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DrawingML Basics
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Tip of a Large Iceberg DrawingML is extremely complex, a huge topic.
In this module we’ll focus on the things you’re most likely to use, and leave other details for your own research later if desired.
Shapes, Pictures, Graphic Frames, charts
DrawingML General Concepts
5 Main types of objects Shape Group Shape Connector Picture Graphic Frame General-purpose container Used for Charts, Diagrams, Tables Most widely used elements are Property elements Non-Visible Properties (nvPrs): union of common nvPrs and object specific nvPrs Visible Properties: object specific In this module, we’ll be covering the highlighted topics: shapes, pictures, graphic frame, charts, diagrams. We’ve seen the Picture object in the company logo we inserted in lab 04. It’s possible to use complex DrawingML objects without getting bogged down in details, because it’s often just a matter of setting a few properties. 2. cNvPicPr and cNvPr and spPr, non-visual picture properties, non-visual drawing properties and shape properties. How do these relate? The relation is this. Within the nvPicPr element you see both cNvPicPr and cNvPr. The later (cNvPr) is used to denote general object properties that have nothing to do with the visual appearance of the object but aid the generating application in keeping track of the elements on the canvas. The former (cNvPicPr) has to do with the same object properties that have nothing to do with visual appearance but these are specific to pictures only and thus this separate element is used to denote this. Then there are the shape properties (spPr) which are visual properties meaning they effect the visual appearance of the shape, i.e. scaling on the shape, 3D, shadow, etc. So all in all we have two categories (visual + non-visual) and within the non-visual both items are prefixed with a “c” denoting they are “canvas” properties to store canvas identification information for the generating app to use to keep track of everything.
DrawingML Coordinate System
Measured in EMU (English Metrical Unit) 914,400 EMU per inch 12,700 EMU in a point 360,000 EMU per cm EMU = least common denominator; never lose anything in conversions between inches and meters. Note not Cartesian coordinates – increasing Y values go down.
Shapes Preset geometry Text geometry Custom geometry
spTree nvGrpSpPr grpSpPr sp nvSpPr spPr xfrm geo fillProperties lineProperties effectProperties scene3D sp3D bwMode style txBody Preset geometry Pick the preset shape Specify the adjust values for the shape Text geometry Pick the preset text shape Specify the adjust values for the text shape Custom geometry Not covered in this course Sample Text Point out the non-visible properties (nvSpPr) and the visible (spPr) properties
Shape Line and Fill Properties
Dash Line and Solid Fill <a:ln> <a:solidFill> <a:srgbClr val="4F81BD" /> </a:solidFill> <a:prstDash val="sysDash" /> </a:ln> Line Fill Dashed Line BLIP (Binary Large Image or Pictures) Fill <a:blipFill> <a:blip r:embed="rId2" /> <a:stretch> <a:fillRect /> </a:stretch> </a:blipFill> Indicates relationship id to image data Gradient Fill <a:gradFill flip="none" rotWithShape="1"> <a:gsLst> <a:gs pos="0"> <a:srgbClr val="DDEBCF" /> </a:gs> <a:gs pos="50000"> <a:srgbClr val="9CB86E" /> ... </a:gsLst> <a:lin ang=" " scaled="0" /> <a:tileRect /> </a:gradFill> As we’ll see later, there are differences between a rectangular shape with a blip fill and an actual picture object. Gradient stop and color DEMO
DrawingML Text Text is largely modeled after Word’s design
Similar structures Similar naming conventions Different schemas We can apply all graphic effects to text Some limited to runs Some limited to paragraph <p:spPr> ... <a:effectLst> <a:reflection blurRad="6350" stA="50000" endA="300" endPos="90000" dir=" “ sy=" " algn="bl" /> </a:effectLst> </p:spPr> <p:txBody> <a:bodyPr wrap="none" rtlCol="0"> <a:spAutoFit /> </a:bodyPr> <a:lstStyle /> <a:p> <a:r> <a:rPr b="1”> <a:solidFill> <a:srgbClr val="FF0000" /> </a:solidFill> </a:rPr> <a:t>Reflective Text</a:t> </a:r> </a:p> </p:txBody> Effect Text
