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IPM OF ROSE PESTS Baldo Villegas Entomologist; ARS Master Rosarian Sacramento, CA USDA (Zone 8/9) Home Page:

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1 IPM OF ROSE PESTS Baldo Villegas Entomologist; ARS Master Rosarian Sacramento, CA USDA (Zone 8/9) EMail: Home Page:

2 An America Rose Society Presentation ©2005

3 INTRODUCTION u There are many different types of organisms (insects, mites, diseases) in the home garden u Very few are pests! u Many beneficial organisms are present u Correct identification of the pest is essential for proper control

4 SOURCES OF INFORMATION u Universities – UC, State, Community Colleges u Cooperative Extension Offices u State Department of Agriculture u County Department of Agriculture u Local Nurseries – CA Nursery Association

5 SOURCES OF INFORMATION (cont.) u Libraries u Internet u Private Sector 1.Local Nurseries especially members of the CA Nursery Association 2.Pesticide & Landscape Outlets 3.Pest Control Advisors (PCA’s) 4.Private Horticulture Experts

6 BALDO’S FAVORITE INTERNET IPM SITES u - Baldo’s Bugs & Roses Website u - UC IPM Online u - University of Florida – Entomology & Nematology Publications u - The American Phytopathological Society

7 IPM REFERENCE BOOKS u Dreistadt, Steve H. 1995. Pests of Landscape Trees and Shrubs. University of California. DANR Publication 3359. Oakland, CA 327p. ISBN#: 1-879906-18-X. 3Price $32. u Flint, Mary Louise. 1990. Pests of the Garden and Small Farm - A Grower’s Guide to Using Less Pesticide. University of California. DANR Publication 3332. Oakland, CA 276p. ISBN#: 0-931876-89-3. Price $25. u Cranshaw, Whitney. 1992. Pests of the West - Prevention and Control for Today’s Garden and Small Farm. Fulcrum Publishing, Golden, Colorado, 275p. ISBN#: 1-55591-097-1. Excellent book for IPM in North America at a very reasonable price! Price $18.95. u Davidson, R. H. and William F. Lyon. 1987. Insect Pests of Farm, Garden and Orchard, 8th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, NY, 556p.

8 IPM REFERENCE BOOKS (cont.) u Essig, E. O. 1926. Insects of Western North America. The MacMillan Company, NY, 1035p. This book has been out of print for many years. It is the best Book around for insect biologies for western insects. u Horst, Kenneth R. 1983. Compendium of Rose Diseases. APS Press, The American Phytophathological Society. St. Paul MN, 50p. Best book for rose diseases! Order: The American Phytophathological Society, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121, USA. ISBN#: 0-89054- 052-7. Price - $35. u Johnson, Warren T. and Howard H. Lyon. 1988. Insects that Feed on Trees and Shrubs,, 2nd edition, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 556p. ISBN#: 0-8014-2108-X. One of the best books for ornamental pests in North America. Price $50.

9 INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT (IPM) IPM is an environmentally sound integration of all control methods to control pest populations below economic or damaging levels

10 IPM STRATEGIES u Prevention u Pest & Symptom Identification u Regular Survey for Pests (presence or symptoms) u Establish Action Thresholds & Guidelines

11 IPM METHODS u Cultural Control u Mechanical & Physical Control u Biological Control u Chemical Control

12 CULTURAL CONTROL u Growing healthy plants u Buying pest-free plant materials u Choosing resistant varieties u Choosing the planting site u Fertilization - too much or too little u Sanitation - removal of infected plant materials u Watering methods

13 MECHANICAL & PHYSICAL u Barriers - e.g., copper banding for snails/slugs u Mulching - for weed control & water conservation u Solarization - for control of weeds and diseases u Hosing & Syringing - for control of aphids, mites, & powdery mildew u Handpicking & Crushing - for many large insects and beetles u Hoeing - for weed control Trapping - e.g., pheromone traps for tobacco budworms

14 BIOLOGICAL CONTROL u Parasites (Parasitoids) - e.g., parasitic wasps & flies u Predators - e.g., lady beetles & lacewings u Diseases - e.g., milky spore for Japanese Beetle, beneficial nematodes, etc.

