which centres submit their contextualised title(s). WJEC need to be informed of the contextualised title(s) 10 weeks ahead of the work being undertaken. Full details, along with the submission document, will shortly be posted on the WJEC website. Contact Andrew Williams at WJEC for further information.
Planning for Controlled Assessment tasks WJEC Geography GCSE Spec B – CPD event – Autumn 2012 Generic tasks for the Enquiry (for award in 2014) Assessing........ ThemeKey Q Investigate spatial variations in quality of life 11.4 Investigate the distribution of retail services 12.1 Investigate variation of river processes and landforms along a river channel 2 4.2 &4.3 Investigate the strategies needed to manage an area of eroding coastline 25.4 Investigate factors that determine the location of secondary industry 32.1 Investigate the impact of tertiary economic activity on people and the environment 33.1
Planning for Controlled Assessment tasks WJEC Geography GCSE Spec B – CPD event – Autumn 2012 Centres will need to be conversant with the JCQ regulations for conducting controlled assessment through each phase....... Task setting Task taking Task marking
Planning for Controlled Assessment tasks WJEC Geography GCSE Spec B – CPD event – Autumn 2012 When you study the sequence, your attention is drawn to: the preparation period ahead of the fieldtrip the changed timings for each phase (compared to the current spec) the greater emphasis on evaluation The sequence for the Enquiry.......
Planning for Controlled Assessment tasks WJEC Geography GCSE Spec B – CPD event – Autumn 2012 part 2 of this session focuses on widening data collection activities for the fieldwork Enquiry. the emphasis will be on creating opportunities for independence when candidates collect field evidence to support their investigation this will reflect the revised assessment criteria found in the new ‘strengthened’ Specification the short presentation and the subsequent workshop may also be of interest to those centres who have yet to develop their final Enquiry (for the 2013 award) If there are any questions relating to controlled assessment for the new, ‘strengthened’ Specification, please ask them at the Q & A session at the end of the meeting
Planning for Controlled Assessment tasks WJEC Geography GCSE Spec B – CPD event – Autumn 2012 Widening techniques used to collect primary evidence Encouraging candidate Independence A presentation and workshop Part 2
Planning for Controlled Assessment tasks Assessment criteria for AO2 – Skills (level 4) – current spec “Candidates are able to utilise a wide range of entirely appropriate techniques to: collect, record, select, process, refine and present primary and secondary data.” WJEC Geography GCSE Spec B – CPD event – Autumn 2012.... in the strengthened Spec for 2014.......
Planning for Controlled Assessment tasks Assessment Objective 3 – Skills, analysis and evaluation (page 37 of the spec) Level 2: 7 – 12 marksLevel 3: 13 – 18 marksLevel 4: 19 – 24 marks Uses a basic outline........ Investigates a range of primary / sec.. Uses a limited range of techniques to process and present graphical info Analysis includes simple..... Comments on the limitations...... Selects and uses relevant..... Investigates primary and secondary data using a range of techniques...... Independently selects and uses a range of techniques to process and present graphical / cartographic info Analysis includes explanation of a.... Evaluates the methodology...... Independently selects and uses pertinent geographical questions to sequence the enquiry process Independently investigates primary and relevant secondary data using a range of techniques........ Independently selects and uses a range of techniques to process and present graphical / cartographic and statistical information. Analysis includes specific... Critically evaluates the methodology..
