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In Spain the Spanish grew wealthy from silver and gold, but in New France the French grew wealthy from the fur trade. The French were not interested in settling in North America. From 1608 to 1763 the French only built two cities in New France (Quebec and Montreal)
A Slow-Growing Empire In the 1500’s the French established a trade in animal furs with the Hurons. The fur trade led to the founding of Quebec in 1608 By 1625 the population only grew to about 60 people In the early 1600’s civil wars in French kept people from moving to the French colonies and when peace returned to France under King Louis XIV, they had even less reason to leave their country.
Conflict over Trade The English and Dutch began settling the coastal region south of New France and soon conflicts over fur trade arose. Conflicts between the French, English, Dutch, Iroquois and Hurons The Iroquois defeated the Hurons, who mainly traded with the French As a result, the French fur trade was nearly destroyed and something needed to be done to save New France.
A Royal Colony King Louis XIV wanted to rebuild New France, so he declared it as a royal colony. King Louis XIV would rule the colony rather than business people. In 1672, he appointed Count de Frontenac governor-general of New France. Count de Frontenac
Exploring the Mississippi
In 1673 Governor-general Frontenac sent an expedition to explore the rivers and lakes he hoped would lead French traders to the Mississippi River and then to Asia. Jacques Marquette (Catholic Missionary), Louis Joliet (fur trader), and five others went on the expedition.
The French Settle in the Americas
The seven explorers set out from St. Ignace on Lake Michigan They traveled through the Fox River, and overland to the Wisconsin River. A month later, they saw the Mississippi River for the first time. They realized that this could not be the Northwest Passage because the river flowed south. In fear of the Spanish and English Eurupeans that lived farther south along the river, they turned back. In four months, Marquette and Joliet traveled 2,500 miles and their expedition opened the Mississippi River to trade and settlement by the French. Soon they built cities and towns such as St. Louis, Des Moines, and Louisville.
Founding Louisiana Rene-Robert Cavelier known as Sir La Salle set out to find the mouth of the Mississippi River after Marquette and Joliet’s expedition. La Salle took 20 French and 30 American Indian people and paddled south from the mouth of the Illinois River on February 6, 1682. In two months, the expedition reached the mouth of the Mississippi River.
Louisiana The French claimed the entire Mississippi River valley and named the area Louisiana in honor of King Louis XIV. La Salle attempted to settle this area but due to hardships the settlement failed and La Salle was killed by one if his settlers.
Another Expedition In 1698 the French king sent another expedition to Louisiana to find La Salle’s river and try to start another settlement. The leaders of this new expedition were Pierre Le Moyne (Sieur d’Iberville) and his brother Jean Baptiste (Sieur Bienville). In 1699 Iberville and Bienville reached the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Again, the French began a settlement but many settlers that came over died.
John Law In 1712 the French king made Louisiana
a proprietary colony and allowed John Law to be the proprietor in 1717. Law brought thousands of settlers and formed a company to build plantations and towns. In 1722 the town of New Orleans became the capital of Louisiana. In need of workers, Law brought enslaved Africans to Louisiana. The French government soon passed the “Black Code” which were laws that restricted the ways in which the Africans in Louisiana could live.
In what ways did people make money in the colonies?
In what ways do people make money now? Create a venn diagram comparing and contrasting trade from the colonial days to the present days.
Jamestown and Plymouth were the first of many permanent British settlements in North America. In 1707 England became part of Britain and the English people where now known as the British. Up until the 1730s the British settles along the Atlantic coast from Maine to Georgia. This started the 13 British Colonies
The Early Southern Colonies
Virginia and Maryland were the two of the earliest British colonies. The colonies were granted a charter by the king, allowing settlement of the Chesapeake Bay region.
Virginia Virginia began with the settlement of Jamestown.
The Virginia Company of London started Jamestown as a trading post. Then five years later, they discovered tobacco as their cash crop. Pg. 183 At first the British king objected to the sale of tobacco. “a custom loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, and dangerous to the lungs.”
The Virginia Company In 1624 the Virginia Company went out of business due to poor management. Therefore the king took back its charter and made Virginia a Royal Colony. This allowed him to rule Virginia and keep the tobacco profits Tobacco also became an important cash crop for the Maryland Colony.