15 CHEMICAL CONTROL u Inorganic Pesticides - Derived from elemental sources: Sulfur u Organic Pesticides - Synthetic pesticides further classified by chemical families and modes of action. u Botanical Pesticides - Derived from plant materials: Pyrethrum, rotenone, rynia, bioneem, pepper oil, etc. u Microbial Pesticides - Derived from microbial organisms: Bacillus thuringienses

16 SIGNAL WORDS u POISON: Highly Toxic - Nicotine Sulfate u DANGER: Highly Toxic - Funginex (Triforine) WARNING: Moderately Toxic - Roundup u CAUTION: Slightly Toxic - many botanicals & microbial pesticides These words give information on the relative toxicity and corrosiveness of the pesticide

17 Garden Insecticides - Systemics

18 Insecticides – Contact - Residual

19 Insecticides – Contact – No Residue

20 Insecticides - Microbal


22 Aphids

23 Aphid Natural Enemies Dead Aphid From Aphid Wasp Aphis Wasp Lady Beetle

24 More Aphid Natural Enemies Lacewing Adult Lacewing Larva Lacewing Eggs Cecidomyiid Midge Adult Cecidomyiid Midge Larva

25 Sooty Mold – usually grows on top of honeydew produced by sucking insects

26 Ants – commonly found on honeydew produced by sucking insects

27 Mealybugs

28 Whiteflies

29 Rose Scale – common on berry bushes

30 San Jose Scale – common on fruit trees

31 Scale Insect Natural Enemies Red Scale Wasp ( Aphytis melinus) Red Scale Wasp Larva On Scale

32 Spittlebugs – unsightly “spit” or foam

33 Spider Mites – suck individual cells dry

34 Two-Spotted Spider Mites

35 Flower Thrips – very tiny insects! Commonly found causing damage to rose petals

36 Western Flower Thrips

37 Rose Midge – tiny mosquito like flies, feeds on the apical buds of roses

38 Katydids – long horned grasshoppers

39 Snails & Slugs – leave a silvery slime trail behind

40 Control Measures For Snails Copper Band Baldo Squish

41 Diabrotica or Cucumber Beetles

42 Rose Curculios – feeds on early flower buds

43 Rose Curculio – damage to buds

44 Other Beetles: Hoplia, Japanese beetles, Stem girdlers, etc.

45 Fruit Tree Leafroller Caterpillars

46 Tobacco Budworms - c ommonly migrate from companion plantings

47 Marmara Cambium Miners

48 Bristly Rose Slug – skeletonizes leaves

49 European Rose Slug – skeletonizes leaves

50 Rose Stem Sawfly Damage on Rose

51 Rose Stem Boring Sawfly Aka – Raspberry Stem Boring Sawfly

52 Cane Boring Insects Most cane boring insects are predaceous on other insects and use rose stems for nesting Predatory aphid wasp

53 Cynipid Gall Wasps – cause galls on leaves, stems & roots

54 Leafcutter Bees – d o not eat leaves; they use them for lining nests

55 Learn To Recognize The Good Bugs Of The Garden Leatherwinged Beetle Lady Beetle Larva Parasitized Aphid – A “Mummy” Lady Beetle Pupae Ground Beetle Scale Feeding Lady Beetle Larvae, Pupae & Adult Mealybug Destroyer Lady Beetle Larvae

56 Watch out for the Lady Beetles!

57 Beneficial Hover Fly - larvae look like caterpillars but they are not!

58 Baldo’s Squish Technique

59 The Squish Technique – works on other organisms

60 IPM IN THE HOME GARDEN u Establish damage levels for your own garden u Make observations and record them u Correctly identify the pest u Take the appropriate action; sometimes the appropriate action is no action

61 The End

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