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Published byAbbie Chadd Modified over 10 years ago
1 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking
2 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Overview Overview of Enhanced Transaction Tracking With your system set up to use Enhanced Transaction Tracking and European Tax, functionality is provided for key financial reports to have effective date ranges and posted date ranges for selection as well as period/year ranges Where this is not already the case: Report selections are printed on page 1 of the report The username of the user running the report is printed on the header ‘End of Report’ is printed on the last page Although the actual date is always stored with each General Ledger transaction, this has been made more visible on screens and reports – the date terminology used has also been reviewed to eliminate inconsistencies A number of controls, seen as valuable additions to the software wherever it is being implemented, but particularly on larger sites where control issues arise, are also included – examples include control over changes to Calendar dates and VAT rates and report headings for VAT which now show Input VAT or Output VAT dependent on ledger Overview of Enhanced Transaction Tracking With your system set up to use Enhanced Transaction Tracking and European Tax, functionality is provided for key financial reports to have effective date ranges and posted date ranges for selection as well as period/year ranges Where this is not already the case: Report selections are printed on page 1 of the report The username of the user running the report is printed on the header ‘End of Report’ is printed on the last page Although the actual date is always stored with each General Ledger transaction, this has been made more visible on screens and reports – the date terminology used has also been reviewed to eliminate inconsistencies A number of controls, seen as valuable additions to the software wherever it is being implemented, but particularly on larger sites where control issues arise, are also included – examples include control over changes to Calendar dates and VAT rates and report headings for VAT which now show Input VAT or Output VAT dependent on ledger
3 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 General Configuration
4 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Calendar Maintenance This option has been modified to prevent existing calendar periods from being amended if General Ledger postings exist for that period In this example, postings have already been made to the General Ledger for Period 01 of the Year 2004 – the Start date cannot, therefore, be changed These features are only enforced if this project (DA1245) and project DA0370-European Tax are licensed, and system key CEGENCONT is set to YES
5 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 VAT Codes This option has been modified to prevent existing VAT codes from being amended if records exist on the VAT Register for the selected VAT code This message is displayed if there are postings to the VAT Register and the system key CEVATUPD is set to NO – you cannot amend the VAT Rate or VAT control account, or delete the VAT code, you can, however, amend other fields within the VAT code record
6 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 VAT Codes For new VAT codes or VAT codes where no records exist on the VAT Register, if your system is also set up to use European Tax (DA0370) this new field allows for tolerance checking on Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable invoice VAT calculations – if the VAT amount differs from that calculated for this VAT code on the Accounts Receivable/Accounts Payable invoice lines and the tolerance percent is exceeded, a warning is displayed Note that you cannot delete a VAT code if postings exist on the VAT Register, regardless of the setting of the system key CEVATUPD These features are only enforced if this project (DA1245) and project DA0370-European Tax are licensed, and system key CEGENCONT is set to YES
7 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 General Ledger
8 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Trial Balance – Summary and Detail These options have been modified to produce additional period totals and to include additional ranges for selection You can tick this checkbox if you require a debit and credit sub-total per account code per period When you now select CR-Accept...
9 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Trial Balance – Summary and Detail …you can enter additional selection ranges The Effective date range represents the date the date the transaction is recognised for accounting purposes The Post date range represents the date on which the transaction was posted to the General Ledger This example is for the Detail Trial Balance
10 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Journal Audit Trail This option has been modified to allow the audit trail to be run for a specific journal type or to include additional ranges for selection This new field allows you to run the audit trail specifically for one of the following journal types: Opening balance journals Closing Balance Journal Adjustment Journal This new field allows you to run the audit trail specifically for one of the following journal types: Opening balance journals Closing Balance Journal Adjustment Journal However, if you leave this field blank...