Maryland Maryland was founded by the Calverts, a family of wealthy business people The Calverts built a colony in North America for two reasons: To make a profit To provide a refuge for Catholics (for those who did not follow the Church of England)
Maryland In 1632 King Charles I chartered the northern Chesapeake Bay
region as a proprietary colony. He made Cecilius Calvert, the second Lord Baltimore, its proprietor. Calvert named his colony for Queen Henrietta Maria, the kings wife In 1649, Maryland passed the first law that guaranteed some people religious freedom in North America.
The New England Colonies
After Plymouth was settled in 1620, another group of settlers founded a British colony in North America. Puritans did not separate from the Church of England but wanted to make the church more “pure” Received a charter to settle the colony of Massachusetts Bay in New England. In 1630 the Puritans built villages around the chief town of Boston
Connecticut In 1636, settlers living in the villages along the Connecticut River joined together to form the Connecticut Colony. The most well-known of these settlers was a minister, Reverend Thomas Hooker. He originally lived in the Massachusetts Bay colony but left due to the control of the Puritan leaders Based on his beliefs that a colony’s government should based on what its people what, in 1639 the colony adopted the Fundamental Orders. The first written system of government in North America Allowed the male colonists to elect their government leaders
Reverend Thomas Hooker
Roger Williams Reverend Thomas Hooker
Providence Another colonist that was against the Puritan leaders who governed Massachusetts Bay was Roger Williams. In 1636 Williams and his followers bought land from the Narragsnset Indians and established of Providence in Rhode Island. Many other settlers of Massachusetts Bay left as a result of disagreements with the Puritan leaders.
Rhode Island Anne Marbury Hutchinson was driven out of the Massachusetts Bay colony because she challenged the Puritan leaders. After leaving, she founded a settlement on an Island near Providence In 1647, this settlement and three others were united under a single charter to form the Rhode Island colony.
New Hampshire Others who left the Massachusetts Bay colony left for business purposes. Settlers started the town of Strawberry Banke (Portsmouth, New Hampshire) Shipped lumber back to England By 1680 the town of Strawberry Banke was granted a charter under the name of the New Hampshire colony.
The Middle Colonies The Dutch colonists from the Netherlands began to build settlements in their own colony called New Netherland. They built their colony along the Hudson River (Present Day New York and New Jersey) In 1638 colonists from from Sweden established New Sweden A string of trading posts in present-day Delaware and southern New Jersey
New York/ New Jersey The Dutch took over New Sweden in 1655, but in 1664 British forced seized both New Sweden and New Netherland. The British king gave the colonies to his brother, the Duke of York. The land was split into New York and New Jersey New York City grew from the Dutch capital of New Amsterdam.
Pennsylvania In addition to settling Delaware and southern New Jersey, the Swedish colonists also established trading posts in Pennsylvania. In 1681 after the British took control of New Sweden, the British king gave William Penn a charter that made him proprietor of Pennsylvania. Member of the Society of Friends (religious group also known as the Quakers) Pg. 188
The Southern Colonies In 1663, King Charles II granted a charter for another colony south of Virginia called Carolina. This colony was split between 8 proprietors Colonists from England and the Caribbean, as well as French Protestants came to settle there. In 1712 the northern two-thirds of this charter was divided into two colonies North Carolina and South Carolina. North Carolina was a colony made up of small farms In South Carolina, landowners created huge Spanish Plantations
Georgia The Southern one-third of Carolina was not settled by the British until 1733. James Oglethorpe was given a charter to settle Georgia, named for King George II. Oglethorpe had the idea of bringing over debtors to the colony People who had been in prison for owing money Each settler was given 50 acres of land plus a bonus of 50 acres for every debtor the settler brought along to help work, but the plan did not work because few people took advantage of this offer. After 1750, when Georgia law changed to allow slavery, plantations soon developed.
1607 Virginia Southern Colony 1629 Massachusetts New England Colony 1632 Maryland 1636 Connecticut 1638 Delaware Middle Colony 1647 Rhode Island 1663 North Carolina 1664 New Jersey New York 1680 New Hampshire 1681 Pennsylvania 1712 South Carolina 1733 Georgia
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