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1 2 3 4 5 6 Variable Oak Leaf Caterpillar on Leaf.

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Presentation on theme: "1 2 3 4 5 6 Variable Oak Leaf Caterpillar on Leaf."— Presentation transcript:


2 1

3 2

4 3

5 4

6 5

7 6 Variable Oak Leaf Caterpillar on Leaf

8 7 Close Up of Variable Oak Leaf Caterpillar (VOLC)

9 8

10 9 Multiple Pictures: ---------- ETC Nest Egg Mass and Caterpillar

11 10

12 11 FW Caterpillar and Nest

13 12 FW Adult and Caterpillar

14 13 FW Nest and Caterpillars

15 14

16 15 Hickory Tussock Moth Adult (HTM)

17 16 Hickory Tussock Moth Caterpillar

18 17 HTM Caterpillar

19 18 Sycamore Tussock Moth Caterpillar

20 19 Western Tussock Moth Caterpillar

21 20 Western Tussock Moth Adult

22 21

23 22 Spiney Elm Caterpillars (SEC)

24 23 SEC Adult (Mourning Cloak Butterfly)

25 24

26 25 GM Caterpillar

27 26 GM Caterpillar

28 27 GM Adults (Male is dark moth)

29 28 GM Adults

30 29 GM Adult Females Laying Eggs

31 30 GM Larvae On Partly Devoured Oak Leaves

32 31 Trees On Hilltop Defoliated By GM

33 32 Life Cycle & Picture of Southern Pine Bark Beetle: IPS Species, Southern Pine Beetle & Black Turpentine Beetle

34 33

35 34 BTB Pitch Tube (entry into host tree)

36 35 BTB Adult

37 36 Tree with BTB Pitch Tube

38 37

39 38 SPB Adult and Eggs and Larval Galleries

40 39 SPB Pitch Tubes On Bark

41 40

42 41 IPS Adult

43 42 IPS Larval Galleries

44 43

45 44 Texas Leaf Cutting Ant

46 45

47 46 Periodic Cicada

48 47 Periodic Cicada Injury To Maple

49 48 Periodic Cicadas (note arrow where eggs have been laid)

50 49

51 50 WOB Adult

52 51 WOB Adult

53 52 Borer Injury

54 53 WOB Attack Injury

55 54

56 55 LB Adult

57 56 LB Adult

58 57 LB Injury

59 58 Trees Damaged By Locust Borer

60 59

61 60 BBB Adult

62 61 BBB Larvae

63 62 BBB Injury To Paper Birch

64 63

65 64 LLM Adult And Leaf Injury

66 65 LLM Adult Defoliation And Injury

67 66

68 67 Adult BL

69 68 Larvae of BL

70 69 BL Damage

71 70

72 71 Bagworm Pupal Cases

73 72 Bagworm Pupal Case

74 73 Bagworm Pupal Case Opened To Show Pupa

75 74

76 75 For Comparison: Adult NEBB A Newly Emerged NEBB European Elm Bark Beetle

77 76 Brood Galleries of NEBB

78 77

79 78 WPW Adult And Twig Injury

80 79 WPW Injury

81 80 WPW Damage

82 81 WPW Larvae

83 82 WPW Adult (note long snout)

84 83 WPW Damage To Young White Pine

85 84

86 85 PW Adult

87 86 PW Adult With Injury

88 87

89 88 WS Adults

90 89

91 90 SOS Larvae And Injury

92 91 SOS Damage

93 92

94 93 Adult Larch Sawfly

95 94 Mature Larvae of Introduced Pine Sawfly

96 95 Redheaded Pine Sawfly Larva

97 96 Redheaded Pine Sawfly Damage (larva at arrow)

98 97 Examples of CS Larvae: European Pine Sawfly Jack Pine Sawfly Introduced Pine Sawfly

99 98 Examples of CS Larvae: Redheaded Pine Sawfly Red Pine Sawfly Virginia Pine Sawfly White Pine Sawfly

100 99 Black-headed Pine Sawfly

101 100

102 101 Adult EPSM

103 102 EPSM Pupa In A Tunneled Twig

104 103 EPSM Damage On Pine Twig

105 104 Pitch Accumulation Where EPSM Larva Is Feeding

106 105 Symptoms Of Injury From EPSM

107 106

108 107 Adult Female SB

109 108 SB Larvae

110 109 SB Damage On Balsam Fir

111 110

112 111 “Web” Of Pine Webworm

113 112 PW Damage, Nest (web) And Larval Stages

114 113

115 114 NPTM Adult

116 115 Typical NPTM Damage To Pine Shoot

117 116

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