11 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Journal Audit Trail In addition to the Post date and Effective date ranges provided for the Detail and Summary Trial Balances, the Journal Audit Trail includes a Period/Year selection range as this is not available for selection on the main form (as it is for the Trial Balances) Note that this form is only displayed if the Year indicator field on the main form is left blank …you can enter additional selection ranges
12 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Journal Audit Trail & Trial Balances – Summary and Detail The following are printed on the report with your system set up to use Enhanced Transaction Tracking: The report selections The name of the user running the report – on the report header The posted date, effective date, user name and, with your system also set up to use General Ledger Document Headers (DA1169), the document number – on each transaction line ’End of Report' – at the end of the report on the last page You should also note that: the posted date, effective date, user name and document number are not printed on the transaction lines of the General Ledger Summary Trial Balance if you define start/end dates for both the Post date range and Effective date range, only transactions that occur within both the defined date ranges are printed
13 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Transactions enquiry This option has been modified to display the dates associated with individual transactions and the name of the user who posted the transaction When you use F11-Currency to switch between currencies, the dates associated with the transaction are also switched: Base currency includes the effective date (EffDate)... When you use F11-Currency to switch between currencies, the dates associated with the transaction are also switched: Base currency includes the effective date (EffDate)...
14 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Transactions enquiry... Reporting Currency includes the system date when posted (PostDate)...... Reporting Currency includes the system date when posted (PostDate)...
15 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Transactions enquiry... Transaction Currency includes the transaction date (ItemDate)... Transaction Currency includes the transaction date (ItemDate) In addition, if you place the cursor on a particular line then select F13-Document – with your system also set up to use General Ledger Document Headers (DA1169)...
16 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Transactions enquiry …the name of the user that posted the transaction is displayed Select ESC-Exit to return to the previous form... This form also shows the effective date (EffDate) and system date when posted (PostDate) for the selected transaction – you must move the scroll bar to display additional columns, including the PostDate
17 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Transactions enquiry …then select F8-Explode...
18 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Transactions enquiry …the transactions for the transaction group display both the system date when posted and the name of the user that posted the transaction
19 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Revaluation Control This option has been modified to only allow the General Ledger to be revalued and updated for the reporting currency amount If your system is also set up to use European Tax (DA0370), you can only revalue and update the General Ledger for the reporting currency, i.e. with the field Amount revalued (T/R/B) set to R – if you set this field to T or B you can only only run the Revaluation report, i.e. with the field Update G/L set to N These features are only enforced if this project (DA1245) is licensed and system key CEGENCONT is set to YES
20 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 General Ledger Period End An additional control has been placed on the running of the General Ledger Period End which is available whether Enhanced Transaction Tracking is licensed or not A new system key NLENDCONT has been introduced to control whether the period end can take place: If set to YES and there are unposted journals on file, period end cannot take place – standard, reversing and recurring journals are excluded If set to NO, period end can take place with unposted journals on file
21 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Accounts Receivable / Accounts Payable
22 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Invoices These options have been modified to display the batch control total in base currency and to check the tolerance percentage defined on the VAT Code record This example is for an Accounts Receivable Invoice batch This new control amount displays the batch control total in base currency – as for the Batch amount, it is calculated by the system – the decimal places are defined by the system key LOCALDEC
23 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Invoices When the VAT is calculated/entered and there is a tolerance % defined for the VAT code used, only invoices where the VAT amount passes the tolerance check are accepted If the tolerance % is exceeded, an error message is displayed If no tolerance value exists for a VAT code the VAT amount is accepted regardless of the amount Notes: If the invoice contains VAT lines only, the F12 VAT calculation is not forced and no tolerance checking is performed These features are only enforced if this project (DA1245) is licensed and system key CEGENCONT is set to YES For Accounts Receivable invoices (only), the system checks that the effective date is the same as the invoice date – an error message is displayed if they are different
24 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Audit Trails – Invoice / Cash / Journal / Refund (A/R only) The Invoice, Cash, Journal and Refund Audit Trails have been modified to include additional ranges for selection …the Effective date range represents the date the date the transaction is recognised for accounting purposes As for the General Ledger Trial Balances and Journal Audit Trail, the Post date range represents the date on which the transaction was posted to the General Ledger and... The Period/Year selection range is not available for selection from this form as it is still available on the main form