WJEC Geography GCSE Spec B – CPD event – Autumn 2012 Investigate factors that determine the location of secondary industry There are clear advantages for locating a new canning factory on the Hardwick Industrial Park compared to the North Lynn Industrial Estate The centre intends to use a range of primary data collection techniques to underpin the investigation. A visit to each site will include the completion of a bi-polar survey sheet The centre recognises the value of bi-polar surveys as they allow all candidates to collate, refine and represent the statistical data gained in a wide variety of ways, ahead of analysis. Lorry movement in and out of the site 12345 The site is not close to any to a dual carriageway or main trunk route The site is adjacent to a dual carriageway and a main trunk route
WJEC Geography GCSE Spec B – CPD event – Autumn 2012 Lorry movement in and out of the site 12345 The site is not close to any to a dual carriageway or main trunk route The site is adjacent to a dual carriageway and a main trunk route There are clear advantages for locating a new canning factory on the Hardwick Industrial Park compared to the North Lynn Industrial Estate All candidates are issued with a sheet which includes 8 different opposing statements, all of which relate to different aspects of industrial location, e.g......... Site preparation 12345 The site will need extensive landscaping before construction can begin The site is already prepared for construction to begin immediately New assessment criteria.... Why not build in opportunities to facilitate candidate independence? Candidates are given 2 headed boxes, but they have to develop their own bi-polar statements, e.g...... on Potential Noise Disturbance for nearby residents / on potential links with support companies on adjacent land More able candidates are given the opportunity to devise two more headed boxes and the associated bi-polar statements on locational factors not included in the 8 pre- determined boxes
WJEC Geography GCSE Spec B – CPD event – Autumn 2012 Investigate factors needed to manage an area of eroding coastline Is managed retreat the only worthwhile coastal management strategy for Happisburgh? The centre intends to use a range of primary data collection techniques to underpin the investigation. Evidence will include drawing field sketches and taking photo evidence. All students are given some support through a starter sketch
Is managed retreat the only worthwhile coastal management strategy for Happisburgh? Characteristics when wet: _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ Characteristics when wet:_______________________________ Marine action: ___________________________ ________________________________________
WJEC Geography GCSE Spec B – CPD event – Autumn 2012 This slows the rate of erosion by: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Now select two more sea defence systems used by the authorities within our study area. Draw micro field sketches and annotate them to show how they might slow the rate of erosion. Add the location of these systems onto the map supplied Gabions here Is managed retreat the only worthwhile coastal management strategy for Happisburgh? Micro field sketches can be attempted by most students
Is managed retreat the only worthwhile coastal management strategy for Happisburgh? Selecting and annotating digital pictures is a further opportunity for independence........ An annotated photo at Happisburgh to highlight why coastal management is so complex. Add your annotations to the 3 selected text boxes............. Add a 4 th observation of your own. Some houses are already so vulnerable: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ It is the processes within the cliff that are most problematic: ______________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ The lifeboat and coastguard station have already been abandoned: ___________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________
The lifeboat and coastguard station have already been abandoned: ___________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ An annotated photo at Happisburgh highlighting why coastal management is so complex. One has been started for you. Identify two other features of your own. Is managed retreat the only worthwhile coastal management strategy for Happisburgh? Selecting and annotating digital pictures is a further opportunity for independence........
Is managed retreat the only worthwhile coastal management strategy for Happisburgh? Greater independence when taking digital pictures – the impact of rapid erosion on Happisburgh The students are asked to select three locations in and around Happisburgh. Each location should reflect the impact that rapid erosion has had on the village. A social, economic and an environmental impact is required. The location should be shown on a base map. Students are asked to record the rationale behind their choice I took this picture of the demolished coastguard station as I think it shows a social impact. Losing the station means.......
WJEC Geography GCSE Spec B – CPD event – Autumn 2012 Investigate the distribution of retail services Why are out of town retail parks increasingly popular at the expense of the CBD in Ipswich? Fieldwork is often enhanced through the use of questionnaires. Is there room to encourage independence in the data collected? The most effective questionnaires ask a limited range of ‘closed’ questions. The data collected needs to be........ Tightly focussed on the specific task The data collected needs to lend itself to graphical representation Base data is ideally collated to offer more statistical rigour and options for analysis Beyond this, tasks should be devised to encourage additionality and independence in questionnaire construction
WJEC Geography GCSE Spec B – CPD event – Autumn 2012 Investigate the distribution of retail services Why are out of town retail parks increasingly popular at the expense of the CBD in Ipswich? A GCSE class of 25 students conducted a questionnaire to contribute to the Enquiry above All candidates collected the same base data, using closed question techniques The date was collated in the research phase, so students had their own responses and the average for the whole class.... for individual refinement and analysis An extract from the shopper survey........... How important are these factors for your shopping experience? Not important at all 12345678910 Very important to me A place where parking is free Where there is safe pedestrian access Where public transport is easily available Where I can find a wide range of shops in one place A place that offers a variety of places to eat / drink
Planning for Controlled Assessment tasks How important are these factors for your shopping experience? Not important at all 12345678910 Very important to me A place where parking is free Where there is safe pedestrian access Where public transport is easily available Where I can find a wide range of shops in one place A place that offers a variety of places to eat / drink In addition to the base data, candidates might be encouraged to enhance the questionnaire by introducing new ideas of their own. Without your assistance, they might decide to................... target / categorise specific groups of shoppers (by age / gender) widen the range of factors explore the views of retailers, not just the customers..... for example
WJEC Geography GCSE Spec B – CPD event – Autumn 2012 Investigate the impact of tertiary activity on people and the environment An investigation into the problems caused by Ashton Gate, the home of Bristol City. Is locating to the greenfield site of Ashton Vale the answer? The task requires the collection of a range of data on match days and non-match days: Environmental impacts Noise pollution Light pollution Congestion surveys Pedestrian flows etc All students must articulate their own perspective of the existing site (the impact on people and the environment)...........