Before 3-D Adjust Material types Apply 3-D Bevels 3-D Scene Definition
<a:scene3d> <a:camera prst="isometricRightUp" /> <a:lightRig rig="threePt" dir="t" /> </a:scene3d> <a:sp3d extrusionH="152400" /> 3-D Scene Definition The 3D scene is a combination of various other 3D effects. Apply 3-D Scene Above Before DEMO
Pictures vs. Shapes Two overlaid fills allowed Borders grow outward
Lock aspect ratio flag Cannot have text attached Can have shape properties Picture specific UI enabled Single fill allowed Borders grow in/outward Must be done by app Can have text attached Can have shape properties Shape specific UI enabled
Defining a Picture Define a Picture: <p:pic/>
<p:nvPicPr> <p:cNvPr id="4" name="lake.jpeg" /> <p:cNvPicPr> <a:picLocks noChangeAspect="1" /> </p:cNvPicPr> <p:nvPr /> </p:nvPicPr> <p:blipFill> <a:blip r:embed="rId2" /> <a:stretch> <a:fillRect /> </a:stretch> </p:blipFill> <p:spPr> <a:xfrm> <a:off x="762000" y="571500" /> <a:ext cx=" " cy=" " /> </a:xfrm> <a:prstGeom prst="rect"> <a:avLst /> </a:prstGeom> </p:spPr> </p:pic> Define a Picture: <p:pic/> Source image rel. id <a:blip r:embed=“rId2”/> Acts similar to a shape <p:spPr/> Non-Visual picture properties convey picture specific save properties <p:nvPicPr/> Similar for Audio & Video Demonstrate changing shape of this picture – Format tab, Picture Shape. Non-visual properties include original filename.
Picture Properties Multiple Fills Allows for two fills to be applied such as a picture and a color fill Picture Borders Because of the nature of pictures the borders grow outwards rather than in/outwards Lock Aspect Ratio Resizing a picture can be done with or without the aspect ratio locked 1. 2. 3.
Graphic OBJECTs and Charts
DEMO: show swapping the line-chart/bar-chart pieces in a worksheet. Also show the specific differences with diffopc+. Graphic OBJECTs and Charts
Graphic Objects Graphic element represents a single graphical object
GraphicData element and Uri attribute Specifies the namespace for the embedded content Tells the consumer how to interpret the graphicData Ability to render is application specific Office supports a set of specific URI values: … Graphic Object See example in Lab 04 for a demo. URI means chart follows <graphic> <a:graphicData uri=" <c:chart xmlns:c=" xmlns:r=" r:id="rd123232" /> </a:graphicData> </graphic> DEMO
Charts Overview Visualization of information
Can be reused across applications / formats Rich chart types 11 types 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional DEMO ChartSwapping
Elements of a Chart Graphic Object definition Chart XML Part
References separate XML chart part Defined in DrawingML namespace Chart XML Part Visual representation of data. Includes a cache of data for chart. Includes formatting using DrawingML. Data Relationship External relationship to file, or Internal relationship to embedded spreadsheet Spreadsheets point to their own data. Chart Drawing Contains shapes and pictures drawn on chart Graphic Object 1 rId n XML Chart Part n 0,1 rId rId 1 1 Data Source Chart Drawing
Main Elements of the Chart Part XML
Namespace " Element Description <chartSpace/> Root node includes chart. <chart/> Root element for the chart. <view3D/> If the chart is 3D, specifies the 3D view. <plotArea/> Defines a layout and contains an element that defines the type of chart. <*Chart/> The type of chart (Bar, Pie, etc.) <ser/> Defines a series of data in the chart <cat/> Category (axis) cache data (strings) <val/> Values cache data (numbers). <legend/> Specifies the legend. <catAx/> <valAx/> Bar Chart specific values <chartSpace> <chart> <view3D/> <plotArea> <layOut/> <barChart> <ser> <cat/> <val/> </ser> </barChart> <catAx/> <valAx/> </plotArea> <legend/> </chart> </chartSpace>
Chart Data Cache Structure
Chart XML fragment <barChart> <!-- pears --> <ser> <cat/> <val/> </ser> <!-- apples --> <!-- lemons --> </barChart> Series <ser> Pears Apples Lemons East 4.3 2.4 2 West 2.5 4.4 North 3.5 1.8 3 South 4.5 2.8 5 Categories <cat> Values <val> Your code writes this XML to set chart data!
