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Published byRicardo Whitesides Modified over 10 years ago
What is e-FMS? e-FMS is expanded as “Electronic Funds Management System.” e-FMS software, an independent tool developed by the National Informatics Centre for facilitating online transfer of funds to the beneficiary accounts, exclusively for the beneficiaries coming under the “Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA).” The e-FMS serves to online transfer of funds seamlessly and on real time basis to the beneficiary accounts those are validated and updated in MGNREGS MIS.
Why e-FMS? Real Time Transfer of Funds to beneficiaries; To reduce delay in payments; To avoid un-necessary parking of funds at various levels; To eliminate middlemen activities; Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) based authorization and authentication; To do away with paper work thus “Green Environment”; To implement e-Governance initiatives; The benefits of reduced administrative costs; Optimum utilization of funds released for the developmental programmes; Increased efficiency; Simplified book-keeping; Ease of Audit and obtain Utilization Certificate; Greater security; Achieve Transparency.
Activities to be undertaken by State: e-FMS Identification of Key Bank(s) by the State. Signing up of an Agreement/MoU between the State and the Key Bank(s) to enable a seamless electronic payment mechanism. Co-ordination with the selected Key Bank(s) for Interfacing NREGASoft with the Bank’s Core Banking System. Updation /verification & Freezing of bank accounts of stake holders. Identification of payment level with signatories at that level. Issuance of Digital Signatures to all Approving Authorities, typically an Accountant and the Program Officer at every Block and the District Program Co-ordinator at every District, in the State. Training the Approving Authorities on the usage of Digital Signatures for approving the payments. Positioning adequate technical manpower at State / District for handholding and troubleshooting support on a daily basis. If using offline version of NREGASoft, the e-FMS location must make effort to move to online version of NREGASoft. 5
Copy of FTO saved on State Archive Registration of Worker Issuance of Job cards Demand for work Work Allocation Generation of E-Muster Daily Attendance Preparation of MB By Engineer Preparation of Wage slip & Wage list Preparation of FTO debiting Account wise First Signatory Second Signatory Material List preparation Admin Expen. List preparation Registration of Worker Issuance of Job cards Demand for work Work Allocation 6
Verification of Bank A/c of Stakeholders
Account Number details of MGNREGA workers of one GP downloaded for validation and freezing
Updation of A/c Details of Stakeholders
Freeze Worker Account
Generate e- Muster Roll Generate Wage List
Se Select the payment through EFMS and Click Send Wage list For Payment Command Button
The Wage list is created successfully and the Wage list contains a unique number like 2412021WL00001 ; Send wage list for payment.
Generate FTO View the wage list records in “ Generation of FTO by First Signatory “ Then verify the correctness of records and then select by Clicking check boxes. Click the Proceed Command Button, a FTO (Fund Transfer Order) will be generated.
35 After Clicking the Authorize Button FTO is generated 2412021_090412FTO_1
38 After some time, the FTO will be forwarded to next level.
39 Approve and Send FTO to Bank by PO/ BDO Login to “Approve and Send FTO to Bank by PO/ BDO” under “District/ Block Administration” option available in NREGASoft. Now the FTO signed by Accounts Officer and not signed by PO/BDO will be available in his module. Then the BDO will approve the FTO by adding the Digital Signature to the FTO or reject the FTO with suitable reason. The FTO will be digitally signed and sent to the Nodal Bank server as soon as PO/BDO presses the approve Button.
45 After some time, the FTO will be forwarded to next level.
46 What is DSC: A digital signature authenticates electronic documents in a similar manner a handwritten signature authenticates printed documents. This signature cannot be fictitious and it asserts that a named person wrote or otherwise agreed to the document to which the signature is attached. The recipient of a digitally signed message can verify that the message originated from the person whose signature is attached to the document and that the message has not been altered either intentionally or accidentally since it was signed. Also, the signer of a document cannot later disown it by claiming that the signature was fictitious. In other words, digital signatures enable the "authentication" and assuring the recipient of a digital message of both the identity of the sender and the integrity of the message.