Investigate the impact of tertiary activity on people and the environment An investigation into the problems caused by Ashton Gate, the home of Bristol City. Is the Ashton Vale development the answer?.... but they are also asked to suggest how different groups of people may feel about the issue On the fieldtrip the students must select two stakeholders from the short list available For each stakeholder chosen they must record their ideas on how these people feel about the impact of the ground / the possible closure of the ground To add some individuality, students are encouraged to nominate a third stakeholder viewpoint (not from the list). The rationale for selecting this stakeholder needs to be explained along with the view suggested I feel...... ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ _ Elderly local residents The owner of the newsagents The local councillor A steward working at the ground
WJEC Geography GCSE Spec B – CPD event – Autumn 2012 Why are out of town retail parks increasingly popular at the expense of the CBD in Ipswich? Investigate the distribution of retail services When developing the guidance material to support the task, every opportunity should be taken to encourage some independence in data collection, additional secondary research and techniques to represent the information. As previously explored, for questionnaires this may mean that you ask students to consider: widening the questions asked approaching defined respondents using a different ‘closed’ technique but more than this...... Not only will this facilitate individuality in data collection, but it will also encourage students to explore (perhaps) a wider range of graphical / statistical and cartographic techniques
Level 4: Independently selects and uses a range of techniques to process and present graphical / cartographic and statistical information Level 3: Independently selects and uses a range of techniques to process and present graphical / cartographic information Level 2: Uses a limited range of techniques to process and present graphical information Guidance sheets can be supportive in explaining the need to use a range of basic graphical techniques. To access the higher levels of the mark scheme, guidance sheets need to overtly prompt independent thinking in terms of the range of techniques employed to represent the data, ahead of analysis.
Planning for Controlled Assessment tasks Assessment Objective 3 – Skills, analysis and evaluation Level 2: 7 – 12 marksLevel 3: 13 – 18 marksLevel 4: 19 – 24 marks Uses a basic outline........ Investigates a range of primary / sec.. Uses a limited range of techniques to process and present graphical info Analysis includes simple..... Comments on the limitations...... Selects and uses relevant..... Investigates primary and secondary data using a range of techniques...... Independently selects and uses a range of techniques to process and present graphical / cartographic info Analysis includes explanation of a.... Evaluates the methodology...... Independently selects and uses pertinent geographical questions to sequence the enquiry process Independently investigates primary and relevant secondary data using a range of techniques........ Independently selects and uses a range of techniques to process and present graphical / cartographic and statistical information. Analysis includes specific... Critically evaluates the methodology..
Planning for Controlled Assessment tasks - Workshop Generic tasks for the Enquiry (for award in 2014) Assessing........ Theme Key Q Investigate spatial variations in quality of life 11.4 Investigate the distribution of retail services 12.1 Investigate variation of river processes and landforms along a river channel 2 4.2 &4.3 Investigate the strategies needed to manage an area of eroding coastline 25.4 Investigate factors that determine the location of secondary industry 32.1 Investigate the impact of tertiary economic activity on people and the environment 33.1 What are the greatest challenges for your department in developing an Enquiry task for the strengthened spec? What strategies can be employed to encourage independence in the range of techniques employed from data collection to analysis? In small groups explore these two issues in relation to controlled tasks for 2014+
This PPT presentation will be available for download from the secure area of the WJEC website
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