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Week 2: B. Classes of Fishes Lamprey Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 2: B. Classes of Fishes Lamprey Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 2: B. Classes of Fishes Lamprey Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes

2 3 classes of vertebrates = jawless, cartilaginous, bony

3 Class Lamprey

4 Class Chondrichthyes = “cartilaginous fishes” cartilage only Class Osteichthyes = “bony fishes” cartilage and bone Week 3 Week 4... Jawed Vertebrates

5 Class Lamprey = “jawless fishes” Week 2 Jawless Vertebrates vertebrae skeleton cartilage no bone no jaws no paired fins

6 Lamprey ~40 species

7 Class Lamprey freshwater & marine

8 fossil lamprey 450 MYA MIGRATORY FW SW/FW (anadromy)

9 Adult =reproductive stage lamprey oral disk with teeth and tongue (keratin)

10 fluid-feeding


12 brook lamprey sea lamprey not all lamprey feed as adults...

13 Lamprey Life Cycle ammocoete larva to adult “ammocoetes”

14 Ammocoete Larva =non-reproductive stage filter feeder

15 adultlarva metamorphosis

16 Larval =non-reproductive feeding stage ~1/2 m Adult =reproductive non-feeding stage


18 reproductive adults ready to spawn

19 adults build gravel nests in freshwater streams

20 mating egg-laying = oviparity external fertilization death = semelparity

21 Lamprey Life Cycle ammocoete larva to adult “ammocoetes”

22 M = metamorphosis Life History Strategy #1

23 feeding phase Life History Strategy #2 M2 M1 M = metamorphosis

24 Feeding Adult Migration downstream out to sea (lake) ~3 ft ~40 lbs/fish fluid/yr.

25 B = birth R = reproduction G = growth Migratory strategies

26 non-feeding adult feeding adult larger more eggs iteroparous

27 oral disk digestive tract Development

28 predator vs. parasite

29 Species Interactions Species 1 Species 2 PREDATION Predator-Prey + – Parasite-Host +– Parasitoid-Host +– COMPETITION – – MUTUALISM ++ COMMENSALISM + 0

30 east coast native fish

31 New Hampshire 12 th Annual Lamprey Appreciation Day Saturday, June, 2010 Amoskeag Fishways Dam Merrimack River Manchester 1700s “Derryfield Beef”

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