25 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Letter Audit Trail This audit trail has been modified to include additional ranges for selection on the main form An Effective date range has also been added – this represents the date the transaction is recognised for accounting purposes A Period/Year selection range has been added Note that this form is from the Accounts Receivable Letter Audit Trail
26 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Open Item Listing / Aged Balances Report The Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Listing, and Aged Debtor and Creditor Analysis reports have also been modified to include additional ranges for selection In addition to the Post date and Effective date ranges provided for the audit trails, these reports include a Period/Year selection range as this is not available for selection on the main form (as it is for the audit trails)
27 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Audit Trails, Open Item Listing & Aged Balances Report As for the General Ledger Trial Balances and Journal Audit Trail, the following are printed on the report with your system set up to use Enhanced Transaction Tracking: The report selections The name of the user running the report – on the report header The effective date, user name and, with your system also set up to use General Ledger Document Headers (DA1169), the document number – on each transaction line The posted date – on each transaction line, excluding the Letter Audit Trail ’End of Report' – at the end of the report on the last page You should also note that if you define start/end dates for both the Post date range and Effective date range, only transactions that occur within both the defined date ranges are printed
28 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Customers & Suppliers Additional controls have been placed on the setting up of Accounts Receivable Customers and Accounts Payable Suppliers: The customer’s / supplier’s Name must be entered The customer’s / supplier’s Account type must either contain a value from the Control account table, i.e. for ‘R’ type accounts (customers) or ‘P’ type accounts (suppliers), as appropriate, or be left blank Accounts Receivable Customers – if you use Sales Order Entry, a Cost of Sales code must be defined in the field Sales GL cat. Note: These features are only enforced if this project (DA1245) is licensed and system key CEGENCONT is set to YES
29 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Accounts Receivable / Accounts Payable Period End An additional control has been placed on the running of the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Period End which is available whether Enhanced Transaction Tracking is licensed or not Two new system keys – SLENDCONT for Accounts Receivable and PLENDCONT for Accounts Payable – have been introduced to control whether the period end can take place: If set to YES and there are unposted batches on file, period end cannot take place. This includes invoices, cash, journals and A/R Refunds. Accounts Payable Registered invoices are excluded. If set to NO, period end can take place with unposted batches on file.
30 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Cash Management
31 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Audit Trail This option has been modified to include additional ranges for selection A Period/Year range and... …an Item date range, i.e. the date the transaction was entered onto the system, have been made available for selection
32 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Audit Trails The following are printed on the report with your system set up to use Enhanced Transaction Tracking: The report selections The name of the user running the report – on the report header The item date and user name – on each transaction line ’End of Report' – at the end of the report on the last page
33 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Purchase Order Processing
34 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Receipts Audit Trail This option has been modified to include additional ranges for selection A Post date range, I.e. the date on which the transaction was posted to the General Ledger and... …a Receipt date range, i.e. the date the transaction is recognised for accounting purposes, have been made available for selection
35 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Receipts Audit Trail The following are printed on the report with your system set up to use Enhanced Transaction Tracking: The report selections The name of the user running the report – on the report header The posted date, receipt date and user name – on each transaction line ’End of Report' – at the end of the report on the last page You should also note that: the document number is not printed on the transaction lines of the Receipts Audit Trail if you define start/end dates for both the Post date range and Receipt date range, only transactions that occur within both the defined date ranges are printed
36 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Inventory Control
37 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Transaction Audit Trails This option has been modified to include an additional range for selection A Transaction date range, i.e. the date the transaction is recognised for accounting purposes, has been made available for selection
38 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 G/L Distribution Analysis/Post This option has also been modified to include an additional range for selection A Movement date range, i.e. the date the transaction is recognised for accounting purposes, has been made available for selection
39 of 39 DA1245 Enhanced Transaction Tracking Last updated: March-2009 Audit Trail & Distribution Analysis The following are printed on the report with your system set up to use Enhanced Transaction Tracking: The report selections The name of the user running the report – on the report header The movement date on the G/L Distribution Analysis, and the transaction date on the Transaction Audit Trails – on each transaction line ’End of Report' – at the end of the report on the last page
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