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Admissions Athletics Paying for College Lisa Hope High school counselor & Parent.

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1 Admissions Athletics Paying for College Lisa Hope High school counselor & Parent

2 Three separate processes Admissions: Meet admissions criteria, submit application with fee. Admissions office. Athletics: Working with coach, athletic office. Register NCAA? Meet their athletic criteria. Paying for college: Submit FAFSA form. Profile form? Financial aid office.

3 Options for the High School Graduate Community College Four-Year Colleges and Universities Military Academies Public and Private Schools Division I, II, III, NAIA, NJCAA athletics

4 Consider College Characteristics There 2,600+ public and private 4 year colleges and universities. (Use CB’s Big Future) Majors and educational programs Location and size Admission likely?? Student academic skills Cost and financial aid (Use CB’s EFC calculator) Sports (Use NCAA eligibility center)

5 Admissions Likely to get in? Grades and test scores, essays Likely to play sports? Check which sports? Sports stats Likely to to afford? Check net price calculator and financial aid.


7 Independent Colleges in Washington State

8 4-Year Requirements in addition to HS Graduation requirements Application and Fee High School Transcript Scores from ACT or SAT. Subject tests? 2 Years Foreign language (3?) Math through Advanced Algebra Chemistry – (Algebraic Lab Science) Check the school’s info. Likely to be admitted?

9 Admissions Process Meet entrance requirements in high school. SAT/ACT spring junior year or fall senior year Apply by deadline. Earlier is better. Fees. Essays. Do financial process. Respond to offer of admission by May 1. Pay deposit to confirm.

10 Athletics Different schools offer different sports. There are different athletic divisions. College can be in different divisions for different sports. DI schools biggest time commitment, more athletic scholarships. Register NCAA. DII schools still a time commitment, some athletic scholarships. Register NCAA. DIII schools most common. No athletic scholarships but maybe other $$.

11 NAIA(National Association for Intercollegiate Athletics) Smaller division, about 300 colleges. Some athletic scholarships. NJCAA(National Junior College Athletic Association) Can compete at the DI, DII or DIII level. Scholarships available.

12 Want to play sports in college? Meet NCAA eligibility standards: min. 2.3 gpa Assess athletic and academic abilities. How much time to devote to sport? Play or sit? Identify appropriate colleges. Majors? Broken leg test? Check college website. Assess your stats with their stats.

13 College athletes The majority of college athletes are NOT on a scholarship!! “Head count sports”: Men’s football and basketball and Women’s basketball, tennis, gymnastics and volleyball Everything else is an “Equivalency sport” Colleges have limits on how many and what $$ value scholarships they can offer.

14 Athletic scholarships 2% of high school seniors receive an NCAA athletic scholarship. The average value of an NCAA scholarship is less then $11,000. Division I sports take about 38 hours per week of a college student’s time.

15 Athletics Process Contact appropriate college coach. Do their interest form. Send your info sheet. FOLLOW UP!! Only time you’ll likely get to chose your coach. For DI and DII schools you will need to be NCAA eligible. Register with NCAA ($80), min. 2.3 academic GPA, test scores, high school courses. NCAA DI and DII schools have specific rules re: recruitment.

16 Paying for College College is expensive!! Do your research. Be a smart shopper.

17 Paying for College2012-2013 Tuition and Fees Room and Board BooksTotal Community College 4,000N/A9004,900 WWU8,7939,3721,05019,215 WSU11,38610,52493622,846 PLU32,8009,6501,00043,450

18 Financial Aid Different office/ Different process than admission. Do Admission early fall senior year. Do financial aid form (FAFSA) in December/January senior year. Profile earlier. Financial aid is different than scholarships Unless you are Bill Gates, you should do the FAFSA.

19 FAFSA Free Application for Federal Student Aid Complete the FAFSA at after Jan. 1 for next fall’s new school Attend College Goal Sunday WA (January/February) if you need FAFSA help. You will do the FAFSA every year for each child. Some schools require the Profile form too.

20 FAFSA determines EFC (Expected Family Contribution) Remember your PIN When you complete and submit FAFSA at the end you’ll see your EFC amount. After your FAFSA is processed you’ll receive a SAR (Student Aid Report) email. Cost of attendance does NOT affect EFC (Expected Family Contribution). More expensive college means greater financial need.

21 EFC and Financial Need COA – EFC = Financial Need Sample EFC = $8,000 COMMUNITY COLLEGE 4,900-8,0000 WSU22,846-800014,846 PLU43,450-800035,450

22 Financial Aid Process College will create financial aid package based on your FAFSA info around March/April. Concerns? Talk with financial aid office. “Gapping” By May 1 reply to college offer of admission. Accept financial aid package. Some schools are more generous with financial aid than others. Do your research! You will do this process every year.

23 Financial Aid Qualify for all 3 kinds of financial aid based on FAFSA form. FAFSA usually does not impact scholarships 3 Kinds Gifts/Grants: Do not have to pay back Loans: Have to pay back Usually after graduation Work Study: Work on campus to pay for school

24 Smart shopper tips Google College Board’s EFC ( Expected Family Contribution) Calculator and figure your EFC NOW! Do both federal and institutional. Do Net Price calculators at college websites. High EFC? look for merit aid. Low EFC? look for need aid. Use money

25 Sources of College Cash Scholarship/Grant SourcePercentage of All Grant Aid Federal Government44% Colleges36% State Government9% Private Scholarships6%

26 Student loan info Average student debt is $24,000+ 10 years to pay off at $279.19 per month. (Interest rate 6.8%) Total interest would be $9,143.13 Need starting salary $41,428 to handle. To calculate:, select undergrads at top, manage money on side, manage student loans, calculate student

27 Scholarships Financial Need? Academic achievement School, community, leadership activities Special skills or talents, Athletics (1% DI athletes fully funded. Most are partials.) Special populations Career interests Service and volunteerism Best chance is smaller applicant pool.

28 Dream big! Play hard! Need to work all three processes: Admissions, Athletics, Paying for college. Be organized. Better grades give you more options. Do not wait for coaches to find you!

29 Counselor Internet Resources High school counselor week The college solution Inside higher ed Check out a Ready set grad gold academic programs in WA, green military rotc info Questbridge Colleges that change lives

30 Other counselor issues College application project College goal Washington/Sunday FAFSA completion project “summer melt” Running Start vs. AP PNACAC ACT April, June or Dec. test- Can order test information(TIR $19) for a copy of test and answer key so can go over answers. Letter of rec form 3-2 programs at liberal arts colleges

31 College Costs form Cost of attendance: $__________________ (college website or big future) -grants + scholarships $__________________ = net annual cost $ Compare to efc

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