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effective e-mail marketing make your e-mail creditable.

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3 effective e-mail marketing



6 make your e-mail creditable

7 creditable e-mail own you domain Your company e-mail should not be a standard account Avoid using e-mails ending with or Purchase your business domain to have a customized address even if you do not plan to have a web site Google ™ apps is an inexpensive way to own your domain and provides powerful content tools

8 creditable e-mail avoid the bulk Sending bulk e-mails about a promotion or event is a waste of time Bulk e-mails provides no data to properly analyze the effectiveness of your message Bulk e-mails containing “indicators” of spam in the subject line will be marked as spam by most e-mail providers MailChimp ® is a e-mail marketing platform. Design exceptional email campaigns, share them, integrate them with services you already use, manage subscribers, and track your results.

9 creditable e-mail customized formssocial media integration template language and image/file hosting Segmentation with autoresponders Reports and Google Analyticsand SO MUCH MORE



12 make your e-mail incredible

13 create campaigns instead of an e-mail message E-mail campaigns contain appealing content concerning your product, and are targeted at a specific market.

14 incredible campaigns tap into culture E-mail recipients respond well to messages that borrow from current events and popular culture Plan ahead and be nimble People are interactive and in touch “Seeming timely can be the result of preparing multiple emails or just one email and waiting for the right time to send it.” – Christopher Stemborowski (Oxford Communiations)

15 incredible campaigns Promote Opt-In URLs Use a Twitter & Facebook account, or your company web site. Integrating your e-mail campaign with social media is a great way not only to build your subscriber list but for people to spread your message to friends and other prospective buyers.

16 incredible campaigns segment your database Blasting irrelevant contact to subscribers is a HUGE mistake Screen your subscribers as soon as they sign up for your mailing list Target demographics Target frequent shoppers, shoppers looking for the latest and greatest, or the sale orated shopper Self-selection means subscribers willingly receive emails that are in the categories they asked to get.

17 incredible campaigns Provide Incentives Personalize your marketing efforts, a great way to do this is via social media channels Capitalize on holidays with free or discounted products or services

18 incredible campaigns expand lists with SMS Using SMS have short codes set up so that people can opt-in on the go Example, have an ad in your location that asks viewers to join your e-mail club by texting their e-mail address to “33405”

19 incredible campaigns optimize your message According to comScore, mobile e-mail usage increased 36% in 2010 and is expected to double by 2013 The first line of your e-mail should never read, “If you are having trouble reading this e-mail click here.” Your analytics from your e-mail marketing program can help you learn how your customer is reading their e-mail.



22 mbodavis is a strategic design firm based in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Owned and operated by Co-Founders Michael Bohanan & Kameron Davis, mbodavis has grown to become a full service creative and printing studio specializing in comprehensive branding solutions and advertising. Our firm works with both non-profits and business of all sizes. mbodavis is proud to serve clients in Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Dallas and San Diego and all over the world. learn more at

23 OUTadv is a subdivision of mbodavis, created to work not only with pride organizations, but LGBT non-profits and businesses wanting to create or reestablish a LBGT friendly brand experience. We do this by providing targeted advertising and marketing solutions that directly speaks with the LGBT demographic. The LGBT demographic make up more than 10 percent of the US population with a income of $800 billion. This motivated and outgoing demographic is extremely loyal to brands that supports their community and LGBT causes. learn more at

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