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Discovery Health 2013 Speaker name
Core purpose and ambition
An insurance organisation comparable to the best in the world that is renowned for excellence, innovation and financial strength. In addition, the organisation must be a powerful force for social good Make people healthier and enhance and protect their lives
The Discovery Health Medical Scheme offering
1 2 Discovery Health Medical Scheme offers you unequalled financial security Choose from the widest ranges of plans to suit your medical need and budget 3 4 Enjoy extensive cover and support and access to the latest medicines and technologies Access a member journey that is exceptional and intuitive 5 Improve your health through Vitality
Member reserves (R’ billion)
You have complete peace of mind that there is sufficient reserves to pay your claims Member reserves (R’ billion) Global Credit Rating Medical Fund GCR Rating Discovery AA+ Medihelp AA- Fedhealth AA- Medshield AA-* Liberty AA- Bonitas AA- Sizwe A+* Momentum A+ Resolution A-** Discovery has been awarded the highest possible rating for 12 consecutive years *Under curatorship ** Rating watch - Source 2012 Global Credit Rating Reports Source: Global Credit Rating Reports
The Discovery Health Medical Scheme offering
1 2 Discovery Health Medical Scheme offers you unequalled financial security Choose from the widest ranges of plans to suit your medical need and budget 3 4 Enjoy extensive cover and support and access to the latest medicines and technologies Access a member journey that is exceptional and intuitive 5 Improve your health through Vitality
You have a choice of plans to suit your medical need
Your choices within the KeyCare Series
KeyCare Plus KeyCare Access KeyCare Core Critical hospital care Planned hospital care Chronic Illness Benefits Day-to-day medical care Screening and prevention KeyFIT KeyCare Hospital Network KeyCare Hospital Network for emergencies and trauma; KeyCare Access Hospital Network* for child birth and care of newborns KeyCare Hospital Network KeyCare Hospital Network Contracted state hospitals KeyCare Hospital Network Cover for antenatal services and specialist consultations *A network of 32 private hospitals
You have a choice of Classic Comprehensive Zero MSA
Member funds Vitality Above threshold benefit Screening & Prevention Chronic Illness Benefit Hospital Benefit Plan design delivers security and flexibility: Security of unlimited cover in-hospital Security of comprehensive cover for chronic medicine Security of day-to-day cover above threshold Flexibility to self fund day-to-day care below threshold Security of extensive private healthcare cover in-hospital and for chronic medicine, but with flexibility to self fund for day-to-day healthcare needs without an MSA
You can choose from one of our 21 plan options
Monthly premiums for a principal member
The Discovery Health Medical Scheme offering
1 2 Discovery Health Medical Scheme offers you unequalled financial security Choose from the widest ranges of plans to suit your medical need and budget 3 4 Enjoy extensive cover and support and access to the latest medicines and technologies Access a member journey that is exceptional and intuitive 5 Improve your health through Vitality
You will have the best access to medical cover and support both in-and-out of South Africa
Africa Benefit Emergency assistance Evacuation to SA for emergencies in Africa Trauma Support International Travel Benefit Cover for medical emergencies while travelling overseas Medical Liaison Managers Emergency HealthID™ Make your stay in hospital more comfortable
Case study: The Discovery Health Oncology Benefit
At Discovery Health you will receive the most extensive care and support for serious illnesses Case study: The Discovery Health Oncology Benefit Oncology cover is unlimited on all plans Ongoing care and support through Oncology Liaison Managers and Cancer Coaches 30 000 Discovery Health members receiving treatment for cancer R940m Annual spend from the oncology benefit 99.8% Of oncology claims are covered in full
The Insured Network Benefit in 2013
GP consultations Unlimited visits on: Executive Comprehensive Priority Defined number of visits: Saver Pathology Unlimited on: Executive Classic Comprehensive Classic Delta Comprehensive Classic Priority Day-to-day generic medicines (schedule 3 and above) Unlimited on: Executive Classic Comprehensive Classic Delta Comprehensive + + = Network of independent pharmacies 58% of average spend in Self Payment Gap is covered by the Insured Network Benefit
