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2nd Panel, Best Practices: “ IPR in Successful University-Industry Collaborations” Dr. Tamar Raz, CEO Hadasit, the Technology Transfer Company of Hadassah.

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Presentation on theme: "2nd Panel, Best Practices: “ IPR in Successful University-Industry Collaborations” Dr. Tamar Raz, CEO Hadasit, the Technology Transfer Company of Hadassah."— Presentation transcript:

1 2nd Panel, Best Practices: “ IPR in Successful University-Industry Collaborations” Dr. Tamar Raz, CEO Hadasit, the Technology Transfer Company of Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO), Jerusalem

2 2 Technology Transfer: Where Business Meet Science Academic innovation is at the forefront of the Israeli economy. Israeli technology transfer companies promote the transfer of academic-based technologies for the benefit of society and have a direct contribution to the country’s industrial and scientific success.

3 Technology Transfer from Israeli Academy - I

4 Technology Transfer from Israeli Academy - II Mobileye Pepper Hybrids Polymerico Fiber Optics Cherry Tomato Hybrids Sandisk Chip Motorola Barcode Reader NDS Smart Card

5 Corporate Structure Hadasit Corporate Structure Hadassah 100% Established 1912 Established & Incorporated 1986

6 of the National Science Foundation Awards to bio- medical research in Israeli hospitals 60% Scientific publications in the past 5 years >2000 Winners of “Israel Prize” awards 12 Research in Hadassah Hadassah is considered as a Center of Excellence in research

7 Policies University policies determine the way we work! Ownership policies on inventions (may involve government policy) Clear university policies on: – Sharing of royalties – Publication, confidentiality – Use of university resources by industry and particularly spin-outs – Right of faculty to participate in spin-out companies, consulting to industry, etc. 7 Israel, Patents Law, 1967 The Patents Law, 5727-1967 “Service Inventions” (Chapter VIII, Article 132) Employees’ invention belong to the Employer Israel, Patents Law, 1967 The Patents Law, 5727-1967 “Service Inventions” (Chapter VIII, Article 132) Employees’ invention belong to the Employer

8 Licensing  Technology scouting  IP management  Commercialization Managing Relationship and Interactions with Industry  Marketing and support of clinical trials and pre-clinical services Long Term Short Term Core Expertise of Technology Transfer Organization

9 Hadasit – Solid Reality and Potential upside ACTIVE PATENT FAMILIES ~ 200 ALREADY LICENSED 46% NEW ESTABLISHED COMPANIES >40 Novel Therapeutics Diagnostics Medical devices

10 The technology Transfer process Evaluation Patenting & Marketing Strategy Business Development Follow Up on Contract Revenues Revenue Sharing: 40% - The inventor/s 20% - For Research 40% - The Institution Research Discovery & Innovation

11 Licensing Deal Models and Revenue Strategies Research funds Fees and milestones payments Running royalties Equity participation Research and option agreements Licensing deals - licensing of IP and know how to an existing company New venture formation - licensing of IP to a start-up company

12 Hadasit Selected Partners

13 Hadasit Potential UpsideProduct Pipeline Drugs & Molecules Medical Devices Diagnostics & Services

14 Hadasit Golden Nuggets Success Stories Hadasit Golden Nuggets Success Stories

15 DOXIL (J&J) - Doxorubicin HCL Liposomal Injection Prof. Yechezkel Barenholz Faculty of Medicine, HUJI Prof. Alberto Gabizon Hadassah Medical Center DOXIL is used primarily to treat ovarian and breast cancer by using a lipid-based formulation that has a cancer-killing drug inside it. Product Jointly Developed by Hebrew University & Hadassah Hospital Commercialized to ALZA – Bought By J&J Worldwide sales of DOXIL in 2013 were about US$600 M, with US$250 M coming from the US market.

16 Immuron Ltd is a publicly listed Australian biopharmaceutical company focused on oral immunotherapy using dairy-derived antibody products for humans. Travelan® is a natural product which is specifically designed to prevent Travellers’ Diarrhea. NASH IMM-124E is a natural product for the treatment of Fatty Liver and NASH. Currently in phase II clinical trials. Hadassah serves as Immuron’s clinical trials site and carried out Immuron’s first successful proof of concept Prof. Yaron Ilan Immuron’s Chief Medical Officer

17 Business Strategy and Main Challenges

18  Excel in technology transfer by:  Increasing the number and quality of available IP  Sophisticated and state of the art license deals  Develop partnerships between Hadassah inventors and the business community by:  Providing sponsored research opportunities and services to the industrial community  Main challenges  Bridge the development gap – support new opportunities  Active scouting / managing relationship with faculty staff  Finding the right partners Business Strategy - Key Points

19 For further information please contact Thank you.

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