DSC MANAGEMENT Apply for DSC Visit the site Click on download DSC request Form Print the form Click on class II for the item 2 - class of certificate required Click on Individual Signing and encryption for the item 3 – usage of DSCs Fill the form Attach the DD of required amount and give to state/district NIC Centre 47
48 Installation of Digital Signature Visit the site Click the Option “ Download Smart Card /USB e-Token Driver” Download Star Key/ G&D Safesign Identity-Client (Zip Format) Extract the Zip file and then in the Star Key folder contains 2 files. SafeSign-Identity_Client-3.0.00-32-ADMIN-Full.exe(For 32 bit Machine) SafeSign-Identity_Client-3.0.00-32-ADMIN-Full.exe(For 64 bit Machine) Now attach the DSC token in USB port of the computer. Then go to ( Internet Explorer Tools Internet Option Content Certificate) It will show your DSC Certificate. If Token is shown, now your machine is capable of using DSC Tokens. If DSC certificate is NOT shown, then the driver is not installed properly
49 Enrollment of Digital Signature It is one time process. To enroll Digital Signature, connect the DSC to USB of the computer. System will check Java JRE on your machine. If it is not there, Click Dist/ Block Administrator of NREGASoft. Select the link “Generate FTO by Accountant” Then it will show link “Download Java JRE and Install”. Download and install Java JRE on your machine. To enroll new DSC on Your Machine Connect the digital signature USB token to the USB port of your machine. System will show all available DSC no. of your Machine Including the One in USB token if USB token is connected to your Machine.
50 Select the DSC to be used for NREGA e-FMS. System will check for expiry date of DSC. If expired you have to get it renewed from issuing authority(NIC) If DSC if valid it will prompt for PIN Number. Enter PIN number. If PIN number is correct you are enrolled in NREGASoft. Enrollment of Digital Signature (Contd.)
Signatory Management State may identify the payment level.This can be done through State DBA. Two signatories may be identifed at each payment level. State/ District DBA has been provided with following options to manage signatories:- 1. Transfer of Sig. from one location to another or from first level to second. 1. State/District DBA may record the transfer or promotion of signatory. If not recorded by the DBA and if signatory try to enroll from different location,NREGASoft will block his DSC from both locations and he can not sign from anywhere. State DBA /District DBA only can unblock this DSC token. 2. If more than one location is assigned to one signatory 1. State / District DBA will record the assignment of different locations assigned to a signatory. In such cases as soon as he enrolls for one location he will automatically enrolled for other location. If the signatory tries to enroll for any location other than this. His token is blocked from all location. State DBA /District DBA only can unblock this DSC token 3. Promotion / Leaving out of system 4. Unlocking the locked DSC token 51
Payment of wages through eFMS Accounts of workers are verified and frozen (NREGA officials). nrega E-FMS debit account may be entered into system (state DBA). HO. Account /cooperative bank accounts in commercial bank may entered in NREGASoft (state DBA). Payment model of state may be identified (state DBA) Musterolls may be entered (MIS data entry Agencies) wagelist lists are generated as per payment model,payment details are entered on wagelist and wage list is send for payment (MIS data entry Agencies). System will freeze all records of muster rolls and wage list. Now first signatory will login and enroll himself if not enrolled earlier. Signatory will choose the wagelist and select/reject/deferred every transaction (first signatory). System will show summary of the amount passed in the FTO and if he is satisfied then he will digitally sign the FTO (first signatory). Secoind signatory will digitaslly sign /reject the FTO signed by first signatory (second signatory). 52
Payment of Material through eFMS Accounts of Vendors are verified and frozen (NREGA officials). DPR of works may be corrected and frozen (NREGA officials).. State DBA may identify various types of taxes which can enlist in material bills along with Categorisation state tax,central tax and who will pay them vendor or government.(State DBA ) State may identify account at district level for state and central tax. Work wise Material bills are entered into system (MIS data entry Operators) Material list is generated and send for payment (MIS data entry Operators). Now first signatory will login and enroll himself if not enrolled earlier. Signatory will choose the material list and select/reject/deferred every transaction (first signatory). A transaction in material can be up to one lakh for a work or the amount unspent on material head on that work as per DPR,which ever is less. System will show summary of the amount passed in the FTO and if he is satisfied then he will digitally sign the FTO (first signatory). Second signatory will digitally sign /reject the FTO signed by first signatory (second signatory). The material cost will be transferred to vendor account,T axes are transferred to the account defined for taxes. 53