If you have a chronic condition, you can save up to 25% on ChroniCare products at Dis-Chem pharmacies Activate ChroniCare Receive an activation pack Complete a Vitality Check At a pharmacy in the Vitality Wellness Network or a Wellness Day Shop at Dis-Chem Swipe your ChroniCare card Enjoy the rewards Earn up to 25% cash back
You can save up to 25% on your medication through the MedSaver benefit at Clicks pharmacies
Activate MedSaver Go to to activate Complete a Vitality Check At a pharmacy in the Vitality Wellness Network or a Wellness Day Visit a Clicks store Purchase schedule 1 and 2 medicines Enjoy the rewards Earn up to 25% cash back
You can have your medication delivered to your door: MedXpress
Communication of full cover options Centralised storage of members’ details Dispensing fees charged at or below Discovery rate Members can receive medication while travelling Send us your script: Phone us to place your order:
You enjoy preferential discounts on Optometry
You can save up to 20% on your frames and lenses through our optometry network You enjoy preferential discounts on Optometry Upfront discount on frames and lenses Extensive network of optometrists 20% Upfront discount Upfront discount Preserve your Medical Savings Account and extend your rand limit for optometry
The scale of operations
Every working minute… 3 New policy applications to the scheme 65 Calls handled 128 s received 342 Claims processed 1 Hospital Admissions authorised R Paid out for claims
The Discovery Health Medical Scheme offering
1 2 Discovery Health Medical Scheme offers you unequalled financial security Choose from the widest ranges of plans to suit your medical need and budget 3 4 Enjoy extensive cover and support and access to the latest medicines and technologies Access a member journey that is exceptional and intuitive 5 Improve your health through Vitality
We offer you assistance to ensure you get the most out of your benefits
Carry an electronic membership card Track claims and medical spend Personal health records Request a document Take a photo of a claim and send it to us View information on hospital procedures Order door-to-door medicine delivery Translate cover into one of five languages Check medicine prices and alternatives Watch our educational videos slide to unlock
As a Discovery Health member, your doctor has access to tools to guide you through the healthcare system Electronic health records Chronic Illness Benefit application and approval Access Discovery Health members’ full electronic health record, including details of previous doctor and hospital visits, previously prescribed medicines, blood test results as well as health measures. Complete an electronic Chronic Illness Benefit application form with the required information and validation built into the electronic process. Electronic prescriptions direct to your pharmacy Benefit details and cover Prescribe medicine for chronic and acute conditions using HealthID. View Discovery Health members’ personal and benefit information. Emergency HealthID Electronic referrals Discovery Health members’ unique QR code gives emergency personnel secure access to essential information in an emergency. Refer Discovery Health members to another healthcare professional by using the electronic referral tool.
The Discovery Health Medical Scheme offering
1 2 Discovery Health Medical Scheme offers you unequalled financial security Choose from the widest ranges of plans to suit your medical need and budget 3 4 Enjoy extensive cover and support and access to the latest medicines and technologies Access a member journey that is exceptional and intuitive 5 Improve your health through Vitality
The Vitality program drives and rewards healthy behaviour
Earn Vitality points for doing various health assessments to help you understand your current healthy status and how to Improve it Vitality makes living a healthier lifestyle easier, with savings and rewards for using our partners As you get healthier, earn Vitality points and build up your Vitality status you will enjoy greater rewards
Vitality makes it easy for employees to improve their health