Specifying Series Data Points
Strings or numbers Literals or references Point values String Reference Number Reference <c:strRef> <!-- ref formula --> <c:f>Sheet1!$A$2:$A$5</c:f> <!-- data cache --> <c:strCache> <c:ptCount val="4" /> <c:pt idx="0"> <c:v>East</c:v> </c:pt> <c:pt idx="1"> <c:v>West</c:v> <c:pt idx="2"> <c:v>North</c:v> <c:pt idx="3"> <c:v>South</c:v> </c:strCache> </c:strRef> <c:numRef> <!-- ref formula --> <c:f>Sheet1!$B$2:$B$5</c:f> <!-- data cache --> <c:numCache> <c:ptCount val="4" /> <c:pt idx="0"> <c:v>4.3</c:v> </c:pt> <c:pt idx="1"> <c:v>2.5</c:v> <c:pt idx="2"> <c:v>3.5</c:v> <c:pt idx="3"> <c:v>4.5</c:v> </c:numCache> </c:numRef> String Literal <c:strLit> <c:ptCount val="4" /> <c:pt idx="0"> <c:v>East</c:v> </c:pt> <c:pt idx="1"> <c:v>West</c:v> <c:pt idx="2"> <c:v>North</c:v> <c:pt idx="3"> <c:v>South</c:v> </c:strLit>
Inserting Drawing Objects into Documents
Inserting DrawingML Objects Overview
Drawing Types Allowed Charts Diagrams Locked Canvases Viewed but not edited by host Pictures The core DrawingML is the same in all hosts Location varies by host Wordprocessing: main body Spreadsheet: drawing part Presentation: slide Packaging (“shim”) varies DEMO
Drawings in WordprocessingML
<w:p> <w:r> <w:drawing> <wp:inline distT="0" distB="0" distL="0" distR="0"> <wp:extent cx=" " cy=" " /> <wp:effectExtent l="57150" t="19050" r="38100" b="5080" /> <wp:docPr id="1" name="Chart 1" /> <wp:cNvGraphicFramePr /> <a:graphic xmlns:a= ... </a:graphic> </wp:inline> </w:drawing> </w:r> </w:p> Shim defines anchor and flow Graphic object
Drawings in SpreadsheetML
<xdr:wsDr xmlns:xdr=" xmlns:a=" <xdr:twoCellAnchor> <xdr:from> ... </xdr:from> <xdr:to> </xdr:to> <xdr:graphicFrame> <xdr:nvGraphicFramePr> <xdr:cNvPr id="2" name="MySalesChart" /> <xdr:cNvGraphicFramePr /> </xdr:nvGraphicFramePr> <xdr:xfrm> <a:off x="0" y="0" /> <a:ext cx="0" cy="0" /> </xdr:xfrm> <a:graphic> </a:graphic> </xdr:graphicFrame> <xdr:clientData /> </xdr:twoCellAnchor> </xdr:wsDr> Shim defines anchor and non-visual properties Graphic object
Drawings in PresentationML
<p:spTree> <p:nvGrpSpPr> ... </p:nvGrpSpPr> <p:grpSpPr> </p:grpSpPr> <p:graphicFrame> <p:nvGraphicFramePr> <p:cNvPr id="4" name="slide3Chart" /> <p:cNvGraphicFramePr /> <p:nvPr /> </p:nvGraphicFramePr> <p:xfrm> <a:off x="762000" y=" " /> </p:xfrm> <a:graphic> </a:graphic> </p:graphicFrame> </p:spTree> No shim. The shape is in the tree Graphic object
Inserting Drawings in WordprocessingML Documents
Object Positioning (Anchoring)
Two ways to anchor in WordprocessingML: In line with text (<inline>) - The object is displayed within the regular text stream (modifying line height, etc. to accommodate it) Floating (<anchor>) – The object is absolutely positioned within the document and text flow is modified as needed around it The type of anchoring is specified by the main element <w:p> <w:r> <w:drawing> <wp:inline distT="0" distB="0" distL="0" distR="0"> ... <wp:cNvGraphicFramePr /> <a:graphic xmlns:a=" <a:graphicData </a:graphicData> </a:graphic> </wp:inline> </w:drawing>
WordprocessingML Inline Objects
The most basic type of DrawingML object placement is in line with text The object is displayed like a large character glyph
WordprocessingML Floating Objects