Payment of Administrative Expenditure through eFMS Accounts of Vendors/service providers are verified and frozen (NREGA officials). List of employees with their accounts may be entered,verified and frozen. DPC,PO and GP (as per defined payment model) are loowed to generate the admin. Exp list.(NREGA officials).. Enter head wise admin list All states may give the list of permisssible subhead for the head specified by MoRD. Admin list is generated and send for payment (MIS data entry Operators). Now first signatory will login and enroll himself if not enrolled earlier. Signatory will choose the material list and select/reject/deferred every transaction (first signatory). A transaction in admin.exp can be up to limit set by state DBA for that District., System will show summary of the amount passed in the FTO and if he is satisfied then he will digitally sign the FTO (first signatory). Second signatory will digitally sign /reject the FTO signed by first signatory (second signatory). The bill cost will be transferred to vendor/service provider account,Taxes are transferred to the account defined for taxes. 54
Rejected transaction handling When a rejection of transaction is there in the response. – The response is integrated in NREGASoft – An entry of receipt is made in Nregasoft maintained e-FMS account and stakeholders account. – Account of worker is unfrozen and account details are cleaned so that it can not participate in next FTO. – The account details will be entered again which is enforced by NREGASoft as Account details are mandatory at the time if demand for work,if the location is not exempted for payment trough account. – Account if frozen before it can participate in next FTO. – Separate wage list need to generated for rejected transactions and FTO will be generated and then credit will happen as it is happening in normal cases. – There is a report for rejected transaction with background colour coding Red if transaction is rejected and no further action is taken Blue if transaction is rejected and FTO is generated again by NREGA stakeholder Green if transaction is rejected and FTO is generated again by NREGA stakeholder and bank has credited the account 55
Maintenance of stakeholder account Account will be maintained for each payment authority in NREGAsoft. The entries in these accounts are notional. As soon as the second signatory sign the FTO,an entry of receipt and payment of amount equal to FTO amount will be done in nregasoft account of that authority. NREGASoft also maintains the e-FMS account as entered by state DBA. The system makes an entry of debit of FTO amount in e-FMS account. Second signatory can sign an FTO if enough balane is there in e- FMS account. Fund in e-FMS account can be transferred through normal fund transfer process of NREGA. 56
Reconciliation of e-FMS account State may set reconciliation team for each e-FMS account Receipt in e-FMS account can be from: – Fund received from state fund – Interest earned – Refund from fail transactions Withdrawal from e-FMS account will happen only through transactions in FTO. Reconciliation mechanism Bank will give daily account statement of e-FMS account On SFTP server. NREGA maintained e-FMS account will be compared with the bank account statement of e-FMS account – Credit Mismatch Credit in NREGASoft account but not in bank account – Wrong entry in NREGASoft – Delay in credit in Bank – There is failure of transaction reported but mount is not credited into account Credit in Bank account but not in NREGASoft account – Entry not made in NREGAsoft – Date/amount entered in NREGASoft is not correct and hence can not be matched. – Debit mismatch Debit in NREGASoft account but not in bank account – Delay in processing of FTO Debit in Bank account but not in NREGASoft account – Wrong transfer by bank – Deduction of some charges by bank 57
Processing at Bank The Bank has Provided IP address of one machine to NREGAsoft and only that machine of the bank can access the FTOs in their specified folder. Bank will take these FTOs and Convert them to their CBS format. All transaction Where the debtor and creditor bank is same will be get processed through internal CBS system. All transaction Where the debtor and creditor bank are different will be transacted through NEFT. Bank Will Send the Response of Each transaction within 24 hours back to NREGAsoft. Standard XML format is used to share information between NREGAsoft and bank.
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