Diamond status Gain points from living a healthy lifestyle HealthyFoodTM UP TO 9 000 POINTS P.A FITNESS POINTS UP TO POINTS P.A VITALITY CHECK UP TO POINTS Gold status Perform health checks Silver status HIV TEST 5 000 POINTS PROSTATE SCREENING / MAMMOGRAM 2 500 POINTS NUTRITION ASSESSMENT 5 000 POINTS FITNESS ASSESSMENT UP TO 7 500 POINTS Added diseases mgmt stats and HealthID logo Bronze status Complete online health assessments at MENTAL WELLBEING ASSESMENT 2 500 POINTS NON-SMOKER DECLARATION 5 000 POINTS ONLINE FITNESS ASSESSMENT 1 000 POINTS VITALITY HEALTH REVIEW 2 000 POINTS Blue status
Improve your health: Enjoy great savings at fitness partners
1. Gyms and health clubs 2. Make healthier lifestyle choices Save as much as 80% when you join either Allen Carr’s Easyway or Smokenders. Earn Vitality points for being a non-smoker. Save 30% at Weigh-Less or Weight Watchers. Earn points for a weight assessment and 4 000 points for reaching your goal weight. Main member and spouse save up to 80% on the monthly rate at Virgin Active or Planet Fitness and all dependants 18 years and older save 50%. Each member must pay a card fee, an activation fee of R745 and the monthly rate. 3. Outdoor fitness activities 4. Fitness monitors and smartphones 80% saving on a year’s membership at Run/Walk For Life Earn Vitality points for a 9- or 18-hole round of golf. Earn up to Vitality points for a timed sporting event Earn Vitality points when you use a web-enabled fitness monitors and smartphones
Improve your health: Get rewarded for healthy living
Up to 25% saving on HealthyLiving™ products
Enjoy the rewards: Rewards on local and international flights
Blue 15% Bronze 20% Silver 25% Gold 30% Diamond 35% 32 British Airways international destinations: 14 Emirates international destinations: Athens Amsterdam Barcelona Chicago Edinburgh Frankfurt Gaborone Geneva Harare Lisbon Livingstone London Los Angeles Madrid Manchester Maputo Mauritius Miami Munich New York Nice Paris Prague Rome San Francisco Tel Aviv Toronto Vancouver Bangkok Beijing Cairo Delhi Dubai Hong Kong Istanbul Kuala Lumpur Maldives Moscow Mumbai Shanghai Singapore Tokyo Victoria Falls Vienna Windhoek Zurich
Rewards are enhanced through DiscoveryCard
Get up to 20% cash back at partner stores Cash back based on Vitality Status DiscoveryCard partners New Blue Bronze Silver Gold Diamond < 3 yrs 10% N/A 3 - 5 yrs 11% 12% 13% 15% > 5 yrs 14% 20% New New
Pick n Pay rewards are enhanced through DiscoveryCard and the Pick n Pay smart shopper programme
smart shopper points multiplier points based on Vitality status, for DiscoveryCard holders Blue X 2 Bronze X 4 Silver X 6 Gold X 8 Diamond X 10 Equates to up to 10% saving on purchases at Pick n Pay. No sub-limits on expenditure apply to the 2012 smart shopper multiplier benefit.
Introducing VitalityMobile in 2013
Choose your cell phone and contract Activate VitalityMobile for R29 a month Blackberry Nokia Apple Samsung LG Over and above standard contract offer, members will get: FREE Calls to all VitalityMobile members 50% Data boost on VitalityMobile packages, with a minimum boost of 100MB from 99c Per minute billing for international calls Members have access to the complete phone range through Cell C’s footprint Members call each other for free and receive a 50% boost on data
Enjoy the rewards: Other rewards
Other travel rewards Lifestyle rewards Shopping rewards
KeyFIT: Incentives and rewards to enjoy a healthier lifestyle
Immediate Reward With Vitality Check Up to 15% Up to 15% Up to 15% 10% HealthyFoodTM saving 15% HealthyFood TM saving 10% HealthyCareTM saving 15% HealthyCare TM saving 10% HealthyGearTM saving 15% HealthyGear TM saving Up to 10% 5% Clicks Cash-back rewards 10% Clicks Cash-back rewards Rands R15 000 R funeral cover for you R funeral cover for you and up to three spouses. and up to three spouses. R5 000 funeral cover for up to R7 500 funeral cover for up to five children five children Up to 5% Gift BAG The Discovery Baby programme gives new and expectant parents a baby bag filled with useful information, important baby products and discount vouchers Get a 5% discount on prepaid airtime from Cell C, Vodacom, MTN and Telkom Up to 67% The main member and spouse save 67% on the monthly rate at 46 Virgin Active gyms
A summary of what we offer you as a Discovery Health member
Discovery Health 2013 Speaker name
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