Floating objects are positioned on the page independent of text They can be positioned: Absolutely (e.g. 1” inside the top margin) Relatively (e.g. centered within the page margins) 9525 EMUs inside the column <wp:positionH relativeFrom="column"> <wp:posOffset>9525</wp:posOffset> </wp:positionH> <wp:positionV relativeFrom="paragraph"> <wp:posOffset>635</wp:posOffset> </wp:positionV> 635 EMUs below the paragraph
Floating Object Text Wrapping in WordML
Five ways to specify how text flows around the object Element Example Description wrapNone The object is positioned on the document and text is not displaced around it wrapSquare The object is positioned on the document and an implied rectangle determines the wrapping extents wrapTight A wrapping polygon, defined and stored in the file, determines the text wrapping extents wrapThrough Similar to tight wrapping – but any indents in the wrap polygon can be filled with text wrapTopAndBottom Text cannot wrap around either side of the object DEMO WP Anchoring
Shapes created in WordprocessingML use VML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <w:document xmlns:w= xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" ...> <w:body> <w:p> <w:r> <w:pict> <v:shapetype id="_x0000_t12" coordsize="21600,21600" o:spt="12“ path="m10800,l8280,8259,,8259r6720,5146l4200,21600r6600, l17400,21600,14880,13405,21600,8259r-8280,xe"> <v:stroke joinstyle="miter"/> <v:path gradientshapeok="t" o:connecttype="custom" o:connectlocs="10800,0;0,8259;4200,21600; 17400,21600;21600,8259" textboxrect="6720,8259,14880,15628"/> </v:shapetype> <v:shape id="_x0000_s1026" type="#_x0000_t12“ style="width:47.25pt; height:44.9pt;mso-position-horizontal-relative:char;mso position-vertical-relative:line" fillcolor="#c6d9f1 [671]“ strokecolor="#4f81bd [3204]"> <w10:wrap type="none"/> <w10:anchorlock/> </v:shape> </w:pict> </w:r> </w:p> VML Namespace VML Elements
Inserting DrawingML into Spreadsheet Documents
Graphical Objects in SpreadsheetML
Worksheet Drawings stored in Drawing Part Linked by Relationship ID. Root element: <xdr:wsDr/> Anchoring properties (3 types) Absolute: <xdr:absoluteAnchor/> One cell: <xdr:oneCellAnchor/> Two cell: <xdr:twoCellAnchor/> Drawing elements Sheet 1 rId 1 Drawing Part wsDr = SML shim, like drawing tag is WML shim DEMO Charts Shapes
Absolute Anchoring Don’t move or size with cells
Position explicitly specified Measured in EMUs Extents explicitly specified <xdr:absoluteAnchor> <xdr:pos x=“ " y=“ " /> <xdr:ext cx=“ " cy=“ "/> Anchor extents override shape transform extents
One Cell Anchoring Move with cells Position locked to single cell
<xdr:oneCellAnchor> <xdr:from> <xdr:col>3</xdr:col> <xdr:colOff>447675</xdr:colOff> <xdr:row>8</xdr:row> <xdr:rowOff>28575</xdr:rowOff> </xdr:from> <xdr:ext cx=“ " cy=“ "/> ... Move with cells Position locked to single cell Position explicitly specified Measured in EMUs Extents explicitly specified Anchored to a specific cell, moves with the cell.
Two Cell Anchoring Move and size with cells
<xdr:twoCellAnchor> <xdr:from> <xdr:col>3</xdr:col> <xdr:colOff>447675</xdr:colOff> <xdr:row>8</xdr:row> <xdr:rowOff>28575</xdr:rowOff> </xdr:from> <xdr:to> <xdr:col>5</xdr:col> <xdr:colOff>466725</xdr:colOff> <xdr:row>14</xdr:row> <xdr:rowOff>9525</xdr:rowOff> </xdr:to> Move and size with cells Position locked to cell range From position specified Measured in EMUs To position specified Sizing based on cell range Size and position locked to cell range. This is what we do in lab 07 (coming up!). Pull up sample doc, go to Format/Size/Properties on the chart. Show behavior. DEMO
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